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Passion Focused Dentistry with Dr. Mike Grossman

Passion Focused Dentistry with Dr. Mike Grossman - RD PodcastThe pressure on dentists to be able to do all types of procedures and do them excellently could be hurting the profession and your practice. Dr. Mike Grossman joins us on the show to share his wisdom and insight about how he found his own niche that has allowed him to focus his efforts and be more effective.

Mike also talks about the way he leads his businesses by using delegation and helpful guidance as a way to make things run smoothly for everyone. He also shares his experiences starting out in the career, who guided him along the way and how he ended up as an owner. We also discuss time management and the importance of pursuing progress rather than perfection.

Key Quotes:

  • “Find the one thing, even if it’s fillings, that you’re excited about and run with that.”
  • “If you’re creating value and you’re enjoying it, then the financial rewards will follow.”
  • “Delegating is trusting people to do the right thing and having them understand that you’re there as a support not as a boss.”
  • “There is that surprise no matter what, whatever discipline, whatever niche procedure you dive into when you first start.”
  • “There’s a huge push for dentists in general that they feel like if they’re not doing implants especially, but implants and every aspect of dentistry, and doing every aspect of dentistry well, then they’re not doing it right.”
  • “I like to really focus in on what excites and motivates me professionally.”
  • “The trap is definitely getting into the habit of always comparing yourself to other dentists who are doing XYZ.”

Featured on the Show:


Creating a Self-Reliant Practice with Jordon Comstock

Insurance complications with patients and the lack of consistent reoccurring revenue are problems that most professionals in the dental industry face. Jordon Comstock, a natural problem solver, has found some simple ways to get rid of these common issues. His passion for leadership and a self-sufficient style of doing business is what got him to where he is today with many happy and successful clients in the dental industry.

Creating a Self-Reliant Practice with Jordon Comstock

Jordon shares his story and how he ended up working in the dental industry and found his passion for improving systems and processes. He also talks about key areas that are critical to building a more self-reliant and consistently profitable practice. Jordon sheds light on a few areas where dentists tend to miss opportunities for increased functionality, customer loyalty and profits.

The business that Jordon built, Boom Cloud, addresses many of the organizational issues that come with having a subscription-style practice. He talks about what services they provide to increase scalability and cut out the headaches that come with insurance billing and expired credit card payments. Overall he really plants a great idea that practices can easily avoid much of the hassle they currently deal with and gain more loyal and consistent clients.

Key Quotes:

  • “I look for employees that are leaders, I don’t look for employees that look at me to be a leader”
  • “Despite going through that year of hardship and challenge, I believed in my product, I believed in the concept and I just stayed persistent and I found ways to make money on the side and then all of a sudden we launched Boom Cloud a year later.”
  • “You reap what you sow and sure enough that’s what happened.”
  • “A critical component of self-reliance is getting other leaders involved and people that can lead different aspects of a practice.”
  • “I do believe in the concept of reoccurring revenue, that that helps a lot.”
  • “Dentists should be reliant on their own system, their own team, to grow and flourish.”
  • “We’ve got the insurance companies that are policing the dentists but who’s policing the insurance companies?”
  • “I believe in systems and processes. If we don’t have those, it’s very hard to manage things in any type of business.”

Featured on the Show:


Leadership and Life Mastery with Kim McGuire

Quotes & Notes:Leadership and Life Mastery with Kim McGuire - RD Podcast

  • I just have a philosophy that I think that when people feel like, “wow it’s already next year,” that they are not being present in their life and they are not moving forward in all of the areas of their life.

Leadership is believing in people more than they believe in themselves.

  • Whenever we want to communicate something that has some emotion tied to it, we really want to make sure we are doing that in person because our tonality and physiology speak volumes.

Qualities of a great leader: beliefs, optimism, courage, preparation, teamwork, communication, willingness to make decisions, and doing the right thing.

  • We do want to empower our team members to make great decisions because when people feel autonomous and they feel like they are empowered, they can do amazing things.
  • You need to know how each team member needs to feel appreciated and what they need and what their next level looks like for their career.
  • The six areas of life mastery are your emotional life, your physical body, your financial mastery, your purpose/career, your spirituality/contribution, and your relationships.
  • It’s about making micro-changes and you continue to make more and more micro changes and overtime it will make a difference.
  • Get into the habit of writing down three things that you are grateful for every single day. But they really have to be different things because if you just think about the same three things then you are just stuck in those same three things. If you really force yourself to think about what you are grateful for then it makes your brain open up for “what else can I be grateful for?”

If you would like to learn more from Kim McGuire you can go to her website,, or email her at [email protected] and also be sure to check out her podcast, the Fortune Management Practice Mastery Podcast which releases every couple of weeks.

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Richard Rierson on “Charting Your Leadership Journey”

Quotes & Notes:Richard Rierson on "Charting Your Leadership Journey"

  • “It’s about lifting other people up.”
  • “You’re obligated to do everything you can to learn what it means to become a leader.”
  • “Assume the accountability of the success and particularly the failures of that organization.”
  • “…this is a lifelong process that never ends.”
  • “Every interaction with a human being is an opportunity for leadership and growth.”
  • “How good are they at being a leader and handling the gray areas?”
  • “Real leaders understand the emotional intelligence side…”
  • “People want to be part of the solution.”
  • “Confidence is the core of a natural charisma.”
  • “The less confidence you have, the faster you give up trying.”
  • Confidence killers:  Low self-image; fear; worrying about other people’s opinion of you
  • “Fear is a necessary requirement of courage.”
  • “The uncertainty of the future never goes away.”

If you would like more insight from Richard, check out  or


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