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Winning in Dentistry: High Agency Tools for Crafting Your Destiny

Ask yourself: How can I infuse high-agency thinking into my daily interactions with my team and patients? The answer lies in your hands.

Embracing a high-agency mindset not only benefits you as a dental practice owner but also positively impacts your team and patients. As you lead with confidence and encourage ownership among your team members, you’ll witness enhanced team morale and performance, fostering a proactive and solution-oriented practice. By adopting this proactive approach, you can lead your practice with adaptability, innovation, and resilience, even in changing times.

In this episode, I discuss why you must avoid the blame culture in our industry.

  • So if you want to enjoy Have-it-All Prosperity…
  • If you are ready to abandon any reliance on external validation…
  • If you want to utilize the 12 tools of a High Agency Dental Practice Owner so you can have your best year every year…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “High agency is the belief that dental practice owners have the power to act and affect change in their circumstances, irrespective of external conditions. It’s a proactive mindset revolving around resilience and personal responsibility.”
  • “Lack of agency can lead to stagnation in personal growth, external blame culture, and over-reliance on external validation. These hinder practice owner confidence and growth potential.”
  • “High agency dentists display an internal locus of control, seeing themselves as active shapers of their destiny, not passive recipients of fate. They exhibit visionary thinking, perseverance, empathy, and leadership.”
  • “Dentists can cultivate high agency by enhancing self-awareness, setting clear goals, fostering a growth mindset, taking responsibility for actions, being proactive, and learning from failures.”
  • “As high agency leads to more opportunities, it becomes essential to set boundaries and prioritize commitments aligned with one’s goals. Saying no to distractions is crucial for continued growth.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Howard D. Schultz, is an American businessman and author who served as the chairman and chief executive officer of Starbucks.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


The Illusion of Tomorrow

We often find ourselves facing a common challenge – the Illusion of Tomorrow. We tell ourselves that tomorrow will be the perfect day to tackle important tasks, implement changes, and embrace new opportunities. But why do we keep clinging to tomorrow?

Let’s delve deep into the psychology behind our actions and discover how to break free from this illusion. We’ll explore the factors that hold us back, from optimism bias to the avoidance of discomfort, and how they impact our decisions as dental practice owners.

In this episode, I discuss why you won’t have more time, discipline, and willpower tomorrow.

  • So if you want to know what to do when your dental career path stops making sense…
  • If you want to hear Steve Jobs’ best career advice, and…
  • If you want to be more purposeful so you can make dentistry more prosperous and fulfilling…

Tune in now! Not tomorrow.

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do… I started to use that quote as my guidance system. Wherever I was feeling significant fear, significant resistance, I would try and put it to the top of my priority list and just step into that fear.”
  • “The reality is that you’re not gonna suddenly have more time, discipline, or willpower. So it’s best to stop living in the illusion of tomorrow.”
  • “I think back and if I wouldn’t have had that one moment of strength… I really don’t know where I’d be right now. It’d be a different world.”
  • “You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them by looking backward… You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”
  • “There have been many times on this journey where it made absolutely no sense to me… but when I look in the rearview mirror, it’s amazing how the dots connect and have led to an absolutely incredible life.”

Featured on the Show:


Overcoming Patient Objections Without Being Pushy

Does your dental team consider creating case acceptance as their professional obligation?

It costs patients more time, money, and discomfort to delay treatment. However, some patients may not immediately perceive the urgency or importance of addressing dental issues. Your team must understand the beliefs and barriers that prevent patients from saying “yes” to treatment recommendations.

Let’s delve into the topic of case acceptance barriers and provide strategies for overcoming them. By understanding and effectively addressing these barriers, your practice can enhance case acceptance rates and foster stronger patient relationships.

In this episode, I discuss the top 10 reasons dental patients don’t move forward with your treatment recommendations.

  • So if you want to create an elegant case acceptance pathway…
  • If you want to avoid generating animosity and buyer’s remorse in your dental patients…
  • If you want to know why it’s better to anticipate and avoid objections than address them so you can create a slam dunk case acceptance machine…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • “If dentists and their teams don’t understand why patients object to a proposed treatment, it can lead to a variety of problems.”
  • “When patients feel that their concerns and objections are not being heard or understood or anticipated, it’s going to lead to dissatisfaction with the dental experience.”
  • “When patients feel heard, when they feel understood, when you get them and their objections are properly addressed, it leads to higher levels of patient satisfaction.”
  • “Addressing patient objections demonstrates a commitment to patient-centered care and fosters trust between the dentists and their patients.”
  • “Most objections are gonna show up as a question, but you have to recognize that there’s a belief behind that objection.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Culture Diagnosis: Uncovering Challenges in Your Dental Practice

Have you experienced the detrimental impact of an employee who brings negativity, disrupts team harmony, and creates a nightmare work environment? Is there currently someone on your team who fits this description? Their attitude, lack of collaboration, and inability to find solutions can infect your practice’s culture like a disease.

In this podcast, I will share valuable insights and strategies on how to identify and tackle these cultural challenges. From communication breakdowns and increased conflict to high turnover rates and employee dissatisfaction, we explore the signs and symptoms to watch out for. We will also delve into the stages of cultural deterioration and provide actionable steps to prevent and overcome these challenges.

In this episode, I discuss the massive problems associated with unaddressed team and culture issues.

  • So if you want to promote employee satisfaction, engagement, productivity, and ultimately, better patient care…
  • If you want to avoid destructive employee accusations and litigation…
  • If you want to prevent a toxic environment and culture crisis so you can attract the best talent around…

Tune in now!

Don’t let a toxic work environment derail your practice. Take control and transform your team dynamics for the better. 

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “The best way to maneuver your business is to speak the truth, whether it’s very comfortable, very optimistic, or very uncomfortable.”
  • “Negative cultures are gonna lead to low morale with your dental team and you. You’re gonna feel it more than anyone. If employees feel undervalued, disrespected, or unsupported by you or somebody on the team.”
  • “When there are cultural issues and they go unaddressed, it’s gonna result in the breakdown of effective communication.”
  • “The culture within a dental office can have a direct impact on the patient experience.”
  • “A healthy dental office culture is gonna be characterized by open communication, trust, respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to the practices, values, and goals.”

Featured on the Show:


Dentistry Success Uncovered: How Your Self-Worth Makes All The Difference

Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate Independence Day, it is an opportune time to reflect on the connection between owning a dental clinic and an individual’s self-worth.

Being the owner of a dental practice brings a deep sense of liberation both professionally and personally. It empowers you to set the standards of care, select the procedures that ignite your passion, and craft a distinctive patient experience that reflects your values. This high degree of professional independence elevates your self-worth by showcasing your expertise and enabling you to mold your practice in alignment with your purpose.

As we embark on the second half of 2023, let’s embrace the freedom that comes with ownership and let it strengthen your self-worth on this remarkable journey.

In this episode, I discuss why dentists don’t rise to what they believe is possible.

  • So if you want to understand the connection between self-confidence & self-worth and how that impacts your dental practice…
  • If you want to know why fulfillment is so elusive for dentists…
  • If you want to appreciate what’s rare is valuable so you can lead and succeed like the best…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “Dentists typically measure their self-worth according to external factors like appearance, financial success, and career achievements, but this can lead to a skewed perception of self and limited view of true value.”
  • “Low self-worth can destroy a career and life, leading to self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, decreased patient care quality, and a lack of motivation for professional growth.”
  • “Self-worth forms the foundation of our identity and influences our thoughts, emotions, and actions, shaping our perception of deservingness and significance as individuals.”
  • “Confidence in leadership is essential for dental practice owners to effectively lead their teams and establish trust and respect.”
  • “Appreciating your skills and talents as a dentist is important for self-worth, understanding that they positively contribute to the people you serve.”
  • “Maintaining a growth mindset allows dentists to view mistakes as learning opportunities rather than blows to self-worth.”

Featured on the Show:


The Munger Method: Rethinking Dental Practice Management

I want to introduce you to a powerful concept that can transform the way you approach problem-solving and decision-making in your dental practice: Inversion Thinking. This technique, championed by business legend Charlie Munger, involves tackling problems by considering the opposite. By shifting your perspective and focusing on avoiding failure rather than achieving success, you gain valuable insights and uncover potential pitfalls that may have gone unnoticed.

Let’s explore how inversion thinking can benefit your dental practice in practical ways. By applying this approach to treatment planning, practice management, financial planning, and team dynamics, you can proactively address challenges, enhance patient outcomes, improve operational efficiency, and foster a cohesive and motivated team. Incorporating inversion thinking into your problem-solving toolkit unlocks new possibilities, improves decision-making, and cultivates a proactive approach to managing challenges.

Remember, inversion thinking is not about negativity or pessimism. It’s about being intellectually honest, embracing a holistic view of your potential problems, and actively avoiding mistakes. By incorporating this powerful mental model into your daily practice, you can amplify your problem-solving capabilities and pave the way for sustained success in your dental practice. So, what would happen if you and your dental team utilized inversion thinking daily? Let’s find out together.

In this episode, we get to absorb the immense wisdom of 99.5-year-old voracious reader and legendary investor, Charlie Munger.

  • So if you want to realize the long-term advantages of being consistently not stupid, instead of trying to always be very intelligent…
  • If you want to teach your dental practice to be a learning organization…
  • If you want to experience the financial and fulfillment upside of “following your own drift” so you can experience an epic life…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “Dental practice owners may rely on a limited set of experiences or knowledge when making decisions. And this could lead to less than ideal outcomes or mistakes that could have been avoided with a broader understanding and perspective.”
  • “You can use Charlie Munger as a mentor. His business wisdom and 99 years of life experience are invaluable.”
  • “Inversion thinking suggests that in preventing mistakes, we can create a more valuable outcome than just seeking the ideal outcome.”
  • “While forward thinking and innovation are important, it can be just as beneficial, if not more so, to avoid mistakes and pitfalls.”
  • “Embrace your unique journey and leverage your strengths and passions to create a fulfilling and successful life.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Charlie Munger, is best known as the right-hand man of Warren Buffett and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.
  • People: Warren Buffett, is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.
  • People: Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, commonly known as Carl Gustav Jacobi, was a German mathematician. His work on elliptic functions laid the foundation for the development of complex analysis and the theory of functions of complex variables. 
  • Organization: Berkshire Hathaway, is an American multinational conglomerate holding company. It is led by Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.
  • Book: Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger, is a book about Charlie Munger, compiled by Peter D. Kaufman. It provides insights into Munger’s life, philosophy, and business wisdom. 
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Billionaire Blueprint: Key Lessons for Dental Practice Owners

Picture this: I walked into the meeting a bit late, scanning the room for a seat. As fate would have it, I ended up at a table by myself but soon found myself in the company of a seemingly regular guy — until he was introduced as the special guest and speaker for the day.

I would never have suspected that he was a billionaire. It made me realize that billionaires are ordinary individuals with exceptional skill sets and mindsets.

So, dental practice owners, get ready to embrace the wisdom of billionaires and revolutionize your approach to dentistry. Join us as we uncover invaluable lessons that will propel your practice toward unprecedented success.

In this episode, I discuss 6 Cash Flow and Business Lessons from Billionaires…

  • So if you want to understand the immense value of risk-taking and innovation…
  • If you want to benefit from other people’s expertise…
  • If you’re ready to play the long game so you can have a prosperous career without regrets…

Tune in now!

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind.

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “Billionaires are often willing to take calculated risks. And most of them are quite risk-averse. But they’ll make the calculated risk, and they’ll embrace innovation.”
  • “Success leaves clues and studying the players in big business can teach us what to do and also what not to do.”
  • “Significant rewards often come with inherent risks. And they [billionaires] seek opportunities that others may overlook constantly adapting to market changes and technological advancements.”
  • “Continuous learning is a crucial principle that dental practice owners can apply to enhance their professional growth and keep their practices in the forefront of their community so that they are not getting commoditized.”
  • “Many billionaires actively engage in philanthropic efforts. Part of that is for taxes, granted, but they also see it as a tool for making a positive impact in society. They understand that they have a responsibility that comes with financial success and they strive to contribute to causes that they’re passionate about.”

Featured on the Show:

  • Organization: Rotary Club of Vail
  • Documentary: Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, a documentary by Alex Gibney that explored the rise and fall of Enron, a prominent American energy company.
  • People: George N. Gillett Jr., a prominent businessman, and entrepreneur known for his involvement in the sports and entertainment industries like NHL Montreal Canadian, Booth Creek Ski Holdings, Globetrotters Communications, Liverpool F.C., Nashville’s WSM television station, Storer Broadcasting, Vail, Beaver Creek Ski Resorts.
  • People: Bernard Arnault, a French business magnate, investor, and art collector. He is the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton.
  • People: Elon Musk, a business magnate and entrepreneur who co-founded and co-owns several influential companies, including SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company.
  • People: Steve Jobs, a visionary entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Inc., is known for his significant contributions to the personal computer, smartphone, and digital music industries.
  • People: Meg Whitman, a business executive and former CEO of Hewlett Packard (HP) and Quibi.
  • People: Diane Hendricks, a prominent businesswoman and philanthropist. She is the chairman of ABC Supply, one of the largest wholesale distributors of roofing, siding, and windows in the United States.
  • People: Thomas Straumann, an entrepreneur and business owner. He is recognized for his significant ownership stake in Straumann, a global leader in dental implant and restorative dentistry solutions.
  • People: Christoph Zeller, an entrepreneur, and owner of Ivoclar Vivadent, a company focused on providing innovative clear aligner solutions for orthodontic treatment.
  • People: Heikki Kyöstilä, a Finnish billionaire, and the founder, owner, and president of dental equipment maker Planmeca.
  • People: Dr. Dan Fischer, the founder, and CEO of Ultradent Products, Inc.
  • People: Dr. Richard Malouf, the founder of All Smiles Dental Clinics in the USA and one of the richest dentists in the world.
  • People: Dr. David Alameel, a former dentist turned investor and politician. He started in the field of dentistry before transitioning into investment and later venturing into politics in Texas.
  • People: Ingvar Kamprad, a Swedish entrepreneur and the founder of IKEA, a multinational furniture retail company known for its affordable, self-assembled furniture and home products.
  • People: Elizabeth Holmes, an American entrepreneur who was the founder and CEO of the medical diagnostic company Theranos Inc.
  • People: Sam Bankman-Fried, an entrepreneur and cryptocurrency trader. He is the founder of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange.
  • People: Warren Buffett, an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is currently the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.
  • People: Charlie Munger, an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. He is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.
  • People: Jack Ma, a Chinese business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is the co-founder of Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate.
  • People: Marc Benioff, an American internet entrepreneur billionaire, and philanthropist. Benioff is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of the software company Salesforce. 
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


From Goethe to Gemütlichkeit: German Cultural Insights for Outstanding Dental Customer Service

As I arrived in Germany, leaving behind my familiar Nebraska roots, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. But it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the country and its culture. The German emphasis on cleanliness, efficiency, and quality left a lasting impression on me. And now, I want to share how you, as dental practice owners, can incorporate these principles into your daily operations to create a more personalized and patient-centered environment.

Join me on this week’s podcast as I share my journey of transformation and delve into the powerful lessons I learned from the German culture. From professionalism and efficiency to attention to detail and respect for rules, these principles hold the key to creating a patient-centered environment that exceeds expectations. 

In this episode, I discuss 7 principles dental practices should steal from Deutschland.

  • So if you want to give your patients the gift of direct and clear communication…
  • If you want to teach your team the power of next-level professionalism…
  • If you want to balance your high clinical standards with a fun workplace so that your patients can’t wait to refer their friends and family members…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • “Embracing German cultural principles in a dental practice enhances patient satisfaction, increases loyalty and referrals, strengthens practice reputation, and improves staff morale and retention.”
  • “Upholding professionalism in a dental practice builds trust, instills confidence, and meets patients’ expectations for knowledgeable and attentive care.”
  • “Punctuality is a key aspect of German culture that high-value patients appreciate, as it demonstrates respect for their time and fosters loyalty.”
  • “Attention to detail in patient care sets dental practices apart, creating personalized experiences and reflecting the precision and quality of dentistry provided.”
  • “By respecting rules and processes, dental practices can create consistent yet humanized patient experiences, promoting efficiency and autonomy within the team.”

Featured on the Show:


Elite Leadership Blueprint: 7 Navy SEAL Lessons for Dental Practice Owners

What can we learn from these elite warriors and how can their principles and perspectives drive your practice towards long-term success?

Let’s uncover the invaluable lessons that can be drawn from the SEALs. Discover the power of adaptability in navigating the ever-changing landscape of the dental industry. Explore the importance of teamwork and collaboration in fostering a harmonious work environment and delivering exceptional patient care. Learn how to cultivate resilience, lead by example, and embrace continuous learning to elevate your practice to new heights.

In this episode, I discuss why dental practice owners should learn important team-building principles and perspectives from the likes of Jocko, Goggins, and Admiral William H. McRaven.

  • So if you want to stop setting “realistic” goals and create something more audacious…
  • If you want to build an unbeatable mind to help you win in this new economy…
  • If you want to cultivate camaraderie so you can enjoy an incredible workplace and an elite dental team…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • “If we don’t learn from elite leaders, dentists tend to forget how much they still have to learn about influencing and impacting their people.”
  • “By consistently demonstrating integrity, professionalism, and dedication, leaders can inspire their team to follow suit.”
  • “These goals may seem unimaginable at first, but they will serve as a powerful catalyst for growth, innovation, and development of you and your team.”
  • “Leaders should foster a culture of constant improvement where training and development are ongoing priorities.”
  • “By consistently exhibiting the qualities that you expect from your team, you are gonna earn their respect and admiration.”
  • “Achieving extraordinary goals is rarely an individual endeavor, but rather a result of collective effort and shared purpose.”

Featured on the Show:


You’re On Mute, Doc!

As dental professionals, assertiveness is essential for success. It enhances communication within your practice, promotes transparency, reduces misunderstandings, and improves patient care and satisfaction. By leading with confidence, expressing expectations, setting clear goals, and providing constructive feedback, you inspire trust, motivate your teams, and cultivate a culture of accountability and collaboration.

Let’s explore the journey from being passive or passive-aggressive to embracing assertiveness, a crucial ingredient for becoming a functional human and building confidence. We start by unraveling the complexities of passive communication, where conflict is avoided, needs are downplayed, and others dominate situations, leaving us with feelings of resentment, frustration, and powerlessness.

In this episode, I discuss why assertiveness and conviction are critical, confidence-building skills.

  • So if you want to create more respect in your key personal and professional relationships…
  • If you want to take a stand for what you want and what you believe in…
  • If you want to achieve your goals in record time so that you can elevate confidence in you and those around you…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • “The aggressive would usually come because I was passive for so long, I couldn’t contain myself, and then I erupted like a volcano. But not effective if you wanna be a functional human if you don’t wanna build resentment, if you want to be confident.”
  • “Passive communication refers to an approach where you avoid conflict, downplay your needs, and allow others to dominate situations. It involves sacrificing your interests, leading to feelings of resentment, frustration, and powerlessness that undermine confidence.”
  • “Passive-aggressive communication is when you express negative feelings or opinions indirectly, using subtle and manipulative tactics instead of addressing matters directly.”
  • “Embracing assertiveness and conviction enhances self-confidence, allowing you to communicate your thoughts and opinions with assurance. It boosts your self-assurance in expressing yourself and asserting your rights.”
  • “Demonstrating assertiveness and conviction earns you increased respect from others. You’ll be seen as confident and self-assured, someone who knows what they want and is willing to take a stand.”
  • “Assertiveness and conviction contribute to healthier and more balanced relationships. By expressing your needs and boundaries, you foster understanding and create a foundation of mutual respect and cooperation.”
  • “Assertiveness helps navigate challenging situations, such as handling upset patients, negotiating with vendors, and addressing conflicts within your team. It promotes a professional and harmonious work environment, leading to improved team morale and increased productivity.”

Featured on the Show:
