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Frameworks That Allow You to Be an Effective Leader with Del Denney

Frameworks That Allow You to Be an Effective Leader with Del Denney Del Denney is a keynote speaker, performance coach, and leadership consultant. Having consulted for the top personal development training organizations in the U.S., Del has addressed thousands of people in toxin seminars. He joins the show today to help distill the complex topic of leadership down to a simple framework that you can apply in your practice immediately.

Listen in as Del shares how he developed his growth mindset and ended up being an expert and leader in the personal development field. You’ll learn why people lack clarity in purpose and vision, as well as how that applies to dentistry, so you can better find clarity and purpose in your career. Del also walks through the value of having frameworks to follow and provides one that will help you increase your influence with your staff and your patients.

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Key Quotes:

  • “My father was in prison, I was doing crazy stuff, and long story short, I realized that the path I was on would lead to the same place he was at. It was Christmas night, and I realized that if I want all of this to change, I have to change. That’s when my personal growth journey started.”
  • “It doesn’t have to be this fluffy thing—follow step 1, step 2, step 3. People overcomplicate things. Just find the framework and go with it.”
  • “The question is: Who do you want to serve? And how do you serve well? That helps to guide you into your purpose.”
  • “When we get distracted, that’s when unhappiness comes. When we get clear on our vision and keep it in the forefront of our mind, we’ll be much happier.”
  • “The fact is, we’re all leaders, and I hope that people realize that. Leadership is influence.”
  • “The foundation of leadership is developing relationships with your staff and patients.”
  • “A great leader is a servant leader. Your job is to listen to your staff. This is a chance to observe your staff so that you can serve your staff.”

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Special Care Dentistry with Michael Thomas

Special Care Dentistry with Michael Thomas Michael Thomas joins the show today to talk about the Special Care Dentistry Association and share why special care dentistry is so close to his heart and such an important part of his dentistry career. He also offers insight into the unique mental, physical, and emotional needs that crop up in special care dentistry.

Listen in as we discuss the importance of understanding, connection, and trust when it comes to working with special needs patients, as well as how dentists can better equip themselves to provide care for patients with special needs. You’ll hear some great tips and techniques for communicating with and caring for patients who need special care in order to become acclimated to dental procedures.

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Key Quotes:

  • “The dentists who do have the most fulfilling careers—it’s the connection to the patient, not the connection to the procedure that really defines them.”
  • “She didn’t look at humanity the way any of us did. She looked at it without any hatred or prejudice or any kind of negativity. She saw people for who they are.”
  • “As the trust goes up, the need for drugs and sedation goes down.”
  • “What I’m seeing is that many dentists do not want to treat special needs individuals because they take too much time, many of them are Medicaid patients, and they don’t have the financial reimbursement that many other patients do.”
  • “They call it the practice of dentistry, and you are never officially done learning.”
  • “There are so many different facets on how you, yourself, can be more aware in delivering the best care possible to not only the patient with special needs, but their caregiver as well.”

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Dentists Helping Dentists Find More Success and Happiness with Dr. Paul Goodman

Dentists Helping Dentists Find More Success and Happiness with Dr. Paul Goodman Are you looking for more success and happiness? Dr. Paul Goodman is the creator of Dental Nachos, a Facebook group that is 28,000+ members strong and aims to increase both of those things among dentists. Part dentist, part stand-up comedian, part clinical mentor, part practice transition specialist, and one of the funniest people you may ever meet, Paul joins the show today to share his awesome insight.

With a lot of humor, we’re talking about when and why Paul created Dental Nachos, as well as where the unusual name came from. Paul is also sharing why he thinks dental school training is irresponsible, the 3 D’s of dentistry that ultimately hurt the industry, and the legitimate concerns the industry is facing. Listen in to learn how those concerns are influencing the dream of autonomy and practice ownership that dentists strive for—and what can be done about it.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Dental implants are one of the greatest inventions the world has ever seen.”
  • “Get to ‘good-ish’ first, then go from there.”
  • “Dental school does not give us the tools we really need to succeed out there in the real world where the game is being played.”
  • “I hope I could be part of the solution for dentistry by having some of these tough conversations.”
  • “It has become incredibly complex to run a dental practice.”
  • “Social media is great, but it lacks context and it can divide as easily as it can bring together.”

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Stop Waiting: Become the Leader You’ve Always Wanted To Be with Dr. CK Lin

Stop Waiting: Become the Leader You’ve Always Wanted To Be with Dr. CK Lin Are you a high-achiever? If you answered yes, you’ll definitely want to listen to this episode. Dr. CK Lin is an executive mentor for high-achievers who supports them to be the leaders they’ve always wanted to be—and to achieve success beyond material things. CK is also a master interviewer with a podcast called Noble Warrior, where he goes right to the heart of things and dives into what really matters.

In this episode, CK is discussing how the idea for his podcast came from Burning Man, how he got started in the coaching business, and why it matters how leaders show up. Listen in to learn his tips on personal mastery, how to gain momentum to impact people and patients in your practice, and the one key question you should be asking to get real clarity in your life and business.

Tune in to more Mind Shift Podcast Episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “If it’s not deep, it’s not worth doing.”
  • “You need to find what is harmonious for you.”
  • “Human beings don’t like to be told what to do.”
  • “At its best is harmony; not at its best is performance.”
  • “Copying your competitors is a good shortcut, but if that’s your only strategy to be successful, you’re not going to be an industry leader or innovator.”
  • “All those disempowering beliefs are obstructing you from this inner source of power and ideas and creativity and inner peace to actually make the kind of impact that you want to make.”

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Harnessing the Science of Positive Persuasion with Jason Linett

Jason Linett is a hypnotic influence expert who works with entrepreneurs and business owners. As a certified professional hypnotist, he’s dedicated nearly two decades to helping clients harness the science of positive persuasion. In this episode, we’ll be talking about how this applies to you as a leader, your patients, and your team in a way that will help your business prosper.

Listen in to hear how to use hypnosis to be a better leader and more successful in the ways that you communicate. Jason explains the keys to harnessing your influence and the power of persuasion in an ethical and positive way, the importance of building rapport, and ways that you can improve your conversation and communication with your clients and your team.

Tune in to more Mind Shift Episode Podcast

Key Quotes:

  • “There’s a long history of doctors using hypnotic suggestion.”
  • “We’re only moving toward that common shared outcome.”
  • “Too many people are too timid in terms of making the ask or making the recommendation, and there are ways we can go about presenting this recommendation in such a way that the person is hearing the value of it.”
  • “We are a media or educational company first, before a company that provides a product or service.”
  • “We can model our language in such a way as a true statement, a true statement, a true statement, followed by then a suggestion. What that does is it creates a subconscious ‘uh-huh’ response in the brain.”
  • “Rather than sell somebody into a specific action, sell them into what they’ll be doing once they’re inside of that action.”

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Love Your Practice with Dr. Laura Mach

Love Your Practice with Dr. Laura Mach - Relenless Dentist Podcast Dr. Laura Mach is a fellow dentist, podcaster, and leadership coach whose focus is on female dental practice owners. Through her Love Your Practice program, she guides clients on how to lead in a way that creates less stress and more peace in their practice and their life.

Listen in as Laura shares her journey into dentistry and why she made the decision to buy her private practice only eight months after graduating from dental school. She’ll also dive into the shift that happened for her to evolve as a leader, why everything we do is driven by only one thing, and why culture change really needs to start from the top to become fundamental to an organization.

Tune in to more Mind Shift Episode Podcast

Key Quotes:

  • “If I can be aware of that thought and look at it differently, it’s going to create something completely different.”
  • “I questioned the morality of my choice, but at the same time, I still had that fire from the epiphany moment when I knew I could be a dentist.”
  • “Entrepreneurs risk their own money and their own comfort because they believe that something better is coming.”
  • “You can be a life coach and still worry about the same stuff, because even life coaches have human brains.”
  • “My job as a coach is to show people what their brains are doing.”
  • “People think if they change the facts, it will change how they feel. But changing the fact does not change how you feel—you have to change what you’re thinking in order to change how you feel.”

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Using Mindset to Maximize Your Potential with Pam Christian

Using Mindset to Maximize Your Potential with Pam Christian - RD Podcast I believe that your mind is your greatest asset, which is why I’m very excited to have Pam Christian on the show today. Pam is someone who helps people break through limiting beliefs and crush unhealthy habits. She is an entrepreneur, author, mindset coach, speaker, and host of The Juice Podcast. In the culture of fear that we are dealing with today, Pam will help us tap into our most valuable resource in order to maximize our potential.

Listen in to hear Pam’s story about how she discovered her passion and purpose in life. You’ll get some great insight from her about how to eliminate the self-created barriers that keep us from living up to our potential. Pam also discusses how to maximize your effectiveness on both a personal and professional level.

Tune in to more Mind Shift Episode Podcast

Key Quotes:

  • “There are all these different things that could get in your way and impact your mindset, but if every day you wake up and write down the three reasons you got into dentistry in the first place, you’re going to go back to that.”
  • “Our thoughts—which dictate our mindset—are a predictor of how we’re going to get through.”
  • “The dots don’t make sense as you’re moving forward, but when you look back, you see how they all connect and lead you to this point today.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Meditation is key. It is crucial, but people don’t know how to do it.”
  • “Most people don’t know that thoughts can be different.”
  • “When you start to do more things that resonate with you and fill you up, you naturally become more loving to yourself because you’re doing things that are good for you.”

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Approaching Life with a Leadership Mindset with Dr. Taher Dhoon and Dr. Chris Green

Approaching Life with a Leadership Mindset with Dr. Taher Dhoon and Dr. Chris Green Today’s guests are willing to do what other people are not. They figure out ways to engineer over the leadership challenges, the team turmoil, and the patient unrest. In this episode, Dr. Taher Dhoon and Dr. Chris Green join the show to share insights from their book, The Practice Launchpad, and explain the impact the current pandemic has had on their business.

Listen in as they explain how they have harvested what everyone is looking for in dentistry: more revenue, more profit, more time, and more meaning. You will learn the benefit of approaching life with a leadership mindset, whether anyone can own practice and more.

Tune in for more Prescriptions for Your Practice

Key Quotes:

  • ”You have to have a framework to go off of and then pick and choose what fits the practice you’re building.”
  • “We’re just legitimately out there to help people.”
  • “Being a husband and a father are far more important than the business aspect of things.”
  • “Anyone can own a practice surrounding themselves with the right people.”
  • “If you want to make it somewhere, research is critical!”
  • “You don’t have to pay money to get good knowledge these days.”

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Money Mindset with Rob Gill

Money Mindset with Rob Gill - Relentless Dentist Podcast How does our psychology impact our ability to be proactive and be smart business owners? In this episode, Rob Gill, Founder of EPIC Financial Strategies, shares his thoughts on “money mindsets” and how to avoid staying in a fear posture, squirreling away cash, and not making the necessary investments needed in our businesses.

Listen in as Rob explains the importance of planning properly for the unexpected so that you are in a position to prosper. You will learn Rob’s thoughts on insurance and what the right kind of insurance can complement within your wealth management. This is not an episode to be missed, as Rob shares his advice for anyone looking for a no-nonsense tactical strategy for their money management.

Listen in and find more Wealth Wisdom

Key Quotes:

  • “Money is a mindset, and I believe that people typically look at money from two points of view: one is scarcity, and one is abundance.”
  • “How do we ask ourselves the questions that lead us to abundance?”
  • “It’s not about resources as much as it is about being resourceful.”
  • “If we can plan properly for the unexpected while taking advantage of the normal ebbs and flows, then we will put you in a position to prosper.”
  • “It’s not the splash—it’s the ripple from the splash.”
  • “By using the right kind of insurance, it will complement your wealth management side.”

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Fix A Smile, Fix A Life with Dr. Bill Dorfman

Fix A Smile, Fix A Life with Dr. Bill Dorfman After being involved in an accident at a young age and needing multiple procedures to ensure his adult teeth would grow in properly, Dr. Bill Dorfman witnessed the power of dentistry. He is now the owner of Century City Aesthetic Dentistry, where he is responsible for creating dazzling smiles for some of LA’s biggest stars. Today he joins the show to share why it isn’t just about appearance for him, but rather helping people gain the confidence they need to live the life they want.

In this episode, Dr. Bill shares how he developed such a strong work ethic and the lengths he went to in order to land his first job. You’ll learn the importance of making your own opportunities instead of waiting for them to fall in your lap, why practice makes permanent, and the benefits of surrounding yourself with people who help you grow.

Be inspired and listen in to more stories at Hints for Happiness

Key Quotes:

  • “Most people say meaner things to themselves than they would ever allow anybody else to say to them.”
  • “When you fix a smile, you fix a life.”
  • “I learned how to study better, not more.”
  • “If you want to get the best letter of recommendation, write it yourself.”
  • ”Successful people are willing to do the things that other people aren’t.”
  • “Our future lies in our kids.”
  • ”Don’t wait for opportunities in life—make them.”
  • “Practice makes permanent.”

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