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Balancing Profitability and Sustainability with Dr. Pete McClellan Over my years as a podcaster, some of my very favorite interviews have been when I’ve brought friends onto the show, and this episode will definitely fall into that category. Dr. Pete McClellan is a dentist with multiple practices in Kansas City, a visionary, and a fantastic leader who was named a top dentist in Hawaii for two years in a row.

Listen in as we talk about the importance of creating a workplace where people actually want to work, as well as how a mission statement can help to weed out those who don’t fit within the culture of the practice. You’ll learn how we can all balance the need to make money with the desire to have a healthy and sustainable practice, and why creating a critical mass of believable people is one of the most sustainable things you can do for your business.

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Key Quotes:

  • “You can’t underestimate the power of a believable person in your world.”
  • “If you can make more mistakes than anyone and still be successful, then that’s the game.”
  • “My darkest moments were my biggest breakthroughs.”
  • “There is so much power in finding people whose stories you believe.”
  • “We need the practice to be profitable, but we need the practice to be sustainable.”
  • “You have to put something in front of that team member that makes them realize they are part of something bigger.”
  • “I’d like to give lots of credit to my two awesome business partners, Dr Daniel Rome and Dr Jeff Slutskiy. Our divide and conquer mindset has served us well.”

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