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Money Mindset with Rob Gill

Money Mindset with Rob Gill - Relentless Dentist Podcast How does our psychology impact our ability to be proactive and be smart business owners? In this episode, Rob Gill, Founder of EPIC Financial Strategies, shares his thoughts on “money mindsets” and how to avoid staying in a fear posture, squirreling away cash, and not making the necessary investments needed in our businesses.

Listen in as Rob explains the importance of planning properly for the unexpected so that you are in a position to prosper. You will learn Rob’s thoughts on insurance and what the right kind of insurance can complement within your wealth management. This is not an episode to be missed, as Rob shares his advice for anyone looking for a no-nonsense tactical strategy for their money management.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Money is a mindset, and I believe that people typically look at money from two points of view: one is scarcity, and one is abundance.”
  • “How do we ask ourselves the questions that lead us to abundance?”
  • “It’s not about resources as much as it is about being resourceful.”
  • “If we can plan properly for the unexpected while taking advantage of the normal ebbs and flows, then we will put you in a position to prosper.”
  • “It’s not the splash—it’s the ripple from the splash.”
  • “By using the right kind of insurance, it will complement your wealth management side.”

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Making Secure Money Decisions with Reese Harper

Today I’m excited to sit down and chat with Reese Harper, who you may know from The Dentist Money Show. Reese has a great perspective on how to find security in the decisions you make with your money, and he joins the show to share tips for making better money decisions for your life and practice.

Listen in to hear Reese’s unique and interesting explanation of the stock market, as well as how we can restructure our thinking around money in order to make better decisions. You’ll learn what to do with your cash and how to stay confident in your financial choices today and moving forward.

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Key Quotes:

  • “During volatile and scary times, there are always people who come out of the woodwork about the end of the world happening. A lot of dentists buy into that fear.”
  • “A simple way of thinking about how the stock market works is that there are millions of people around the world who are making the decision to buy the stock or keep the money in their wallet – or sell the stock or hold onto the stock. It’s millions of people agreeing on the prices.”
  • “It’s not a gamble; it’s just science. The market, since 1926, has a 10% annual return that is composed of peaks and troughs that go down 45% that happen once every 7-8 years, and smaller dips at about 15%. We hadn’t had one since 2013 or even a really meaningful one since 2008.”
  • “Two people with the same amount of earnings, times that by 25 years, have choices of what they want to say yes to. All of these things will either leave you with nothing in the end or with financial security and financial independence.”
  • “Some of us need accountability, or we won’t have anything left.”
  • “Liquidity creates presence of mind.”
  • “You need to have more liquidity in a world where the government isn’t respecting the debt that citizens have.”
  • “I would rather see people pay down the liquidity around a business loan because it will give you more confidence around the decisions you’re making.”

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Perseverance and Opportunity with Dr. Justin Moody

Whenever there is a crisis—big or small—it gives us the opportunity to see what we are made of. If we persevere, we will come out of this stronger than before. Justin Moody, the Founder and Clinical Director of Implant Pathway, joins me today to share his thoughts on the importance of perseverance through hard times and how this will allow you to grow in your business.

Listen in as Justin explains why human interaction is the most essential thing we have, as well as why he enjoys teaching others to be authentic and honest in their work. You’ll hear his take on effective teaching, what really matters when it comes to how people perceive you, and what is of the utmost importance when providing a service for people.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Out of perseverance comes opportunity.”
  • “We all make messes. It’s really all about how we clean our mess up that leads to how people perceive you.”
  • “The most important thing that we have is human interaction.”
  • “Being a human and genuine—you can’t really teach that.”
  • “I can only help so many people with my own hands, but if I teach people and give them a skill set, I can literally help hundreds and thousands.”
  • “The best part about being taught is when you don’t know you’re being taught.”
  • “If something is really nice and it makes me more efficient, I will spend the money on it.”

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Life and Dentistry: The Power of Community and Connection

Life and Dentistry: The Power of Community and Connection - RD PodcastToday I’ve got four friends on the line to talk about life, dentistry and the Life and Dentistry Conference coming up on March 23rd. Lewis, Scotty, Cole and John are all part of the Life and Dentistry team, and they’re here to share their vision and passion for bringing great dental minds together in a fun and inspiring way.

In this episode, you’ll get a taste of what to expect from the Life and Dentistry Conference, as well as our thoughts on how the last few years have made an impact and helped us grow. It’s important to nurture yourself and keep growing on a personal level as you grow your dental practice, and that’s what this conference is all about. You’ll get inspiration from real people who have gone through real struggles and gain insight to help you in your life and career.

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Key Quotes:

  • “We just want to add value to others. We just want other people to grow in a lot of aspects of life. That’s why we call ourselves Life and Dentistry.”
  • “It’s the lack of connection that kept me under for so long.”
  • “Every person’s path should be unique, but you can borrow ideas, steal clues, get leveled up by tapping the minds of people who’ve been through it.”
  • “It’s important to show some drive and stick to it.”
  • “The one danger zone I see dentists fall in is comfort.”
  • “They have the capability, but they don’t have the courage, and so that can be a really strong boundary that keeps people stuck for decades.”
  • “The most successful people in dentistry and life fail a lot.”
  • “If you don’t have something to work towards, if you’re not striving to get bigger and better, you’re getting worse.”
  • “Success definitely leaves clues, but true success is a byproduct of alignment.”
  • “You gotta step out of your comfort zone and you gotta know where you want to be, even if it means sacrificing being comfortable right now.”

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Top Ten Lessons Learned from the Titans of Dentistry

Top Ten Lessons Learned from the Titans of Dentistry - RD PodcastIn this episode, I’ll be sharing a presentation I delivered at the Voices of Dentistry event last month. A lot of energy went into this presentation, and if you’re interested in hearing about some of the biggest lessons to be learned from the top titans in dentistry, this is for you. You’ll get some incredible tactical insights about what separates the top dentists from the bottom dentists, how to define success, and much more.

Listen in to learn what practice growth really means and the best way to focus on growing personally and professionally. The importance of building a team and supporting your organization through exceptional leadership is definitely a key component here, as well as accountability, overcoming difficulty, balance, and clarity.

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Key Quotes:

  • “I love my life now. I’m so thankful, I’m so grateful—and I’m hungry as hell for more.”
  • “What we found out is that success is to be defined on your own terms.”
  • “Mine this book, mine this presentation for gems you can apply to your own life.”
  • “I was telling people to live their epic life, but I wasn’t.”
  • “I knew that if I could climb out of that pit, I would never stop climbing.”
  • “Where are you right now? And where do you want to be?”
  • “Titans have a growth mindset.”
  • “I believe that the values and the mission of the organization support the team.”
  • “Titans are accountable. What is the opposite of accountability? Blame.”
  • “Clarity is certainly knowing what you want, and you want what you want. It shouldn’t be associated with a lot of guilt, and it shouldn’t be you chasing others’ visions and versions of success.”
  • “Forget the how. Know what you want, why you want it, and who you have to become to get it.”
  • “Sometimes courage is just listening to your team.”
  • “Every one of those decisions can be a step forward into fear or a step backward into comfort.”
  • “Dentists are purposeful.”
  • “The thing we know for sure is that most of our decisions, most of our activity, is driven by our subconscious mind. We think we’re in control, but we’re mostly in autopilot.”
  • “I changed my story, and my results changed.”

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Securing Your Financial Future with Jordan Goodman

Securing Your Financial Future with Jordan Goodman

Today’s guest, Jordan Goodman, has spent the last 40 years focused on one mission: to help Americans do better with their money. Known as “America’s Money Answers Man” and a nationally recognized expert on personal finance, he’s had a vast career, spanning newspapers, magazines, books, radio, podcasts, and television. He also offers plenty of resources on his website,

Thankfully, Jordan has experience with dentists, and he has grown knowledgeable about things that are unique to the profession. In this episode, he offers practical advice, websites, resources, and strategies to help dentists do better with their finances. Listen in to hear his valuable advice and learn what actions you can take today to secure your financial future.

Key Quotes:

  • “If you have private loans—8, 9, 10%—as well as the federal loans, which may be at better interest rates, combining them all into a 2-3% rate is going to save you some money and hopefully help you get out of debt a little bit quicker.”
  • “Another thing a lot of people are not aware of is you can refinance your student loan debt to typically about 2%.”
  • “Older dentists are finding it harder to find people to sell their practice to because the younger ones coming out of dental school are so indebted that they just don’t have the money.”
  • “Dentists may be surprised; they may be able to get financing that in the past, they didn’t think was possible.”
  • “Buying a home in the first place—there are all kinds of discounts available that you might not be aware of because you as a dentist are considered an American hero.”
  • “The real question you want to ask your bank (and they don’t want to answer it) is, ‘How fast do I pay off my principal?'”
  • “Make your money work for you. A lot of people have money sitting in the bank—in CDs and savings accounts and money market funds—earning zero, and it’s going to stay that way as far as the eye can see.”
  • “I’m trying to give things that are in favor of the dentists, not the financial institutions.”

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