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Dr. Dustin Burleson’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Dustin Burleson's Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcasts

  • Mantra – “Never quit!”
  • “He was a bootstrap, built from the ground up entrepreneur…I learned a lot of lessons in business from my grandfather and my father.”
  • “Every January 1st I sit down – after celebrating with the family – and I make a list of everyone that’s been influential in my life and I write them a thank you letter.”
  • “Growing it from no patients in 2006 to over 7000 active patients today in four locations and five doctors was really an opportunity to express what I learned in marketing.”
  • “If you’re not letting your patients know what you do, really I think you’re doing your business a disservice.”
  • “We were going to be serious about letting people know who we are and what we stood for.”
  • “…and my staff one day walked out at lunch, granted it was only three people but all three walked out and they never came back.”
  • [In October] “We’re matching every patient we start, we’re going to treat a kid for free through Smiles Change Lives.”
  • Book Recommendation – The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
  • “You will become what you think of most.”

If you would like to connect with Dr. Burleson visit

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Dr. Sean Tarpenning’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Sean Tarpenning's Bold Biography - RD Podcasts

  • Mantra – “The choices you make in life dictate the life you lead.”
  • “You can learn a lot from people who work hard and understand people.”
  • “I visited about 40 practices.”
  • “I belong to mastermind groups in both marketing business area and clinical side of things.”
  • “It’s about using your time wisely.”
  • “He talked about a pyramid of patients – new patient for basic dentistry – existing hygiene patients – niche services.”
  • “Invisalign is about 1/3 of my bread and butter practice.”
  • “I had a $34,000 mistake early in my career…I decided well, it’s a good lesson.”
  • “Surround yourself with a great team and delegate.”
  • “Once you get a big enough reason why you want to do things…it motivates you to take action.”
  • Book Recommendation – The Great Game of Business by Jack Stack

If you would like to connect with Dr. Sean go to

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Dr. Jeff Anzalone’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:

  • Mantra – “If you get used to quitting, it becomes a habit. Never quit, no matter what!” Dr. Jeff Anzalone's Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcast
  • “I have an uncle that was a dentist.” “I really liked going up there and watching him work.”
  • [Had a lawn business in high school and college] “I had to resort back to cutting grass. I was probably one of the few United States Periodontists that actually mowed yards as well.”
  • “For the first 4 years or so, it was pretty slow going.”
  • “We sent out these wallet mailers to these patients and then sent out a follow up letter and then really got some really good response. I think we spent maybe 500 bucks and got $8000 in production which is pretty good return on investment.”
  • “Now what we do is two follow up letters and a phone call to everyone…the last time we did it we sent out about 80 at a time and collect anywhere from $18,000-$22,000 every time we do that.”
  • “People don’t trust salesmen.”
  • New patient package, that he sends, cost about 13-14 bucks total.
  • “In dentistry, we don’t make most of our money on the first or second visit.”
  • “Try some little things [in marketing].”
  • Recommended books: 1) Anything by Dan Kennedy 2) Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich 3) Fred Joyal, Everything is Marketing
  • Jeff’s practice website:

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Dr. David Phelps’ Bold Biograhy

Quotes & Notes:

  • Dr. David Phelps' Bold Biograhy - Relentless Dentist Podcasts“Do for five years what others won’t.  Live the rest of your life like others can’t.”
  • “We all go through a sacrifice period in our life…we sacrifice most of our lives and never get beyond that plateau.”
  • “I really enjoyed becoming the best dentist I could.”
  • “Stop thinking that we have to control everything…”
  • “Finding Dan Kennedy (who’s a mentor to both of us) and realizing that the most important activity that any business owner can be involved in is in the marketing.”
  • “Systems, systems, systems…but I never really took it to heart until I had made some serious systems changes in my practice when my daughter became really sick.”
  • “I didn’t mean to suppress people, I really didn’t, but subconsciously, I realize now, looking back, I was suppressing everybody.”
  • “With my daughter’s illness, I had a reason why to change. That’s what we all need in our life. You need a reason why.”
  • “Stop compromising! But, you won’t stop compromising until you feel uncomfortable enough or until you have a real reason.”
  • “This was self-inflicted because I didn’t use good due diligence.”
  • “Wherever you are in your life today, you got to balance your life…if you’re grinding away at the treadmill and you’re not sure how to get off, there are many people out there that are glad to help you.”
  • “Stand by your convictions.”
  • [dental school] “…sets us up so we don’t want to make mistakes in life and the problem with that is that it means you end up living small. You’ve got to take some risks in life…”

Mentions:  Dan Kennedy & The E-Myth 

Follow Dr. Phelps at and on Facebook.

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Dr. Dan Marut’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:

  • “What can we give our patients? What does the consumer want? . . . We found they were looking for peace ofDr. Dan Marut's Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcasts mind.”
  • “The whole basis of Quality Dental Plan is to keep the relationship between the dental office and the patient . . . The way it should be, no third party involvement.”
  • “When you have a middleman that comes in between a transaction, that middleman needs to make some sort of profit.”
  • “Firm in the policy. Flexible in the procedure.”
  • “Becoming a strong leader frees up time to do the things you enjoy most by allowing you to delegate what you enjoy least.”
  • “What can you delegate effectively to your team to allow you to do more dentistry?”
  • “When you have a lot of different details of running a practice pulling you in a lot of different directions . . .are you really giving all of yourself to those patients?”
  • “If you are going to do something, it’s worth doing best.” – Dan’s dad
  • “You aren’t always going to be the best one out there, but you can always give it your best.” – Dan’s mom
  • “Go out there and look around. Explore. See what the world has to offer.  Find out who you are.”
  • “In dental business, it’s understanding the game. What are the rules?”
  • “In our life, we encounter lots of failures and challenges.  How we respond to those really shapes who we are.”
  • “You get knocked down. You have to pick yourself up again. I put my time and energy into something that was going to make an impact on the world.”
  • “Go out and donate some time in the world. Use your skill to give back to the community.  You really start to realize what you do have and what you can do with those skills.”
  • “Know yourself and why you do the things you do.”
  • “Once you make the decision to do something . . . you need to make it as important as breathing.  Every day you wake up, that needs to be at the forefront of your mind.”
  • “Be relentless. Pursue those goals and dreams.”

Dan’s recommended reading: E-myth & The Achievers

Connect with Dan on Twitter and

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Dr. Howard Farran’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:

  • “Business is business.”Dr. Howard Farran’s Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcasts
  • “All 2 million dentists should be on the internet within four years.”
  • “What happens to the planet when all known knowledge and information is zero cost to everybody there is on earth?”
  • “Motivation is like hygiene. You need it every single day.”
  • “The hardest part is the understanding of the human complexity.”
  • “Business is only three things: people, time and money. If you get and “A” on people, the time and money take care of themselves.”
  • “A successful person falls down seven times and gets up eight.”
  • “Fear is absolutely a wasted emotion.”
  • “All leaders are readers.”
  • “Stay true to yourself!”
  • “Jim Collins is still my hero . . . he will take your mind out for a marathon.”
  • “Everybody in life should always have a mentor and a protege.”
  • “I make a religion out of availability.”

Howard’s recommended reading:  Everything by Jim Collins

Connect with Howard on Facebook & Twitter


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