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The Ugly Truth About “Surface Success”: What Dentists Need to Know

Text overlay on a blue background. In the top left corner is a white logo with the letters "RD" stacked and the word "RELENTLESS" below it written in a bold, sans-serif font. Below the logo is black text that reads: "Dr. David Maloley." Centered on the image is white text in a display font that reads: "THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT 'SURFACE SUCCESS': WHAT DENTISTS NEED TO KNOW." Below this text, centered on the image, is black text in a sans-serif font that reads "DR. DAVE MALOLEY" followed by "Host and Coach, Relentless Dentist" and "PODCAST."Is your pursuit of success leaving you feeling drained and disconnected?

In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Dave reveals the harsh reality behind “surface success” and its hidden costs.

  • Unmasking Surface Success: Understand why financial milestones and external praise aren’t enough and may actually be harming your personal and professional life.
  • Deep Winning Defined: Discover how to align your practice with your core values, ensuring fulfillment and harmony in both your career and personal life.
  • Practical Strategies: Learn actionable steps to build a high-profit, low-stress practice that enriches your life and the lives of those around you.

Transform your approach to success, strengthen your relationships, and boost your practice’s efficiency.

Listen now to uncover the secrets to achieving meaningful success and a fulfilling dental practice. Don’t miss out—your journey to true success starts here!

Are you ready to upgrade your practice? Need help implementing the Dentists Ascend Method? Don’t miss Dr. Dave’s presentation: ‘How to Build a Referral-Centric, High-Profit Dental Practice Without the Team Drama — Even if You’re Currently Overwhelmed.‘ This resource is tailored to help you enhance your operations, boost patient referrals, and increase profits while creating a self-managing team. Perfect for any dental practice owner looking to win in today’s challenging environment. Check it out now!

Key Quotes:

  • “If it makes you a worse person, it’s not success. If starting a business tears your relationships apart, and makes you feel bitter or frustrated with people, then it doesn’t matter how much money it makes or external praise it receives. That’s not success.”
  • “Dentistry should be about helping patients, building meaningful relationships, and creating a positive impact on your community.”
  • “Don’t chase surface success. It leads to burnout, strained relationships, and a hollow sense of achievement.”
  • “When your practice is in values alignment, everything changes because we reduce friction. You and your team are playing to your strengths. You’re fostering an environment where everyone thrives.”
  • “Deep winners are here for all of it… They don’t live in the delusion that life should be ups without the downs.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Ryan Holiday, a writer and media strategist, left college at 19 to apprentice under marketing guru Robert Greene. He then built a successful marketing career and founded Brass Check, a creative agency. Holiday is also a bestselling author known for his books on stoicism and personal growth.
  • People: Seth Godin, is a prolific writer and teacher who has spent over 30 years inspiring people to “level up” through his writing, courses, and projects. He’s a bestselling author with 20 books translated into nearly 40 languages, and the founder of the altMBA, a life-changing marketing workshop. Godin is passionate about igniting ideas and helping people make a difference in the world.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


From Chaos to Clarity: Elevate Your Dental Practice with the 6 Levels of Business Transformation

Podcast promotional image featuring Dr. Dave Maloley, host of the "Relentless Dentist" podcast. He is smiling and seated, wearing a casual blue jacket. The background displays a microphone and text stating "From Chaos to Clarity: Elevate Your Dental Practice with The 6 Levels of Business Transformation." The design emphasizes professional and educational content related to dental practice management.Feeling overwhelmed by endless issues and inefficiencies?

Exhausted from putting out fires every day without seeing lasting change?

Join Dr. Dave as he reveals a powerful framework to gain leverage, focus, and transform your dental practice.

  • Increase Profits: Discover the six levels of business transformation to unlock your practice’s full potential.
  • Reduce Overhead: Apply Robert Dilts’ logical levels for sustainable, high-impact changes.
  • Gain Free Time: Implement actionable steps to streamline operations, boost morale, and enhance patient satisfaction.

Tune in to learn how you can elevate your practice, achieve more profits, lower overhead, and enjoy increased free time.

Are you ready to upgrade your practice? Need help implementing the Dentists Ascend Method? Don’t miss Dr. Dave’s presentation: ‘How to Build a Referral-Centric, High-Profit Dental Practice Without the Team Drama — Even if You’re Currently Overwhelmed.‘ This resource is tailored to help you enhance your operations, boost patient referrals, and increase profits while creating a self-managing team. Perfect for any dental practice owner looking to win in today’s challenging environment. Check it out now!

Key Quotes:

  • “We get more leverage at the top of the pyramid because changes at the higher levels create a cascading effect down through the lower levels. So as an example, you’re gonna get the least yield changing the environment. You’re gonna get the most yield focusing on beliefs, identity, purpose for you and your team.”
  • “A cluttered, outdated office can stress both patients and staff, hindering productivity and satisfaction. Small changes like improving lighting, updating equipment, and creating a more organized workspace is going to make a big difference.”
  • “As a leader, model the behaviors you want to see. Punctuality, attentiveness, and proactive problem-solving are just some examples. Set clear expectations and provide regular feedback to help your team improve their own day-to-day interactions.”
  • “In your dental practice, ensuring that everyone, from the front desk to the hygienist, is well-trained and competent, including their people skills, boosts confidence and allows for more effective patient care.”
  • “As a leader, cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibility. Challenge limiting beliefs that hold your practice back.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Robert Dilts, is a leading expert and pioneer in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), having been involved since its creation in 1975. He is a renowned author, trainer, and consultant, known for his contributions to NLP techniques and applications. Dilts has a global reputation and has worked with individuals and organizations worldwide.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


How To Do What You Love

Promotional podcast image featuring Dr. Dave Maloley with the title "How to Do What You Love" from the Relentless Dentist series, showcasing the host in professional attire and a friendly demeanor.Feeling stuck in a rut with your dental practice? Discover strategies to inject excitement and purpose back into your daily routine.

Join Dr. Dave as he draws on insights from renowned entrepreneur Paul Graham’s essay, ‘How to Do What You Love.’ Learn how reigniting passion can dramatically improve your dental office.

This episode offers practical advice on revitalizing your practice, enhancing team dynamics, improving patient care, and boosting profitability—all through creativity and joy.

We’ll also examine the cultural reasons behind our dread of work and offer actionable steps to overcome this negative mindset.

  • Rethink Work Culture: How can addressing our beliefs about work lead to better financial and personal outcomes?
  • Enhance Team Dynamics: Is a fun and engaging work environment the key to boosting productivity?
  • Superior Patient Care: Discover how a happier team can provide unparalleled care and generate more word-of-mouth referrals.

Don’t resign yourself to lackluster workdays. Listen now and start revitalizing your practice into a more enjoyable and profitable endeavor!

Are you ready to upgrade your practice? Need help implementing the Dentists Ascend Method? Don’t miss Dr. Dave’s presentation: ‘How to Build a Referral-Centric, High-Profit Dental Practice Without the Team Drama — Even if You’re Currently Overwhelmed.‘ This resource is tailored to help you enhance your operations, boost patient referrals, and increase profits while creating a self-managing team. Perfect for any dental practice owner looking to win in today’s challenging environment. Check it out now!

Key Quotes:

  • “In the world of dentistry, where the precision of your practice intertwines with the satisfaction of your patients, loving what you do is not just a matter of personal fulfillment. It’s a real cornerstone of long-term success and financial prosperity.”
  • “A practice led by passion rather than obligation is more likely to attract and retain both patients and the most talented team, fostering a thriving business environment.”
  • “Encouraging your team to discover joy in their work, whether through continuous education, patient interactions, or community involvement, can redefine their professional lives and lift the entire practice to a new level.”
  • “It’s essential for dental practice owners to look beyond the financial gains and the societal recognition that we receive when we’re defining our professional path.”
  • “This mantra is vital for dental practice owners who must continually evolve to stay relevant in a rapidly changing field. Keep moving. Don’t get complacent.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Paul Graham, is an English-born computer scientist, entrepreneur, and essayist. He is known for his work on the Lisp programming language and for co-founding Y Combinator, the influential startup accelerator that launched companies like Dropbox, Airbnb, and Reddit.
  • People: David Senra, hosts The Founders Podcast, dissecting the lives of influential entrepreneurs to share actionable lessons. He emphasizes the value of learning from history’s business leaders, innovators, and strategists.
  • Essay: How To Do What You Love, Paul Graham
  • Blog: The Key to Motivating Your Dental Employees, Relentless Dentist Podcast
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Finding the CEO Within: Are You Leading or Just Practicing?

Promotional graphic for the Relentless Dentist podcast featuring Dr. Dave Maloley, dressed in professional attire, with the text 'Finding the CEO Within: Are You Leading or Just Practicing?Do you feel the weight of your dental practice on your shoulders despite your dedication? Are you ready to transcend traditional practice management and build the practice of your dreams?

Let’s delve into the world of leadership and high performance for dental practice owners. Learn the essential skills and strategies of a confident Dental CEO, from visionary leadership and financial acumen to team development and optimized patient experiences.

In this episode, Dr. Dave delves into a pressing issue faced by many dentists: the struggle to unlock the full potential of their practice despite their exceptional clinical skills.

  • Leadership Beyond the Chair: Explore the critical role of leadership and vision in running a successful dental practice.
  • The Cost of Avoidance: Discover the repercussions of lacking a dedicated CEO, from inconsistency to a lack of strategic direction.
  • The Danger of Delegation: Uncover why delegating CEO responsibilities leads to confusion and hinders the practice’s growth.

Ready to take your dental practice to new heights?

Embrace the role of a confident CEO by focusing on The Seven Imperatives! Tune in to learn how to lead your practice to greatness.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave’s Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

Key Quotes:

  • “Your clinical skills are the foundation of your practice. It’s the reason your patients walk through the door. But it’s your leadership, your ability to see beyond that day-to-day, to inspire and guide your team, to strategize and dream that will elevate your practice to greatness.”
  • “Embracing that CEO role with empathy and understanding for the challenges you face is not just an option, it’s really a necessity for those looking to transcend the limits of traditional practice management and truly win long-term.”
  • “A confident CEO must have a clear, compelling vision for the practice that goes beyond day-to-day operations. This vision should encapsulate where the practice is headed, what type of care it aims to provide, and how it seeks to innovate and lead in the dental industry at least within the community.”
  • “Understanding the financial health of the practice is paramount. This includes budgeting, forecasting, analyzing financial statements, and making informed decisions about investments, pricing strategies, and cost management.”
  • “The dental industry is rapidly evolving, and any sort of successful CEO is going to stay ahead of the curve through continuous learning and innovation.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


From Goals to Profits: 5 Pillars for Dental Practice Achievement

Are you a dental practice owner ready to level up, but unsure where to start? What if the key to success lies in five proven strategies?

Many practice owners feel lost, with either vague goals or so many they become overwhelming. But by focusing on five core principles, you can achieve the growth and fulfillment you desire.  Let’s unlock your potential and make success inevitable.

In this episode, Dr. Dave discusses five hidden principles that’ll help you crush your business goals. He distills the essence of achieving beyond the ordinary with strategies that blend ambition with actionable wisdom.

  • Future Identity Alignment: Explore how envisioning your ideal self can serve as a compass, guiding your steps toward significant success and ensuring your goals are not just met but exceeded.
  • Passion-Driven Goals: Uncover the strategy of pursuing goals that deeply resonate with your curiosities and core passions, guaranteeing sustained motivation and deeper satisfaction in your professional journey.
  • Empowerment Through Mastery: Dive into the concepts of personal influence and time management as critical tools for overcoming challenges, ensuring progress, and realizing your financial aspirations.

This episode is dedicated to dental practice owners aiming to transform their goals into tangible successes. Listen now to lay the groundwork for a future where your practice not only grows but flourishes beyond expectations.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave’s Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

Key Quotes:

  • “What if I told you that the secret to crushing your business goals isn’t just hard work, but five game-changing strategies that the most successful business owners swear by?”
  • “When a goal is rooted in intrinsic value, it resonates with your core passions and interests, ensuring that the journey towards achieving this goal is as rewarding as the destination itself.”
  • “Utilitarian value encompasses the tangible outcomes and the practical benefits derived from achieving business objectives…”
  • “The concept of bandwidth belief addresses the common hurdle that we face, the perception of not having enough time.”
  • “The principle of personal control and influence is a cornerstone of achieving substantial business goals.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Why Avoiding ‘Day 2’ is Crucial for your Dental Practice

What if there’s a tried and tested philosophy that can be the key to unlocking extraordinary success in your dental practice for 2024?

Unlock growth and elevate patient care with a game-changing philosophy inspired by Amazon’s success. Embrace continuous innovation, customer focus, and agility to transform your dental practice. Gain actionable insights for dynamic, agile decision-making that exceeds patient expectations.

In this episode, Dr. Dave delves into the transformative ‘Day One Philosophy’ and its surprising impact on dental practices:

  • Innovate or Stagnate? Uncover how continuous innovation isn’t just a buzzword but a necessity for staying at the dental forefront.
  • Beyond Treatment Plans: Explore the customer-centric approach that redefines patient experiences and skyrockets satisfaction.
  • Agility: Your Secret Weapon? Find out how being agile in business can outpace competitors and secure your practice’s future.
  • The Long Game in Dentistry: Learn why strategic long-term planning is crucial for more than just financial health.
  • A Learning Culture: Luxurious or Essential? Discover the underestimated power of cultivating a learning environment in your team.

Tune in to unravel these compelling concepts and see how they can radically elevate your practice.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. Limited to five dedicated dentists, ready for growth in 2024.

Key Quotes:

  • ”Starting every day off with this day-one mentality has made a huge difference for me and my business and life over the last six months.”
  • “Innovation is not just limited to your equipment and techniques. It includes improvements in your patient interactions, your office management, and marketing.”
  • “Agility in business operations is essential for a dental practice… Being agile means embracing flexibility in your approach.”
  • “Long-term strategic planning in your dental practice… involves goal setting and developing strategies to achieve these objectives over the next five, over the next 10, 15 years.”
  • “Cultivating a learning culture within your dental practice… means encouraging continuous professional development for your team.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Jeff Bezos, is an American entrepreneur and pioneer in e-commerce, best known as the founder of, Inc.
  • People: Steve Jobs, was an American businessman, inventor, and investor, renowned for co-founding Apple Inc.
  • People: Peter Drucker, was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author.
  • People: Jim Collins, is an expert in business management, as well as company growth and sustainability.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].
