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Quotes & Notes:

  • Dr. David Phelps' Bold Biograhy - Relentless Dentist Podcasts“Do for five years what others won’t.  Live the rest of your life like others can’t.”
  • “We all go through a sacrifice period in our life…we sacrifice most of our lives and never get beyond that plateau.”
  • “I really enjoyed becoming the best dentist I could.”
  • “Stop thinking that we have to control everything…”
  • “Finding Dan Kennedy (who’s a mentor to both of us) and realizing that the most important activity that any business owner can be involved in is in the marketing.”
  • “Systems, systems, systems…but I never really took it to heart until I had made some serious systems changes in my practice when my daughter became really sick.”
  • “I didn’t mean to suppress people, I really didn’t, but subconsciously, I realize now, looking back, I was suppressing everybody.”
  • “With my daughter’s illness, I had a reason why to change. That’s what we all need in our life. You need a reason why.”
  • “Stop compromising! But, you won’t stop compromising until you feel uncomfortable enough or until you have a real reason.”
  • “This was self-inflicted because I didn’t use good due diligence.”
  • “Wherever you are in your life today, you got to balance your life…if you’re grinding away at the treadmill and you’re not sure how to get off, there are many people out there that are glad to help you.”
  • “Stand by your convictions.”
  • [dental school] “…sets us up so we don’t want to make mistakes in life and the problem with that is that it means you end up living small. You’ve got to take some risks in life…”

Mentions:  Dan Kennedy & The E-Myth 

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