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Missionary or Mercenary? Decoding Your Dental Team’s True Motivations

Are you a dental practice owner looking to foster a team culture that’s rooted in passion rather than just profit?

This week, we’re exploring the “Mercenary vs. Missionary” mindset with guidance from John Doerr, the legendary venture capitalist. His insights help us understand the crucial differences between team members who operate out of self-interest and those who are driven by a shared vision and dedication to your practice’s success.

  • Delve into Doerr’s perspective on why a missionary-driven team is the cornerstone of long-term success and patient satisfaction.
  • Learn actionable steps to inspire a shift in your team’s mindset, leading to improved care, stronger team cohesion, and enhanced practice growth.
  • Discover how to identify mercenary traits and strategically transform them into missionary zeal that aligns with your practice’s core values.

For dental practice owners seeking to create a lasting impact and drive genuine success, this episode is your playbook.

Tune in and learn how to lead your team towards a future where dedication and passion are the driving forces.

Subscribe, rate, review, and share this episode with peers who are just as dedicated to cultivating a thriving, mission-driven dental practice.

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • Misalignment affects team potential, workloads, patient care, and overall practice success.”
  • “Transforming your team from mercenaries to missionaries creates passion and alignment.”
  • “Exceptional patient care leads to stronger patient relationships and a thriving dental practice.”
  • “Passion can be cultivated from curiosity and leads to consistency of purpose.”
  • “The journey from mercenary to missionary mindset requires patience, persistence, and strong leadership.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: John Doerr, an American investor and venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins in Menlo Park, California.
  • People: Mark Cuban, an American billionaire businessman, film producer, investor, and television personality.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Timidity’s Toll: How Boldness Elevates Dental Practice Owners

Are you a dental practice owner caught in the inertia of indecision, watching potential growth pass you by? Tune in this week as we delve into the transformative power of boldness in dental practice ownership.

  • Understand the crucial difference between “Motion vs Action”
  • Learn how a single act of boldness can set off a ripple effect of positive change
  • Discover the pitfalls of timidity and how it affects your team and patient relations

If you’re looking to elevate your practice by building an empowered team, attracting a loyal patient base, and boosting profitability, don’t miss this episode! Ready to step up your game? Subscribe, rate, and review. Share this episode with fellow dental professionals who could benefit from a boldness revolution in their practices.

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “Boldness is the key to unlocking a version of you that can effortlessly navigate the complexities of dental practice management.”
  • “When you enter action with boldness, you’re not just making a choice, you’re setting a precedent of confidence that ripples through every aspect of your practice.”
  • “Hesitation weakens progress; embrace change and innovation with confidence, whether it’s adopting advanced technologies or expanding your services.”
  • “Timidity creates internal conflicts and hinders practice growth; boldly confront these obstacles by adopting a mindset of calculated risk-taking.”
  • “Each bold action you take as a dental practice owner brings you closer to the confidence and inner peace you seek.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Robert Greene, an American author of books on strategy, power, and seduction.
  • People: Napoleon Hill, an American self-help author who is best known for his book Think and Grow Rich.
  • Organization: North American Society of Periodontists, a unique organization of practicing periodontists with a mission to perfect the art and science of building the ideal periodontal practice.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Unlocking the Profit Puzzle: Why Your Dental Practice Isn’t Making More Money

Imagine a dental practice where every action propels you toward greater profitability and personal fulfillment. A place where marketing turns patients into advocates and your innovations set you apart. This isn’t just a dream; it’s within your reach.

Our journey begins with a tale of a dental practice drowning in complexity, not debt. Your next steps await, from relationship-building to marketing audits, innovation, and cost reviews. It’s time to create a thriving dental practice, and our podcast is your trusted guide.

What’s In It For You:

  • Maximize Patient Loyalty: Inspired by Peter F. Drucker, the Father of Modern Management, learn how to transform first-time visits into lifelong relationships.
  • Boost Your Referrals: Uncover Drucker’s principles applied to dental marketing, turning your patients into your biggest advocates.
  • Increase Your Profits: Find out how Drucker’s wisdom can help you scrutinize and optimize your costs for a healthier bottom line.


  • Immediate strategies to increase patient retention and referrals, all inspired by Peter F. Drucker.
  • Practical tips to optimize your operational costs for higher profits.

Perfect For:

  • Dental practice owners who want to unlock higher profits.
  • Dentists looking to innovate and optimize their practice.

Tune in to elevate your dental practice’s profitability and patient experience, guided by the timeless wisdom of Peter F. Drucker.

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are ‘costs.'”
  • “There’s a transformative shift that happens when you move from merely conducting transactions to building relationships.”
  • “Effective marketing isn’t just about attracting new patients; it’s about crafting experiences so memorable that patients become promoters of your practice.”
  • “Innovation is all about those small, thoughtful changes that can dramatically improve both efficiency and the patient experience.”
  • “Every time a patient comes in, they have a choice whether they return or not.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Peter F. Drucker, Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Building Patient Loyalty in a Rapid, Short-Term World

In a world dominated by digital interactions, there’s a powerful reminder that the smallest gestures can create lasting impacts.

Imagine the surprise when a dental practice owner realizes that a simple birthday card had a profound impact on a patient. It’s a testament to the significance of small, meaningful moments. As a dental practice owner, you’ll discover how these moments can forge deep emotional connections, build patient loyalty, and elevate your practice to new heights.

While we excel at dental expertise, we also recognize the importance of weaving the philosophy of relationship-building into every aspect of your practice. We’ll delve into the financial perspective of distinguishing between expenses and investments that deepen patient loyalty. Learn how to listen actively, rethink touchpoints, and celebrate the small moments that strengthen the bond with your patients in this podcast designed exclusively for dental practice owners.

Dive into this episode and discover:

  • “Hot Fudge Sundae” Experiences: Master the art of creating standout moments that cement patient loyalty in an instant-gratification world.
  • Lifetime Value: Unearth the strategy behind enhancing this hidden gem for sustained practice success.
  • Handwritten Notes & Snail Mail: Reconnect with the age-old magic that deepens patient ties like no digital method can.
  • Trust Building: The underlying foundation that ensures everything else falls into place.

For dental practice owners aiming for not just growth but a legacy, this episode is gold. Tune in now!

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “In the era of instant gratification, dental practices cannot take patient loyalty for granted.”
  • “Focusing on patient loyalty and lifetime value in a dental practice is going to bring you some fantastic benefits.”
  • “Patient loyalty is not just about clinical excellence. It’s about building emotional connections.”
  • “Make memories for your patients. Make it remarkable, worth remarking about.”
  • “When a patient receives one of these thoughtful, kind notes, they’re more likely to reciprocate with loyalty, trust, positive word of mouth recommendations.”
  • “Patient loyalty is a bedrock upon which your thriving patient-centric dental practice can be built for endurance.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


6 Reasons Why Modern Dentists Need a Self-Managing Team Today

Is your team merely going through the motions or are they on a championship journey?

I’ve walked the path from the sports field to the dentist’s chair, experiencing the transformative essence of unwavering commitment and accountability. I had the opportunity to work with some of the best athletes in the world. But when I look back on those few years, the most impactful experience was being a part of a back-to-back national champion football team. Amidst the grueling drills and sweat-drenched jerseys, there was an unmistakable element on the field – no one dogged it, and no one made excuses. Why? Because they held each other accountable, pushing each teammate to their limit, play after play, rep after rep.

In this podcast, we’re here to distill the dos and don’ts of cultivating a self-managing dental team inspired by the elite leadership I witnessed in undergrad. We’ll steer clear of pitfalls such as micromanaging, favoritism, ambiguity, neglecting feedback, and complacency. Imagine your dental practice not just as a healthcare clinic, but as an elite sports team, where every procedure and every patient interaction is a chance to win. With the right strategies, your practice can achieve that elite performance you desire.

• Modern Dentistry Deep Dive: Understand how autonomy and self-management are redefining successful practices.

 Harness Technology: Learn how a self-managing team efficiently integrates cutting-edge tools and practices.

• Elevate Patient Experience: Discover the role of an empowered team in ensuring top-tier patient interactions.

• Resilient Practices: Unveil the blueprint for thriving in an ever-changing dental landscape.

• Empowerment = Growth: Grasp why giving your team autonomy is a game-changer for practice growth.

 Whether a seasoned pro or a fresh face in dentistry, this episode is crucial for future-proofing your practice. Tune in now!


P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “By embracing a system that empowers self-managing teams, you’re going to revitalize energy, your energy, their energy, the energy of the environment.”
  • “A self-managing team is well-versed in innovations, ensuring that the practice continually adopts and benefits from the latest advancements.”
  • “Operational efficiency. A modern dental practice isn’t getting more simple. It’s getting more complex.”
  • “A self-managing team can pivot strategies, develop new services, upgrade services, or refine marketing approaches autonomously.”
  • “You want a model that moves up and to the right, no matter what’s happening in the outside world.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].
