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Educating Your Community Through Dental Marketing with Grace Rizza

Educating Your Community Through Dental Marketing with Grace RizzaIn 2009, in this dusty space in Avon, Colorado, I spent all my cash on learning for a six-month Ortho, Sedation, and Invisalign because I wanted to be this marketable person. One thing I could say, it is much harder than it looks — but not for Grace Rizza. She’s been growing businesses at the age of 22, and her approach to business is both commendable and inspiring. It’s no wonder she was a 2019 Honoree at the Daily Herald Business Ledger’s Influential Women in Business Awards.

Listen in as Grace Rizza shares the importance of branding and effective dental marketing. It can be considered “unethical” not to market because you have a community of people that don’t understand how you can help them. Make sure that people know who you are and what you do to help them.

Tune in and get more insights on Magnificent Marketing

Key Quotes:

  • “Who’s going to teach your community if you don’t.”
  • “People need to stop trying to go viral and stop trying to be cool. They need to educate.”
  • “Just know what you’re trying to accomplish with your marketing before you just start trying to do everything everybody else is doing, come up with a concrete plan.”
  • “Don’t skip the branding process. Don’t skip the part where you ask yourself, or your advisor asks you, how do you want to be known in the community? What’s your intended reputation?”.
  • “The right advisor will allow you to dream, but we’ll also tell you when you’re being unrealistic.”
  • “Your time is a currency.”
  • “The most expensive information is mediocre information.”
  • “If marketing brings you joy, okay, put it on your plate. If it doesn’t, you need somebody to do it.”
  • “What is your marketing and your branding, that visual aspect, what is it saying about you behind your back? Is it creating the right first impression? And then when those things are in alignment, then you should start the advertising piece, SEO still gets the best return on investment.”
  • “If you’ve got great reviews and you’re ranking on top of Google, you will get new patients, and it will be consistent.”
  • “You should have professional video ads that create an emotion.”
  • “If you are comfortable on video and articulate, that’ll make your trust factor go up.”
  • “People want to see real people.”
  • “The most important thing that came from this today was treating marketing as an investment and not a cost.”

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Balancing Profitability and Sustainability with Dr. Pete McClellan

Balancing Profitability and Sustainability with Dr. Pete McClellan Over my years as a podcaster, some of my very favorite interviews have been when I’ve brought friends onto the show, and this episode will definitely fall into that category. Dr. Pete McClellan is a dentist with multiple practices in Kansas City, a visionary, and a fantastic leader who was named a top dentist in Hawaii for two years in a row.

Listen in as we talk about the importance of creating a workplace where people actually want to work, as well as how a mission statement can help to weed out those who don’t fit within the culture of the practice. You’ll learn how we can all balance the need to make money with the desire to have a healthy and sustainable practice, and why creating a critical mass of believable people is one of the most sustainable things you can do for your business.

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Key Quotes:

  • “You can’t underestimate the power of a believable person in your world.”
  • “If you can make more mistakes than anyone and still be successful, then that’s the game.”
  • “My darkest moments were my biggest breakthroughs.”
  • “There is so much power in finding people whose stories you believe.”
  • “We need the practice to be profitable, but we need the practice to be sustainable.”
  • “You have to put something in front of that team member that makes them realize they are part of something bigger.”
  • “I’d like to give lots of credit to my two awesome business partners, Dr Daniel Rome and Dr Jeff Slutskiy. Our divide and conquer mindset has served us well.”

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Dentists Helping Dentists Find More Success and Happiness with Dr. Paul Goodman

Dentists Helping Dentists Find More Success and Happiness with Dr. Paul Goodman Are you looking for more success and happiness? Dr. Paul Goodman is the creator of Dental Nachos, a Facebook group that is 28,000+ members strong and aims to increase both of those things among dentists. Part dentist, part stand-up comedian, part clinical mentor, part practice transition specialist, and one of the funniest people you may ever meet, Paul joins the show today to share his awesome insight.

With a lot of humor, we’re talking about when and why Paul created Dental Nachos, as well as where the unusual name came from. Paul is also sharing why he thinks dental school training is irresponsible, the 3 D’s of dentistry that ultimately hurt the industry, and the legitimate concerns the industry is facing. Listen in to learn how those concerns are influencing the dream of autonomy and practice ownership that dentists strive for—and what can be done about it.

Be inspired and meet more Legendary Leaders

Key Quotes:

  • “Dental implants are one of the greatest inventions the world has ever seen.”
  • “Get to ‘good-ish’ first, then go from there.”
  • “Dental school does not give us the tools we really need to succeed out there in the real world where the game is being played.”
  • “I hope I could be part of the solution for dentistry by having some of these tough conversations.”
  • “It has become incredibly complex to run a dental practice.”
  • “Social media is great, but it lacks context and it can divide as easily as it can bring together.”

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Stop Waiting: Become the Leader You’ve Always Wanted To Be with Dr. CK Lin

Stop Waiting: Become the Leader You’ve Always Wanted To Be with Dr. CK Lin Are you a high-achiever? If you answered yes, you’ll definitely want to listen to this episode. Dr. CK Lin is an executive mentor for high-achievers who supports them to be the leaders they’ve always wanted to be—and to achieve success beyond material things. CK is also a master interviewer with a podcast called Noble Warrior, where he goes right to the heart of things and dives into what really matters.

In this episode, CK is discussing how the idea for his podcast came from Burning Man, how he got started in the coaching business, and why it matters how leaders show up. Listen in to learn his tips on personal mastery, how to gain momentum to impact people and patients in your practice, and the one key question you should be asking to get real clarity in your life and business.

Tune in to more Mind Shift Podcast Episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “If it’s not deep, it’s not worth doing.”
  • “You need to find what is harmonious for you.”
  • “Human beings don’t like to be told what to do.”
  • “At its best is harmony; not at its best is performance.”
  • “Copying your competitors is a good shortcut, but if that’s your only strategy to be successful, you’re not going to be an industry leader or innovator.”
  • “All those disempowering beliefs are obstructing you from this inner source of power and ideas and creativity and inner peace to actually make the kind of impact that you want to make.”

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Private Practice Startups: Purpose Over Paychecks with Jayme Amos

Jayme Amos joins us today to drop some much-needed wisdom bombs about private practice startups and why now might just be the perfect time to seize on a startup opportunity. One of the original dental podcasters, Jayme is a best-selling author, an expert in building practices, and the founder of dentistry’s most popular website for opening dental offices.

Listen in as he shares how to know whether you’re ready to open a practice, what purpose (and not a paycheck) should be the driving force behind your intention, and how to embrace the identity of CEO to lead a team, build a culture, and cast the vision of the practice. If you’re a young associate or have been toying with the idea of starting your own private practice, this episode was made for you.

Tune in to more Prescriptions for Your Practice Podcast Episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “Running a business can be an endurance game.”
  • “If you show up every day and it’s just about a paycheck, and it’s not about purpose, you’re not going to make it.”
  • “If you have the purpose established, you can instantly be respected as a community leader.”
  • “The first step is super important, and that’s defining the vision.”
  • “Let’s figure out what would make you happy because I know a lot of people with really low overhead percentages who are really unhappy.”
  • “If the disease is fear, the cure or the antidote is trust.”

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