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How to celebrate your patients with Tanya Stein, R.D.H., B.S., B.A.

Quotes & Notes:How to celebrate your patients with Tanya Stein, R.D.H., B.S., B.A.

  • If the patient has a great experience then the office is going to have great success.
  • If we go the extra mile and we make that experience a great one, and that doesn’t necessarily mean having the best dental chair or having that amazing high speed or low speed, it really means showing patients that you care.

I think the number one thing to work on is communication.

  • Any excuse to celebrate the patient will have a positive return for the practice.
  • The semantics is so important, it’s the word shot verses injection, there are so many ways that we can make patients feel safer, cared about, by just changing the way we talk.
  • People want to go where they feel appreciated and there’s a connection and there’s rapport.
  • I like the word generosity because we should all be generous, not just in our practice but also in our life. If we stop focusing on what we are doing and start focusing on others, you will be amazed at others start focusing on us.
  • Three tips to do in your practice:
    1. If you can’t get to it get somebody that can, don’t just let it sit on the sidelines.
    2. Go the extra mile for your patients.
    3. Be happy, people can sense it and are attracted to positivity.
  • The customer is always right.
  • “If you always do what you have done, then you will always get what you have gotten,” Tony Robins.

If you would like to learn more from Tanya Stein, you can visit her website or email her at [email protected].

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Dr. David Maloley: “Enter the cave you most fear”

Quotes & Notes:Dr. David Maloley: "Enter the cave you most fear"

  • Examine your fears, examine your wishes, and make each day a little bit better, so that’s what I try to do on a daily basis.
  • “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt.

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” -Joseph Campbell

  • If I had to choose any one (to be who I look up most to) it would have to be my dad. I work four days a week and have Friday, Saturday, Sunday off. He would have called Friday, Saturday, Sunday off a vacation. His work ethic is really a large part of who I am today.
  • The one thing in the spirit of full authenticity, I was a terrible undergraduate student. Serendipitously when I was working for the basketball team, the team dentist, Dr. Kurt Custer, I started talking to him and told him about how I was feeling about athletic medicine and I told him I was looking for something else and later had about an hour meeting with him and literally in one hour he convinced me to become a dentist.
  • Immediately after dental school, I went to a one-year residency in South Carolina. From there I served two years with a deployable dental unit in Germany and so we were all trained up and ready to go to Iraq, and then they ended up closing down the military base, and then I ended up in Italy of all places.
  • I was on a track for partnership and it seemed really good, but you learn a lot about yourself when you are in that situation. My dad always said “David you are too damn independent, “ and I think that is how it played out is it eventually partnership wasn’t the best route for me.
  • I downloaded the audio series, Piranha Marketing, by Joe Polish and that led me into this spiral of never-ending learning about marketing.

If you keep doing just another filling, then you are just another dentist, and that is not why I went to dental school, that is not why I do what I do.

  • Overcome your excuses, even when you feel like you have nothing to do with your situation, then you have complete control of the outcomes.
  • Dr. David would recommend every dentist read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

If you would like to learn more from Dr. Dave be sure to check out the other podcast episodes from the Relentless Dentist, and also feel free to find him on Facebook or even email him at [email protected].

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Dr. Gina Dorfman: Creating the practice your team rallies around

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Gina Dorfman: Creating the practice your team rallies around

  • Team management and hiring are in general very stressful for dentists. You always hear “oh if it weren’t for the employees…” I feel that the problem is that we don’t create systems to make it successful. People don’t fail, systems fail.
  • Creating an amazing culture is critical, and it is actually a system.
  • If you want people to rally around a cause you have to give them a cause worthy of rallying around.

Hiring is a group sport in my practice, I look for chemistry. It’s important that we all like each other.

  • Starbucks is a great place for an interview because you want to make this interview as natural as possible.
  • One of the things that we do is in the end we always ask the same question, “If you were hired, who else in this room would you want to see hired as well?” This is how the leaders stand out.
  • We try to invite about ten people at a time (to the interview process). Six or seven people come in and that creates a good room dynamic.
  • When you are very clear on what you want, you sort of already know who the right person is. And yes, you make mistakes but it is a lot like dating.

I don’t make decisions in hiring, the team does. People support what they help create.

  • As long as there are people sharing, everyone who wants to be successful has to be like a sponge and to really take on all of those great ideas.

If you would like to learn more from Dr. Gina Dorfman you can go to her website or email her at [email protected]. You can also find her in dental town.

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Bob Sommers’ Secrets to Getting Positive Online Reviews

Quotes & Notes:Bob Sommers' Secrets to Getting Positive Online Reviews - RD Podcast

  • The most effective way to build your business, whether it be on or off the internet, has to deal with two types of marketing: referrals and what your reputation was on the internet.
  • One of the things that really disappoint me today is we have patients and customers that are saying these awesome things about us on Google and Yelp, there are a handful of dentists that get it, when they see that they thank their patients, but I’ve got to tell you most people don’t think twice about it.

We way more trust what your patients say about you over what you say about yourself.

  • If you ask someone to write a review for you, I would let most people know it is easier to do on a desktop on Google. If they have an iPhone I would make sure they know it’s possibly easier, but I would alert them to the fact that in order to do this they need to have google maps.
  • So here’s the biggest issue with Yelp. Yelp has these guidelines that say don’t ask people to go to Yelp specifically to write a review… Yelp, the key is only to have active Yelp users write the reviews.

The key to protecting yourself is to get an overwhelming number of five-star reviews.

  • The first thing I would encourage you to do [with a bad review] is you can look at Google’s review terms of service. You can contact Google and be specific and say “this review breaks… will you please remove it?” The next thing I would suggest you do before you respond publicly is to respond privately.  The last thing you do if nothing else works is to respond publicly.
  • In my humble opinion, you should ask virtually every patient you see.
  • One thing that I would suggest to anyone who is going to get reviews is you want to make sure you do this consistently.

If you would like to learn more from Bob Sommers you can go to or call (808) 891-0449.

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The key to Increasing Production with Deanna L. Robinson

Quotes & Notes:The key to Increasing Production with Deanna L. Robinson - RD Podcast

  • If we increase one area of our life, the other areas like relationships and our enjoyment of life, health, they all are interconnected. We start out by increasing productivity, but it affects all areas.
  • Primarily how gratitude works is let’s say we’ve got $10,000 in the bank and we say, “Gosh I just have that $ 10,000 dollar. That’s all I’ve got.” You feel even just the energy in those thoughts and those words. Or, I can refer to it as “Oh, I’m so grateful. I’ve got $10,000 dollars in the bank.” The more we express it… the more that we see opportunity.
  • All of a sudden she feels better about herself (because you showed her gratitude) and she looks for ways to improve her skills.

Every night before you get into bed, pause and think about every moment you are grateful for.  All night long you brain is going through all the things you are grateful for and it increases more of what you are grateful for.

  • If you want to be happy, you have to actually decide to be happy.
  • That’s probably why dentists have such a high suicide rate because they keep thinking oh it’s the next thing that’s going to make me happy. So let’s decide to be grateful and happy right now.
  • The two things I suggest everyone do is practice gratitude, make it a gratitude practice. And then the other thing I found that can hold someone back in productivity is when a dentist is holding a grudge.
  • I always say when you hold a grudge against someone it is like drinking a tiny bit of arsenic every day and hoping that another person is going to die.
  • “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”~Pablo Picasso.

If you would like to learn more from Dianna Robinson you can go to her website

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Dr. Michael DiTolla: Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Michael DiTolla: Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors

  • “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors,” African Proverb.

There are always ways, whether it be tips or tricks, to get good results even if you don’t have a great set of hands.

  • I didn’t want it to appear that I was doing things that the audience couldn’t do, in fact I wanted them to know that if I could do this, they certainly could do this.
  • It really wasn’t until I got the opportunity to start doing some videos with Glidewell that I saw, oh my gosh, people are doing better things than this.
  • I’ve just always loved having a microphone in my hand, and so wanting to start the lecture is just based on that same type of thing.
  • I learned, know your room, know who you are telling your story to, and then always be willing to turn to experts.

When you are speaking, even in dentistry, when you disclose things about yourself as a father or a husband or whatever, that’s when people get to know you and when that connection is formed.

  • If you just get involved with digital impressions, there simply is no faster way to become a better dentist.
  • Dr. DiTolla would recommend every dentist read Success Through Stillness by Russell Simmons.

If you would to learn more from Dr. DiTolla you can go to or email him at [email protected]. You can also look up reverse preparation on YouTube to learn his process. Be sure to take a listen to his podcast, The Accidental Geniuses.

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Leadership and Life Mastery with Kim McGuire

Quotes & Notes:Leadership and Life Mastery with Kim McGuire - RD Podcast

  • I just have a philosophy that I think that when people feel like, “wow it’s already next year,” that they are not being present in their life and they are not moving forward in all of the areas of their life.

Leadership is believing in people more than they believe in themselves.

  • Whenever we want to communicate something that has some emotion tied to it, we really want to make sure we are doing that in person because our tonality and physiology speak volumes.

Qualities of a great leader: beliefs, optimism, courage, preparation, teamwork, communication, willingness to make decisions, and doing the right thing.

  • We do want to empower our team members to make great decisions because when people feel autonomous and they feel like they are empowered, they can do amazing things.
  • You need to know how each team member needs to feel appreciated and what they need and what their next level looks like for their career.
  • The six areas of life mastery are your emotional life, your physical body, your financial mastery, your purpose/career, your spirituality/contribution, and your relationships.
  • It’s about making micro-changes and you continue to make more and more micro changes and overtime it will make a difference.
  • Get into the habit of writing down three things that you are grateful for every single day. But they really have to be different things because if you just think about the same three things then you are just stuck in those same three things. If you really force yourself to think about what you are grateful for then it makes your brain open up for “what else can I be grateful for?”

If you would like to learn more from Kim McGuire you can go to her website,, or email her at [email protected] and also be sure to check out her podcast, the Fortune Management Practice Mastery Podcast which releases every couple of weeks.

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Mary Osborne: Help your patients see the possibilities

Quotes & Notes:

  • Mary Osborne: Help your patients see the possibilities - RD PodcastFor me it was always mostly about the relationships and finding ways to help our patients make healthy choices for themselves, finding ways to help them see possibilities and act on what they really know about themselves.
  • When I learned to listen better, I had to do a lot less talking. The education piece that I was taught in my clinical training is so much easier when I first take the time to really listen. And that is what staying in the question is all about.
  • We really are much more confident accessing our knowledge but accessing your ignorance is that recognition that there’s always more to learn.
  • I hear practices that say, I did the co-discovery…co-discovery is an ongoing process; it’s always happening.
  • I’ve learned that if I say to the patient, I’m noticing some wear patterns, where do you suppose those might be coming from, do you have any idea why your teeth are worn? It’s questioning that invites them to think about it a little bit.

The only guideline (for the partner interview exercise) is that every other question you ask should be based upon their response to the previous question.

  • What that exercise does is it forces you to stay in the question. Then the person who is being interviewed is the person leading the conversation. And the person doing the interview is following their lead.
  • That is a gift with the hygienist to build a relationship with the patient, and it does communicate to the patient we care about you as a person, not just a set of teeth.
  • It’s more about your intention and attention than it is about how much time you have in an interview.
  • “Patients carry their own doctor inside. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the physician who resides within each patient a chance to go to work,” Dr. Albert Schweitzer.

 If you would like to learn more from Mary Osborne, you can go to or email her at [email protected]. Be sure to check out her workshops.

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Dr. Peter Bowman: The Art of Believing and Achieving

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Peter Bowman: The Art of Believing and Achieving - RD Podcast

  • “You become what you think about,” -Earl Nightingale.
  • One thing I knew I would have to do is to set myself apart from all of the other applicants [for dental school] because my GPA was terrible in college.
  • I started doing things the old fashioned way, started writing letters and signed to some of key decision makers at the school, mainly the dean of admissions, and I just kept in contact with her every four/six weeks calling her up… “What else can I do to convince you and your admission crew that I’m worthy of being a good dentist… I will do whatever it takes.”
  • A week before classes started I called the dean of admissions one more time. So if somebody was stupid enough to not show up the next week, give me a call and I will be there in less than 24 hours. About three days later I got a phone call from her.
  • I have a hard time relating to some of these people who are in dental school, and they are complaining, griping about what they are being put through. My perspective is every day that I got to step foot in that school was a blessing in itself.
  • Opportunities come at you when you may least expect it or feel least prepared for it. My grandparents’ dentist let me know that he was looking to retire and looking at me as a potential buyer.
  • In this sleepy little Yankee town in New Hampshire, change doesn’t happen a lot, so I was smart enough to not make many changes in my first year or two at this practice.
  • Patients are coming in and they see the same front desk lady they have seen for twenty-five years, they see the same assistant they have seen for twenty-three years, and the same hygienist for eighteen years. The only thing different is the guy diagnosing and fixing your teeth.

I never concisely adopted it, but looking back I have adopted the ready, fire, aim philosophy. Otherwise it becomes ready aim, aim, aim, you get stuck in paralysis by analysis.

  • Do what you have to do to set yourself apart and you will eventually have that dream of being a dentist.

If you would like to learn more from Dr. Peter Bowman you can find him on Dental Town under the username Pete’s Draggin or email him at [email protected].

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Discover the 5 Business Engines with Kim McGuire

Quotes & Notes:Discover the 5 Business Engines with Kim McGuire - RD Podcast

  • We know that the future of dentistry lies in digital technologies and patients love it and they are going to come to expect it from most dental practices.
  • We really want the practice to come up with a strong vision, however, it has got to start at the top; it has got to start with the doctor.

Our tagline is Extraordinary Practice, Extraordinary life because we really want our clients to have both.

  • One [engine] might be your business engine, and I think this might be one of the most important, because let’s face it, as long as we are not running in a nonprofit organization, we want to make sure our business engine is running strongly.
  • Sales and marketing we are really looking at branding and identity. So when I say branding I am talking about the emotional connection people have with your brand. And then there is your identity and that would be your logo.
  • There needs to be a new patient system. We also need to look at scheduling. We also need to look at our financial systems. We also need to look at the re-care and reactivation system. So there are many, many, many systems.

What is your clinical vision, and also connect with your hygiene team to really connect on what is the standard of care in this practice?

  • The people engine is yes, do I have the right people on the bus, on the right seats on the bus, and do they all know where the bus is going?
  • All companies have these five business engines, but it all has to go back to, is this moving me towards or away from my vision?

If you would like to learn more from Kim McGuire, be sure to check out her website or [email protected], or you can even find them on Facebook or Twitter.

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