by Karah Karah | Aug 28, 2016 | Bold Biographies
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Quotes & Notes:
- I know almost everybody in my class was ready to go out and start a practice when they graduate, but today that is a rarity. The young students don’t feel prepared.
- At the end of the day, oral infections are a pretty simple thing to treat when you know what you are going after. Everything boils down to risk assessment.
- Here’s what dentists need to know when you approach patients this way (with the saliva test), because if someone fails this test everything you do from that point forward is guaranteed to fail.
- Very aggressive movement (of bacteria on the digital display) is a disease and a slide biofilm that is quite is healthy.
We are looking for balance, so when things are out of balance, that means disease. Getting back into balance is a relatively simple thing once you have some products and just a little bit of expertise.
- I am of the opinion that every tooth should be sealed, from young adult and adult, because I am putting an insurance policy against future biology.
- If you have a hygiene department that is efficient and productive I see so many people that come in more confident.
- Don’t be afraid of stepping out.
- You need to practice what you preach. If I am going to talk about periodontal disease, then I better make sure that my mouth is healthy.
If you would like to learn more from Dr. Tom Larkin then you can email him at [email protected] or go to his website,
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by Karah Karah | Jun 28, 2016 | Bold Biographies
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- “Working hard for something we don’t care about is stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.”
- I loved going to Creighton, I loved the city, but mostly at Creighton there’s no specialist, so we got a ton of experience.
- Our practice, Post Falls Family Dental, pretty much sums it up. Our practice has been around for 35 years. So we were a big part of the community, which I think was important rather than just putting out a sign.
- I couldn’t imagine going through life with a chronic not ever being able to get a good night’s sleep. So a soon as I knew dentists could be a part of it (sleep apnea treatment) it wasn’t just making a piece of plastic.
I would say 60% of the patients that come for sleep apnea, 60% of them become dental patients, so that’s been a huge practice builder.
- My goal is to listen to the patient, what is their chief complaint? What is actually making it so they pick up the phone, make the appointment, fill out the paperwork, and actually show up?
- We try to remove hurdles and make it as easy as we can on them (the patients).
Stop the excuses, challenge yourself in your personal life and work life, but don’t settle for the status quo, be more than who you are, and become that relentless dentist.
- Dr. Erin Elliott suggests every dentist read Start with Why by Simon Sinek.
If you would like to learn more from Dr. Erin Elliott then you can find her on Facebook, or email her at [email protected].
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by Karah Karah | Apr 26, 2016 | Bold Biographies
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- We as practice owners have a lot more control over what happens in our office than what we think.
- We want to try to change the mindset from out of the blame game and get into finding a solution.
- Of all the things we do in the office as the owner, we can’t do everything, but I feel like the hiring onboarding process is something that somebody at the very top level has to take control of, it’s not something you can just delegate to a receptionist.
- I grew up in town, and around the dental practice, and maybe because of that I had a real aversion to being a dentist. I really had no intention of being a dentist. Even though dental school – I really hated dental school. It was really when I graduated and started working that the light bulb really went on and I realized that this is an awesome profession.
One of the things I really love about clinical dentistry is doing technically difficult things. My happiness doesn’t come from the patient’s happiness; what drives me clinically is knowing that I did something really difficult.
- Knowing that there are people out there that do such incredible work it just pushes me to try to achieve something even close to that.
- When something goes wrong, sometimes the best thing you can do is just take responsibility for it and then just move forward.
- Our staff is always watching us; you’ve got to be a role model for all of these people.
- Another thing that I’ve realized in the past few years is the power of mentorship and the power of surrounding yourself with people who are in similar situations, and better situations than you. There is always somebody who has had the same problems as you and has conquered it.
- Dr. Mike Ling would suggest every dentist read Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine.
If you would like to learn more about Practice on Fire or learn more from Dr. Mike Ling, you can find information on You can also use the Code Honkytonk for a relentless dentist discount.
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by Karah Karah | Apr 3, 2016 | Bold Biographies
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Quotes & Notes:
- A dental education is a springboard to the unlimited. I am grateful.
- “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Albert Einstein.
- At first, I had a lot of support, but I did have to admittedly try a couple of times to get into dentistry, and by the third time there were people who were saying “alright Nathan, now let’s get a real job already.”
I think dentistry is this really great junction where technology, science, arts, and business all converge.
- In dentistry, there is no real upper limit to achievement. The opportunities we have for learning and success are really staggering, and who is imposing a limit… no one is.
- That’s the great thing about being a dentist is that there are mammoth opportunities for learning.
The only real mistake is the one in which you learn nothing, and I made lots of mistakes as a practice owner, as a business person, but that has enabled me to be able to provide value to our associates.
- “Stop trying to look good to people who you don’t like.” Dan Sullivan. I take that to mean: know your target market and know your target patient.
- Marketing I think for dentists, it is something that we have to do. Whether there ever was a time or era where you could just hang a shingle and people would come, I don’t know if I buy that.
- Dr. Nathan Jeal would suggest every dentist read The Asian Saga by James Clavell.
If you would like to learn more from Dr. Nathan Jeal be sure to email him with [email protected]. The website for his practices is:
Also, be sure to check out Practice on Fire Live by going to
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by Karah Karah | Mar 8, 2016 | Bold Biographies
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Quotes & Notes:
- I just use Stephen Covey’s “First things first” whenever I get mixed up or there are too many things to do at the same time I kind of look to that as to which things to do.
- If you treat people well and serve them a good menu, good dentistry, they are going to come back and send their friends.
- Once you know your calling, you become very focused… Don’t worry about if your first choice was a mistake, you can always go in another direction and you will have even more passion for it at that point.
- I went through all of this with my wife. We worked together for 13 years after I bought the practice in San Diego. I was scared but sometimes I don’t know how scared I should be but she has antennas on that were very perceptive, but we made it together.
Once they are in, they see that we are very caring, knowledgeable, and trustworthy people. And so even though we tell them we don’t take their in-network fees, they know it’s kind of a one or two-time thing so they are willing to pay a little more for a one or two-time thing.
- Mine is a pretty simple exam in terms of looking at teeth, looking for disease, and whatnot, but the one big thing that I do that is different from everybody is for every patient I take extraoral photographs.
- The way to get to cosmetic dentistry is to ask the patient if it is ok to talk about other possibilities for your smile or your health.
- The hardest patient to get through to is a male, especially a male that their wife made the appointment for, and all he really wanted was a cleaning. You show a male these pictures and then all of a sudden they start paying attention to their teeth as if it was a football game.
Once I get them to see what their smile could look like, I know there is a possibility that they may move forward.
- You are listening to gurus talk about how to do exams, and it wonderful to know about all that, but you have got to apply it to your real-life practice.
If you would like to learn more from Dr. David Eshom you can email him at [email protected]. You can also visit his professional page at
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by Karah Karah | Dec 28, 2015 | Bold Biographies
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Quotes & Notes:
- Examine your fears, examine your wishes, and make each day a little bit better, so that’s what I try to do on a daily basis.
- “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt.
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” -Joseph Campbell
- If I had to choose any one (to be who I look up most to) it would have to be my dad. I work four days a week and have Friday, Saturday, Sunday off. He would have called Friday, Saturday, Sunday off a vacation. His work ethic is really a large part of who I am today.
- The one thing in the spirit of full authenticity, I was a terrible undergraduate student. Serendipitously when I was working for the basketball team, the team dentist, Dr. Kurt Custer, I started talking to him and told him about how I was feeling about athletic medicine and I told him I was looking for something else and later had about an hour meeting with him and literally in one hour he convinced me to become a dentist.
- Immediately after dental school, I went to a one-year residency in South Carolina. From there I served two years with a deployable dental unit in Germany and so we were all trained up and ready to go to Iraq, and then they ended up closing down the military base, and then I ended up in Italy of all places.
- I was on a track for partnership and it seemed really good, but you learn a lot about yourself when you are in that situation. My dad always said “David you are too damn independent, “ and I think that is how it played out is it eventually partnership wasn’t the best route for me.
- I downloaded the audio series, Piranha Marketing, by Joe Polish and that led me into this spiral of never-ending learning about marketing.
If you keep doing just another filling, then you are just another dentist, and that is not why I went to dental school, that is not why I do what I do.
- Overcome your excuses, even when you feel like you have nothing to do with your situation, then you have complete control of the outcomes.
- Dr. David would recommend every dentist read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.
If you would like to learn more from Dr. Dave be sure to check out the other podcast episodes from the Relentless Dentist, and also feel free to find him on Facebook or even email him at [email protected].
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