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Dr. Ginger Bratzel’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:

  • As dentists, we are from the heart.  That’s why we went into dentistry in the first place. So, growing your business should be authentic. Dr. Ginger Bratzel's Bold Biography - RD Podcasts
  • I use the term patient attraction.  This marketing isn’t about tricking someone.  It’s about doing something for someone who already needs it.
  • It should come across as who they are and attract the type of patient that they want.
  • I really want dentists to succeed.
  • If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.
  • I say it proudly. I had a redneck upbringing.
  • If you can solve a problem for people, you are their guru.
  • In dental school, we are like mushrooms. They keep us in the dark and pile poo on us all the time.
  • In dentistry, we don’t get support from those closest to us. It’s competitive and that’s not the way it should be.
  • I thought it was “marvelous me” that they needed.  That was a mistake. It wasn’t about me.  It was about the patients.
  • I love the dental community.  But we are always closed-minded and in the box
  • It’s not the tool that makes the difference. It’s the connection to the patient.
  • I want people that are smarter than me working with me doing what they are good at.
  • I’m afraid of not living up to my full potential.
  • Fail faster and get up faster.
  • Ginger recommends that you read Mastery: A Technology for Excellence and Personal Evolution

Dr. Bratzel’s has a Free CD that will help you Attract ALL the Quality Patients You Will Ever Need.  Get it HERE!


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Dr. Chris Griffin’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:

  • My office was struck by lightning and burned down in May of 2013. Dr. Chris Griffin's Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcasts
  • I am getting the dental office I always wanted this time.
  • We are building a brand new state-of-the-art training facility
  •  “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Be moved from this place to that; and it will be moved; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Matthew 17:20
  • You have to work through the challenges and come up with your best possible solutions.
  • Don’t take no for an answer.
  • I’ve never really been around people who just had one job.  That’s probably an influence on me.
  • I’ve been blessed to have lots of good people out there to follow.
  • I’m stuck in Ripley (Mississippi) with no job and a pregnant wife. It’s not like you can just go work for somebody else.
  • I liked seeing those pretty veneers and big huge reconstruction cases . . . I said I want to do that.
  • I had to figure out what the blue-collar folks in my town needed…they needed fillings, extractions, and root canals.
  • The Capacity Academy is founded on tons of systems that we now teach other dentists.
  • I believe that there is no reason you can’t do A+ quality work . . .just do it bigger, faster, stronger.
  • Folks don’t like you talking bad about their insurance plan, even if it is terrible.
  • I am scared of failure.  Big time.
  • It’s all about strategy and overcoming obstacles.
  • I think everybody should read Think and Grow Rich.
  • You’ve got to get a vision for yourself that you feel good about.  Do not let external forces deter you from that.

Connect with Dr. Griffin at The Capacity Academy

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Alana Muller on “Connecting with your patients and community”

Notes & Quotes:

  • In this day and age, we can’t afford to not network . . . it’s critical for the advancement of our careers
  • Alana Muller on "Connecting with your patients and community"Coffee, lunch, coffee came from the way I structured my days.
  • We don’t understand the real value of human connections.
  • My definition of networking is really creating mutually beneficial, long-term relationships without a predetermined outcome in mind.  
  • Connections + community + belonging = networking
  • It feels good to help people solve the problems that they are facing.
  • There’s a sense of gratitude and meaning in those connections.
  • Your success depends on building these relationships.
  • Meaningful connections means really understanding what drives and motivates another person.
  • This is not about transactional relationships.
  • Be the best version of yourself wherever you are.
  • Always say yes! . . . go in with a “yes” attitude.

Important links:

Connect with Alana on Twitter & Facebook

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Scott Dinsmore on “What World-Changers Have in Common”

Quotes & Notes:

  • EVERYONE is meant to do work that matters to them.Scott Dinsmore on “What World-Changers Have in Common”- RD Podcast
  • When you do work that matters to you, it will in turn matter to the people around you and start to impact them in a positive way.
  • Leverage your natural talents, strengths, and passions!
  • The best place to start is do mini-experiments on the side.
  • Transform your career long before you quit your job.
  • Strengths are at the core of fulfillment.
  • Become a self expert.
  • Are your values aligned with who you are spending time with and what you are working on?
  • So many of us have been living toward a definition of success that is not ours.
  • If you don’t know what your passion is, work your ass off until you figure it out.
  • Do your impossible! What are the things that you tell yourself that you cannot do?
  • It’s a compounding of confidence.
  • The fastest way to do the things you don’t think can be done is hang around people who are already doing them.
  • What’s the point of life? . . . to enjoy the way you spend your time!
  • “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” -Mahatma Gandhi
  • What makes you happy on your best day?  I guarantee it isn’t numbers related.
  • Everything is impossible until somebody did it.

Important Links:

Strengthsfinder 2.0

Live Your Legend

Follow Scott on: Twitter

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Dr. Dustin Burleson’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Dustin Burleson's Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcasts

  • Mantra – “Never quit!”
  • “He was a bootstrap, built from the ground up entrepreneur…I learned a lot of lessons in business from my grandfather and my father.”
  • “Every January 1st I sit down – after celebrating with the family – and I make a list of everyone that’s been influential in my life and I write them a thank you letter.”
  • “Growing it from no patients in 2006 to over 7000 active patients today in four locations and five doctors was really an opportunity to express what I learned in marketing.”
  • “If you’re not letting your patients know what you do, really I think you’re doing your business a disservice.”
  • “We were going to be serious about letting people know who we are and what we stood for.”
  • “…and my staff one day walked out at lunch, granted it was only three people but all three walked out and they never came back.”
  • [In October] “We’re matching every patient we start, we’re going to treat a kid for free through Smiles Change Lives.”
  • Book Recommendation – The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
  • “You will become what you think of most.”

If you would like to connect with Dr. Burleson visit

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Deliece Hofen on “Hope Filled Living”

Quotes & Notes:Deliece Hofen on "Hope Filled Living" - Relentless Dentist Podcasts

  • “He had a 30% chance for a 5 year survival.”
  • “Braden and I actually had chemo on the same days. We were bald together.”
  • “If you are strong enough and brave enough to just get up and keep fighting then I’m going to keep fighting too.”
  • “We’re lucky we even get a chance to even try anything.”
  • “If this is the only time that we get, do I want to spend it with me in bed with the pillow over my head…”
  • “Just make the days good.”
  • “It’s been absolutely amazing to see the beauty of the human spirit.”
  • “…it makes you want to turn around and continue doing good for other people.”
  • “I’m a stubborn enough person that fear actually fuels me into action.”
  • “I’m scared out of my mind but I refuse to allow cancer to stop us dead in our tracks.”
  • Mantra – Everything around us is a gift.

If you would like to connect with Deliece go to Braden’s Hope for Childhood Cancer –

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Dr. Sean Tarpenning’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Sean Tarpenning's Bold Biography - RD Podcasts

  • Mantra – “The choices you make in life dictate the life you lead.”
  • “You can learn a lot from people who work hard and understand people.”
  • “I visited about 40 practices.”
  • “I belong to mastermind groups in both marketing business area and clinical side of things.”
  • “It’s about using your time wisely.”
  • “He talked about a pyramid of patients – new patient for basic dentistry – existing hygiene patients – niche services.”
  • “Invisalign is about 1/3 of my bread and butter practice.”
  • “I had a $34,000 mistake early in my career…I decided well, it’s a good lesson.”
  • “Surround yourself with a great team and delegate.”
  • “Once you get a big enough reason why you want to do things…it motivates you to take action.”
  • Book Recommendation – The Great Game of Business by Jack Stack

If you would like to connect with Dr. Sean go to

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Richard Rierson on “Charting Your Leadership Journey”

Quotes & Notes:Richard Rierson on "Charting Your Leadership Journey"

  • “It’s about lifting other people up.”
  • “You’re obligated to do everything you can to learn what it means to become a leader.”
  • “Assume the accountability of the success and particularly the failures of that organization.”
  • “…this is a lifelong process that never ends.”
  • “Every interaction with a human being is an opportunity for leadership and growth.”
  • “How good are they at being a leader and handling the gray areas?”
  • “Real leaders understand the emotional intelligence side…”
  • “People want to be part of the solution.”
  • “Confidence is the core of a natural charisma.”
  • “The less confidence you have, the faster you give up trying.”
  • Confidence killers:  Low self-image; fear; worrying about other people’s opinion of you
  • “Fear is a necessary requirement of courage.”
  • “The uncertainty of the future never goes away.”

If you would like more insight from Richard, check out  or


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