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Dr. Chris Phelps on Using Pre-suasion - Relentless Dentist Podcast

We are welcoming back Dr. Chris Phelps to the show this week to talk more about pre-suasion and the principles behind it. He explains the difference between pre-suasion and persuasion and why it’s so important to prep your clients in the right way in order to get them in the right mindset to be open to suggested procedures. He discusses in detail the science and case studies behind this concept, explains why it’s so successful, and gives specific tips on how to incorporate it into your practice.

This fascinating practice is not as complicated as it seems, especially with Chris explaining the importance of mindset and how little changes can make a big impact on the client experience. From creating the right environment to using the right language, there are so many little tweaks you can make to your practice to get on the same page with your clients and work with them more successfully. Chris even shares some of his own tactics and explains how he implemented them and why he thinks they worked so well.

Key Quotes:

  •  “Pre-suasion is an amplifier of principles.”
  • “Where we’re at is all about our mindset at that given time and that’s what shapes our decision in those times.”
  • “Instead of waiting for moments to happen with persuasion influence, we can actually prime the pump for a yes. We can actually create these influence moments on the front end before the patient gets in front of us.”
  • “Let’s start asking the right type of mindset questions.”
  • “That’s what pre-suasion is all about – timing is everything.”
  •  “Identify triggers that queue or create that mindset.”
  • “How can we extend the moment.”
  • “He did study after study to prove that these concepts exist and not only do they exist – what turns them on and what makes them more powerful.”
  • “If it’s reproducible that means it is teachable and it’s learnable.”
  • “My process is probably a lot like yours, it’s trial and error right? I don’t know until I try and it’s a messy process and I make a lot of mistakes but, you know what, some of my best ideas and systems have been born out of that.”

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