by Karah Karah | Aug 15, 2018 | Magnificent Marketing
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We are welcoming back Dr. Chris Phelps to the show this week to talk more about pre-suasion and the principles behind it. He explains the difference between pre-suasion and persuasion and why it’s so important to prep your clients in the right way in order to get them in the right mindset to be open to suggested procedures. He discusses in detail the science and case studies behind this concept, explains why it’s so successful, and gives specific tips on how to incorporate it into your practice.
This fascinating practice is not as complicated as it seems, especially with Chris explaining the importance of mindset and how little changes can make a big impact on the client experience. From creating the right environment to using the right language, there are so many little tweaks you can make to your practice to get on the same page with your clients and work with them more successfully. Chris even shares some of his own tactics and explains how he implemented them and why he thinks they worked so well.
Key Quotes:
- “Pre-suasion is an amplifier of principles.”
- “Where we’re at is all about our mindset at that given time and that’s what shapes our decision in those times.”
- “Instead of waiting for moments to happen with persuasion influence, we can actually prime the pump for a yes. We can actually create these influence moments on the front end before the patient gets in front of us.”
- “Let’s start asking the right type of mindset questions.”
- “That’s what pre-suasion is all about – timing is everything.”
- “Identify triggers that queue or create that mindset.”
- “How can we extend the moment.”
- “He did study after study to prove that these concepts exist and not only do they exist – what turns them on and what makes them more powerful.”
- “If it’s reproducible that means it is teachable and it’s learnable.”
- “My process is probably a lot like yours, it’s trial and error right? I don’t know until I try and it’s a messy process and I make a lot of mistakes but, you know what, some of my best ideas and systems have been born out of that.”
Featured on the Show:

by Karah Karah | May 16, 2018 | Magnificent Marketing
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When it comes to marketing, many practices and businesses tend to focus on the wrong things. Naren Arulrajah explains what is going wrong and how to truly focus on the customer, relate to them in a real way and leverage social proof. His advice on handling failure, being an effective leader and gaining the trust of your customers is extremely real and valuable.
Naren discusses how he originally failed his way to success and how his rough start ended up pointing him in the right direction because he was willing to learn from it and make necessary changes. He also shares some great advice on how to establish authority and create real relatable messages that clients connect with. Naren provides many tools to strengthen your impact and lead people in a way that brings out their strengths.
Key Quotes:
- “Every good thing that happened to me came out of failures or came out of dead ends.”
- “I don’t believe in managers, I believe in coaches.”
- “I don’t believe in this idea of, “Let’s work on your weaknesses” because if I work on your weaknesses, you’ll have strong weaknesses. So I believe in this idea of how to bring out the best in you – your strengths.”
- “The more it was about me, me, me – the less I got what I wanted.”
- “Marketing – the way you get people to know you and then choose you.”
- “We are social animals – We do what others do. So when someone else buys a product and writes a review, now we trust that.”
- “When somebody is being grateful and at that moment you ask them for a favor, they will say yes.”
- “We don’t trust people who say they are perfect.”
Featured on the Show:

by Karah Karah | Sep 27, 2017 | Bold Biographies, Legendary Leadership, Magnificent Marketing
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In this episode, Dr. Dave Bender (Fishers, Indiana) shares his entrepreneurial journey with us and explains how he balances both managing his three dental practices with living a healthy, active lifestyle. 
His early-set goal to own multiple practices was challenged with the difficulties of clinical dentistry, but he shares how his bigger vision for what he projected his business to become was the driving force for his success.
Dave carries with him a powerful message that can transform the way we run our practices. His progressive thinking coupled with his early childhood influences pushes him to always “be comfortable with being uncomfortable”.
In this episode, he shares how his experiences in corporate dentistry at Heartland Dental surprisingly counter the attitudes shared by most practicing dentists. He describes his continuing education courses with Heartland Dental as a value that he, otherwise, would not have experienced in a smaller practice. He later explains how he was unhappy with starting an associate driven practice because of the demanding high capital it required. He now thrives, in multiple aspects, with a co-partnership business model.
Key Quotes:
- Let us live so when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry. – Mark Twain
- With my early struggles – I was forced to be a better marketer, I was forced to run my practice a better way.
- I was forced to do whatever it took to make the patient experience what it could be so that they would tell their family and friends – and that’s honestly how we grew.
- The difficulties we had in the first couple of years forced me to be better and more intentional about our growth process.
- In 2013, I started an associate driven practice and that was a major mistake.
- Some will be good, a few will be great, but only one will be the best.
Featured on the Show:

by Karah Karah | Sep 6, 2017 | Magnificent Marketing
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The Relentless Dentist is back after a brief hiatus. This episode is all about what has been going on behind the scenes and what you can expect from the relaunch of the show. There will be a focus on bringing unique information and outside perspectives that can help you revolutionize your practice.
The list of things that have been in the works over the past summer include a new book and another podcast launch. Be sure to stay tuned to hear more on these new tools and get ready for a fresh, interesting and motivating new season of the Relentless Dentist.
Key Quotes:
- I’ve gotten emails as to do we still exist? Are we still podcasting?
- I want to make sure that we’re providing you with the best information on how to build an epic practice and an epic life.
- The same kind of myths are passed around [The dental community] – those become limiting beliefs.
- The thought that you should do things a certain way, one size fits all, is a little bit troubling to me.
- I think dentistry is kind of stuck.
- We’ll be consulting with and featuring some of the top minds in dentistry.
- I realized I really, at that moment, had accomplished everything that I set out to do. I also realized that I felt like a hunger to do so much more.
Featured on the Show:

by Karah Karah | Mar 15, 2017 | Magnificent Marketing
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This week on the Relentless Dentist Podcast, Mike Pedersen from will help you improve your SEO marketing strategies. He is on the forefront of digital marketing for the dental industry. If you are looking for ways to connect with your ideal client, SEO can help bring that target client to your front door.
He’s one of the most knowledgeable people I know regarding online marketing for dentists. You may have heard of the term SEO, but not know enough to be dangerous. Dentists may be gun shy about working with online marketing agencies because of lackluster results in the past. Mike can revitalize your website search traffic and improve your marketing efforts.
As dentists, we want to occupy the first page of a Google search for keyword phrases central to our practice, specialty, and location. Your appointments fill up when clients searching for the dental services you provide land on your website. Since every dentist has a website these days, SEO marketing techniques can help you stand out from the crowd. Mike will help you put on your geek hat for a few minutes a month and dig into just how important good SEO strategies are for your business.
Key Quotes:
- SEO is being found when someone types in a specific search term for dentistry in Google.
- Google is trying to consume more of their first page with ads.
- The maps listing is only found for certain phrases.
- Over 50% of people know that the Google ads are first and they skip them and they go right to that first organic result.
- The searcher is using search engines more specifically. They’re getting smarter.
- When somebody types in “cost of”, we called them a qualified searcher.
- Long-tail is where you’re getting 5 – 7 keywords in a search phrase.
- You should have individual content for each one of your service pages (interior pages).
- It’s giving Google what they want so they reward us with the ranking.
- Every dental website page should have a minimum of 2-3 calls to action on each page.
- Voice search is becoming more and more popular.
Featured on the Show:

by Karah Karah | Mar 1, 2017 | Bold Biographies, Magnificent Marketing, Prescriptions for your Practice
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
This week, I’m thrilled to bring you an interview with fellow podcaster Dr. Peter Boulden: dentist, marketer, and businessman extraordinaire. Peter is the brains behind the Bulletproof Dental Practice podcast and the owner of several dental practices.
Peter is here to talk about why he loves the business side of dentistry and what attracted him to the profession in the first place. He’s also one of the best advisors on dental marketing and systems out there, so be sure to tune in for that advice!
We chat about Peter’s first job out of dental school and why he offered to work three months for free – seriously! – just to be at a practice he admired. We then cover entrepreneurship and the ups and downs of owning your own practices. Peter shares some of the quotes and books that motivate him now and in hard times, and why he thinks perfectionism is a detrimental concept. He’s also chock-full of actionable marketing tips you won’t want to miss!
Key Quotes:
- I knew that my chances of being successful were more enhanced by coming back to the place where people knew and loved me.
- As a new grad, you have the tools but you are by no means ready to roll.
- People told me we were gonna fail, which is kind of a blessing because it fuels you every morning.
- I like the multiple ownership model because it keeps me busy, and I get to flex my muscles with marketing and systems and all that stuff.
- I’m a big fan of reverse engineering – visualizing what I want and then filling in the steps going backwards.
- I don’t strive for perfection; I strive for progress and value.
- People have depth in so many areas that I don’t and I just want to pull all the pearls I can from their brain.
- No one has a vested interest to grow your practice the way you’re going to.
- People will pay for value – and the same thing can transcend for dentistry.
- The only sure thing you have in this world is you. You are your best investment. So don’t doubt for a second that you can do it.
Featured on the Show:
- Dr. Peter Boulden: [email protected] | (678) 887-1005
- Bulletproof Dental Practice
- Atlanta Dental Spa
- It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
—Theodore Roosevelt - Tim Ferriss
- Dr. Rich Creasman
- David Hornbrook
- Dr. Debra Gray King
- Dr. Trent Smallwood
- Dr. Mark Costes on Bulletproof Dental Practice: Expanding Your Practice Through Acquisitions
- Dr. Steve Rasner on RDP: Dr. Steven Rasner’s Bold Biography
- Dr. Steve Rasner on BDP: How to Have A Thriving FFS Dental Practice
- The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber
- The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies by Michael Gerber and Chet Holmes
- Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers by Tim Ferriss

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