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Obsessions Become Your Possessions with Dr. Peter Bowman

It feels great to reconnect with a good friend, Dr. Peter Bowman, whom I guested in my podcast 5 years back talking about The Art of Believing and Achieving. Fast forward to the present, Peter now owns a world-ranked 9-hole golf course and his dental practice is currently focused on implant cases in varying degrees of complexity, sedation dentistry, and Invisalign.

Listen in as Peter gives us a glimpse of what his work week looks like, his undertaking outside the practice, how he adapted his practice model to his other ventures, biohacking, and a trip down memory lane on how luck played a role in why he got into dentistry.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Doing more efficient scheduling and delegating to the assistant, scheduling docker time and assistant time, we still have to kind of stay on top of that sometimes. But you know, just like anything else, nothing goes perfectly. All we can do is to make it better with each day.”
  • “You’re putting out fires the whole time. You don’t have enough time to figure out where you want to grow and do new things, and doing that buffer time is really hard to even get scheduled. But you know, once you’ve got it and formed that habit, it’s been the best thing I made in the long time.“
  • “A lot of my time is spent marketing and finding opportunities for growth, figuring out what service we don’t offer, the other offices in the area don’t offer, and finding a way to introduce that into the practice, picking a little niche to take care of.”
  • “I think you can do a fee-for-service model pretty much anywhere, but you really have to make yourself stand out and differentiate yourself.”
  • “We still do most of our approach based on finding out what the issues are, finding out what the patient wants, telling them how we can give them what they want, here’s what more we can do. And it just seemed to work for us. We built up a lot of trust and people keep coming back. So that’s how we do it.”
  • “You become what you think about.”

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“Why NOT me?” With Dr. Jordan Brown

“Why NOT me?” With Dr. Jordan Brown

Dr. Jordan Brown reminds me of what’s good about the profession of dentistry. His “Why not me?” attitude is truly admirable. He may be a resident, but don’t let his youth fool you — he is wise beyond his years. His robust story, compelling bio, and positive disposition will surely inspire many in our profession.

Listen in as Dr. Jordan talks about skyrocketing dental tuition, becoming a lifelong student of clinical and communication skills, the importance of access to care of the underserved, and leveraging Instagram as a force for good.

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Key Quotes:

  • “From seeing that transformative experience from a close family member of mine, that kind of led me to want to not only be a dentist, but be a dentist that’s practicing in underserved areas where I know my work will have the biggest impact on those patients.”
  • “I knew I wanted to work in these [underserved] communities and I knew I wanted to have advanced training. So that way, when I did go out and venture on my own, I would know how to handle these cases in a methodical way. Not only just to get the job done, but to get the job done well.“
  • “Information should be shared. Knowledge is power.”
  • “There are a few different ways that dental students can pay for tuition. One is loans. Most people do that. Second, military. Military is a fantastic option for paying for dental school. But there’s a third lesser-known option that a lot of people don’t know about. And that’s what I did. So I did the National Health Service Corps scholarship program.”
  • “You can either work in a fairly qualified health center, you can work in private practices, you can start your own practice. From a private practice standpoint, you can start a practice, but it has to satisfy the criteria that the program sets forth.”
  • “In my life I always follow the model of ‘Why not? Why not me?’”
  • “I never let difficulty deter me from reaching my goals. And I highly encourage all your listeners, students, dentists, just to think about why can’t you be that person that great things happen to.”
  • “You have to make your patients like you because people buy things from people they trust. Patients will not accept your dental treatment recommendations if they don’t like you.”
  • “The last thing that I think is really important is that, when you’re checking out your patients at your desk, give them your personal cell phone number.”
  • “You have to go above and beyond for your patients because they can go anywhere else to get that treatment.”
  • “You can always improve upon yourself and always have a growth mindset. That when you have any setback, any failure in your career, just use that as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve and just to do better.”

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Mastering Complexity with Dane Barlow (Part 1)

Mastering Complexity with Dane Barlow (Part 1) - RD Podcast Joining me on the show today is Dane Barlow, a world-class ceramist and board member for the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. In part one of our two-part interview, he shares his methods and experiences taking incredibly complex tasks, breaking them down into their individual components, and mastering them in a short amount of time.

Dane and I talk about dentistry, but mostly you’ll get to hear how he has developed a speed to skill development. From construction to business ownership and martial arts, Dane shares his story of transformation and insight on coming back from difficult times in life. He has managed to fit so much into his life, while still excelling at the things he takes on, so I know you’ll get a lot out of this conversation!

Key Quotes:

  • “I came to the conclusion that I was worth more dead than alive.”
  • “There was a whole period of my life where I had to learn to correct thought processes that were incorrect.”
  • “I was a fighter—I wasn’t going to give up. I was scrounging with everything I had to not get beat.”
  • “I say, ‘what do I want to accomplish?’ and then I find a way to do it.”
  • “If you have a dream goal and you work yourself like crazy, sometimes you’ll get there.”
  • “I was obsessed with obtaining the impossible, and anything I thought was right, I’d just do it.”
  • “I thought I was diversifying, but everything I did was tied into homeownership, and when home ownership disappeared, my businesses went to nothing.”
  • “If you’re doing something wrong, you add a coach.”
  • “I’m going to give back to other people, and I’m going to recognize when other people need some hope.”
  • “My dad said, ‘You’ll never be a hero’—but no, I’m sorry, but I’ve done it! I’ve done it.”
  • “You want to know the secret? There’s no secret. Do what successful people do, and then do all the things unsuccessful people won’t do, and don’t do the things that successful people wouldn’t do.”

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Saying So Long to My Mentor

Saying So Long to My MentorThere are people who make a lasting and indelible imprint on your life, and my Uncle Nim was one of those people for me. If it wasn’t for his influence and mentorship during my childhood, I don’t know what I would have done, or where I would be today.

This episode is a tribute to Uncle Nim as a way for me to process my grief, archive his impact on my life for my son, and let my friends and family know how much he truly meant to me. Rest in power, Uncle Nim.

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Key Quotes:

  • “As much as I resisted it, I was shaped by a powerful environment during my teenage years.”
  • “We know in tribal communities that elders are the wisdom keepers, and they are held in high regard. Uncle Nim was that tribal elder for me.”
  • “I spent countless hours around [Uncle Nim] in my youth. I took for granted that he was planting seeds during this time. Like a good corn crop, these seeds planted, cultivated, irrigated, and nurtured would later reveal a great harvest.”
  • “Work fast, get done quick. Time and effort expended are largely irrelevant—its results that matter at the end of the day.”
  • “Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.”
  • “Leadership isn’t always pretty.”
  • “Details matter.”
  • “It’s ok to mix a little play in your work.”

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Shortening the Learning Curve with Kyle Stanley

Shortening the Learning Curve with Kyle Stanley - RD Podcast

Dr. Kyle Stanley has accomplished a lot in dentistry at a young age, and he’s joining me to share his story and the journey that got him to where he is today. He gives incredible insight into how to tap into the most valuable resources around you in order to make your way to the top faster. He also explains how speaking about mental health issues has become a big part of his career and why it’s so important and valuable to him.

Listen in as we discuss how Kyle moved so quickly within the field, as well as the mindset and motivation behind the way he tackled dentistry. You’ll learn how he differentiates himself as a non-Beverly Hills – Beverly Hills dentist and why he chose to do dentistry a bit differently.

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Key Quotes:

  • “There’s no way I could’ve done this without my mentors pushing me to the front of the line.”
  • “We really focus on taking our time.”
  • “I didn’t know speaking could be a career, but it’s turned into an important part of my profession.”
  • “By understanding the problems better, I was then able to fix the problems.”
  • “I wanted to let everyone know that they aren’t the only ones going through what they’re going through.”
  • “If you have feelings of depression or suicide, that doesn’t make you crazy—that makes you human.”

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Embracing the Process with Joe Blaylock

Embracing the Process with Joe Blaylock - Relentless Dentist PodcastToday Dr. Joe Blaylock joins me to share his transformation from losing his sense of purpose to dialing in and locking into a successful and impactful future. It’s easy to feel lost and frustrated coming out of dental school, and Joe opens up about how he was able to leverage coaching, mindset work, vision, and purpose to get him to where he is now.

Listen in as we discuss how he initially had a fear of having a startup, as well as what helped him overcome that fear. You’ll hear about some of the biggest challenges he has faced along his journey, what helped push him through, and how to see the big picture and understand the process that leads to success.

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Key Quotes:

  • “In dental school, I always had the vision of having a startup, but I was too afraid to do it.”
  • “I fear it, but I need to do it.”
  • “It’s a personal development program with a compensation program attached to it.”
  • “The business will expose yourself to yourself, right? It’s a self-awareness program.”
  • “You put in above average effort, you will get above average results.”
  • “What I’ve learned is good and sustainable is a process.”
  • “You have to have the right people and you have to give them the roadmap.”

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