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Direction Is Greater Than Speed

Direction Is Greater Than Speed - Relentless Dentist PodcastWhat do you want? Too often, people cannot answer that question, but the answer is what should be driving everything you do. After taking a summer hiatus to spend time with my family, work on my businesses, and get clear on what I really want to share on this podcast, I’m back with an episode about the importance of moving forward with persistence and clarity.

Listen in as I discuss what the “turtle strategy” is and what makes for a purposeful life. You’ll learn the habits and thoughts that quickly get you off track and how to re-direct yourself to get your time and focus back. From getting the proper direction and finding clarity to using purposeful planning and reflection, you will discover the next steps to take in order to stay headed in the right direction.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Part of that forward motion requires a lot of direction.”
  • “If we’re going further faster in the wrong direction, doesn’t that make it harder for us to get to where we actually belong?”
  • “A practice is limited by its leader, and a leader is limited by their identity.”
  • “We become the story that we tell ourselves, so we have to systematically reprogram that subconscious that was driving it all.”
  • “If we think we suck as a manager or a clinician and don’t rewire that inclination, we will continue to suck.”
  • “All businesses take on the personality of its leader, and if your personality, your ability, your capacities expand, so will your practice.”

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Top Ten Lessons Learned from the Titans of Dentistry

Top Ten Lessons Learned from the Titans of Dentistry - RD PodcastIn this episode, I’ll be sharing a presentation I delivered at the Voices of Dentistry event last month. A lot of energy went into this presentation, and if you’re interested in hearing about some of the biggest lessons to be learned from the top titans in dentistry, this is for you. You’ll get some incredible tactical insights about what separates the top dentists from the bottom dentists, how to define success, and much more.

Listen in to learn what practice growth really means and the best way to focus on growing personally and professionally. The importance of building a team and supporting your organization through exceptional leadership is definitely a key component here, as well as accountability, overcoming difficulty, balance, and clarity.

Tune in and get more Wealth Wisdom

Key Quotes:

  • “I love my life now. I’m so thankful, I’m so grateful—and I’m hungry as hell for more.”
  • “What we found out is that success is to be defined on your own terms.”
  • “Mine this book, mine this presentation for gems you can apply to your own life.”
  • “I was telling people to live their epic life, but I wasn’t.”
  • “I knew that if I could climb out of that pit, I would never stop climbing.”
  • “Where are you right now? And where do you want to be?”
  • “Titans have a growth mindset.”
  • “I believe that the values and the mission of the organization support the team.”
  • “Titans are accountable. What is the opposite of accountability? Blame.”
  • “Clarity is certainly knowing what you want, and you want what you want. It shouldn’t be associated with a lot of guilt, and it shouldn’t be you chasing others’ visions and versions of success.”
  • “Forget the how. Know what you want, why you want it, and who you have to become to get it.”
  • “Sometimes courage is just listening to your team.”
  • “Every one of those decisions can be a step forward into fear or a step backward into comfort.”
  • “Dentists are purposeful.”
  • “The thing we know for sure is that most of our decisions, most of our activity, is driven by our subconscious mind. We think we’re in control, but we’re mostly in autopilot.”
  • “I changed my story, and my results changed.”

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Can You Be Your Own Hero?

Can You Be Your Own Hero? - Relentless Dentist PodcastToday, I want to share an episode I recorded with Dr. Paul Etchison a while back, which touches on some key things we need to figure out as dentists and practice owners. Paul is the author of Dental Practice Hero, the host of the Dental Practice Heroes podcast, and one of the titans featured in Titans of Dentistry, and he’s someone I really respect because he truly walks the talk. Given his successful career and leadership skills, he’s one of the best people I can think of to have a conversation with about high-performance coaching and being a high-performance individual.

In this episode, Paul and I dive into the subjects of happiness, fulfillment, and figuring out your purpose. Listen in to hear the major lessons we’ve both learned throughout our careers, what it takes to be a great leader, and why it’s so important for us as dentists to gain clarity on what we really want out of our practices—and out of our lives.

Be inspired! Watch more Hints for Happiness podcast episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “The marketplace doesn’t care what degree you have; it matters how much value you’re adding to the system.”
  • “We’re all drawn to certain things, and really defining who we are and what we want—getting that crystal clarity—I think is the first step on the escape plan if you feel like you’re on that hamster wheel.”
  • “Making sure that you’re progressively trending upward on some kind of key criteria in life is what drives a practice because if you just try and drive a practice with brute force, you’ll get growth, but sustainable growth is questionable because if you’re burnt out, your team isn’t going to show up.”
  • “Make sure that you not only know exactly what you want out of your practice and your life, but why you want it, and if you don’t have a compelling why, then it’s time to go back to the drawing board.”
  • “When the team shows up, batteries included, and you show up, batteries included, patients feel that goodwill goes up, case acceptance goes up, and it all trickles down to the bottom line.”
  • “You can be confident in leadership, but to think that you’ve learned it all and not be engaged in a lifelong journey I think is a dangerous place.”
  • “I hope dentists know that if they’re in a tough spot right now, or if they’ve been through a tough spot, or if one’s coming in the future, that’s just part of the game and to anticipate that. To try navigating around that is just wise business, but to think you’ll avoid it completely is a fallacy.”
  • “It all comes down to marketing, and once that mind shift happens, life gets a lot easier because you realize that your clinical skills are just one small part of the equation.”
  • “You’re your number one asset and your practice is a close second, and sometimes you have to put all the chips in to make sure that you get the results that you need.”
  • “If you’re thinking about investing in your team, if you’re thinking about investing in yourself, it’s not hard to get a $1000 idea if you implement it. It’s not hard to get an ROI. It’s making sure you have the intention to actually put your words into actions.”
  • “Be crystal clear on what you want, why you want it, and then pursue that dream without guilt or apologies.”

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Retirement and Work-Life Balance is B.S.

Retirement and Work-Life Balance is B.S. - Relentless Dentist Podcast

What comes to mind when you hear the term “work-life balance”? How about when you think about retirement? I get a fair amount of questions about these two topics—likely because this podcast is all about engineering a practice that provides for your epic life—but I’m here to tell you that I think both work-life balance and retirement are complete b.s.

In this episode, I go on a bit of a rant about why these two ideas really bother me. Listen in to hear why I don’t agree with the thought that we should have a clear distinction between work and the other aspects of our lives, the reason I think retirement is a bad idea, and how we should all go about designing lives that give us purpose and fulfillment.

Key Quotes:

  • “Is ‘work-life balance’ implying that one is bad and that we should balance it with the other one? I don’t know—I have a hard time with that. Most people get their purpose and a lot of their identity from their work.”
  • “Why can’t we have a vision that blurs the lines between work and play?”
  • “I think that’s a common theme in 100% of people, that you should be growing and evolving and serving. And most people do that through their work.”
  • “My life is fueling my work, and my work is fueling my life. So can we just all call it life and integrate it?”
  • “I, quite frankly, want to work the day before I die. I want to work until the end, delivering value.”
  • “You’re serving the patient by being influential. You’re serving your team by giving them a culture, a place that they enjoy and collaborate and have a shared vision. All those components fuel your life.”
  • “Five years we’ve been talking about designing an epic practice to fuel your epic life. It’s a vehicle to get what you want—to live the life that you want—but it all has to be engineered with intention.”
  • “Can we stop talking about retirement, and can we stop talking about work-life balance? I think they’re both complete bullshit, and I think they take people down paths that they shouldn’t even consider.”
  • “Design a work schedule that gives you purpose, that gives you meaning, that gives you challenge and allows you to grow, and let that fuel your life.”

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Practice Growth and the Cave You Most Fear

Practice Growth and the Cave You Most Fear - RD Podcast

This episode is all about understanding your fears and finding effective ways to lead and grow your practice. The pain of fear can be so crippling but it doesn’t have to hold you back if you don’t let it. We’ll go over the common fears people have when it comes to their practice and challenge you to not let that fear get in your way by choosing courage over comfort.

First you’ll learn about the different hats that dentists, especially leaders, should be wearing and how to develop your leadership skills to bring out the best in your team. The next step is finding where fear is holding you back so you’ll learn about some common ways that fear keeps you from growing and how to push past those issues.

Key Quotes:

  • “There are several hats that dentists have to wear and I think the leader themselves should wear a few different hats.”
  • “The common theme I see in the purpose of all people is that they should be growing and expanding and they should be serving.”
  • “The way that we’re going to grow now is to grow the people. Grow their confidence and grow their capabilities.”
  • “If you’re not intentional about growth, increasing the skillsets of people that are there and increasing your own skillsets, it’s an easy way to have your practice inadvertently plateau.”
  • “In a practice you actually have to encourage people to make mistakes.”
  • “Capability comes after courage. After some reps you’re developing some confidence.”
  • “You can’t be the leader who criticizes them for making mistakes because they will stop making the effort.”
  • “Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s doing something that you fear. The fears never really go away.”

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