Balancing Profitability and Sustainability with Dr. Pete McClellan

Balancing Profitability and Sustainability with Dr. Pete McClellan Over my years as a podcaster, some of my very favorite interviews have been when I’ve brought friends onto the show, and this episode will definitely fall into that category. Dr. Pete McClellan is a dentist with multiple practices in Kansas City, a visionary, and a fantastic leader who was named a top dentist in Hawaii for two years in a row.

Listen in as we talk about the importance of creating a workplace where people actually want to work, as well as how a mission statement can help to weed out those who don’t fit within the culture of the practice. You’ll learn how we can all balance the need to make money with the desire to have a healthy and sustainable practice, and why creating a critical mass of believable people is one of the most sustainable things you can do for your business.

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Key Quotes:

  • “You can’t underestimate the power of a believable person in your world.”
  • “If you can make more mistakes than anyone and still be successful, then that’s the game.”
  • “My darkest moments were my biggest breakthroughs.”
  • “There is so much power in finding people whose stories you believe.”
  • “We need the practice to be profitable, but we need the practice to be sustainable.”
  • “You have to put something in front of that team member that makes them realize they are part of something bigger.”
  • “I’d like to give lots of credit to my two awesome business partners, Dr Daniel Rome and Dr Jeff Slutskiy. Our divide and conquer mindset has served us well.”

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Become Seriously Wealthy (and Stay Wealthy) with Tim McNeely

Become Seriously Wealthy (and Stay Wealthy) with Tim McNeelyTim McNeely is the CEO of LifeStone Companies and the host of the Dental Wealth Nation podcast. His modus operandi is to teach small business owners how they can harness the powers of the super-rich so they can build wealth, live amazing lives, and make a real impact in the world.

Listen in as Tim shares his insights into how the guilt mindset gets the better of so many of us and the difference between knowledge and implementation (including where many of us fall short!). You will learn his secrets and strategies to help us all increase our cash flow and avoid many of the common barriers to money and wealth accumulation.

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Key Quotes:

  • “You want to continue to grow your wealth so you can take care of the people you love, support the causes you care about, and really make that impact in the world—and money helps you do that.”
  • “If you shift that mindset from ‘how much money I can make?’ to ‘how many people I can serve?’, the money is going to take care of itself.”
  • “If you’re not clear on your strategy—if you’re not clear on your why—then the ‘what you do’ and the ‘how you go about doing it’ are going to be really fuzzy, really abstract, and you’re going to be pulling strategies out of the air.”
  • “You have to get clear first. Otherwise, it’s going to be utter chaos.”
  • “There’s a lot of things that you’ve got to get right, and if you don’t have the right team members, if you don’t have the right people monitoring this, if you’re not implementing them correctly, they can become trouble for you.”
  • “You want deep team collaboration among all the members of your team.”

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Love Your Practice with Dr. Laura Mach

Love Your Practice with Dr. Laura Mach - Relenless Dentist Podcast Dr. Laura Mach is a fellow dentist, podcaster, and leadership coach whose focus is on female dental practice owners. Through her Love Your Practice program, she guides clients on how to lead in a way that creates less stress and more peace in their practice and their life.

Listen in as Laura shares her journey into dentistry and why she made the decision to buy her private practice only eight months after graduating from dental school. She’ll also dive into the shift that happened for her to evolve as a leader, why everything we do is driven by only one thing, and why culture change really needs to start from the top to become fundamental to an organization.

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Key Quotes:

  • “If I can be aware of that thought and look at it differently, it’s going to create something completely different.”
  • “I questioned the morality of my choice, but at the same time, I still had that fire from the epiphany moment when I knew I could be a dentist.”
  • “Entrepreneurs risk their own money and their own comfort because they believe that something better is coming.”
  • “You can be a life coach and still worry about the same stuff, because even life coaches have human brains.”
  • “My job as a coach is to show people what their brains are doing.”
  • “People think if they change the facts, it will change how they feel. But changing the fact does not change how you feel—you have to change what you’re thinking in order to change how you feel.”

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Finding Opportunities in a New Economy with Tim Rauch

Finding Opportunities in a New Economy with Tim Rauch - RD PodcastsDentists have fought for autonomy and independence for so long, and due to the current pandemic, we are now seeing the upper limits of that fight. With most practices shut down completely except for emergencies, many dentists are seeing death to their identity as a result, but we have a great opportunity right now to hit the reset button. Today’s guest is going to take us through exactly what our world could look like once the shutdown is over, as well as the opportunities before us as we head into a new economy in our industry.

Tim Rauch has been on the show before, and he joins me again today to share great insight into how to leverage the opportunities of this unique situation, how to own the space in our practice and our community, and why the “less hours = less income” mindset is a fallacy. His advice will no doubt flip the script on chasing money at the expense of preserving memories and enjoying life, so you don’t want to miss it!

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Key Quotes:

  • “The opportunities are going to be for dentists who are good at connecting with other dentists.”
  • “The people who have a unique set of clinical skills will always be safer than the generalist.”
  • “There is a brighter future in giving people what they want and what they’re willing to pay for out of pocket.”
  • “A lot of dentists are seeing almost a death of their own identity at this point in time.”
  • “This is a reset opportunity to really acknowledge that some of the things that we do, like trading five days for two days of the weekend, may be a dumb pursuit.”
  • “You don’t want to completely trade today for a better tomorrow.”

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Dr. Jesse Green on Setting Clear Values and Leading with Contagious Vision

Dr. Jesse Green on Setting Clear Values & Leading with Contagious Vision

It’s one thing to have a vision for your business and it’s a whole different thing to be able to cast that vision in a way that it is taken on and carried out by your team. Dr. Jesse Green drops by the show today to share his journey through practice ownership and how it has evolved into a passion for the dental entrepreneurial community. He gives us some great actionable advice on how to improve your leadership and entrepreneurial skills in a way that will take your practice to the next level.

Jesse really emphasizes the importance and value of not just having a vision but making sure you are communicating it effectively. He also discusses hiring and how there should be systems in place that make things easier for day to day tasks but don’t take away from the personality and flexibility of the business. Jesse also gives us great tips regarding leadership, financial intelligence, case presentation and marketing techniques.

Key Quotes:

  • “I really applaud the people who get out there and give it a red hot go because running a business is not for the faint-hearted.”
  • “Being a great dentist is, I think, an important part of being a good business owner but it doesn’t guarantee success.”
  • “I found myself running a digital marketing agency for dentists which was fantastic. I learned so much about true business that I never learned through traditional practice management programs.”
  • “Some of the best lessons I’ve ever learned have been outside of dentistry.”
  • “We sometimes think the dentist industry is somehow different or special to other businesses but the same principles apply.”
  • “People say you hire for attitude and you train them on the job but if that’s true, you need to have some dedicated training processes in there as well.”
  • “The really important thing when it comes to leadership is: Creating a clear vision, enrolling people in that vision, holding the standard, and living the standard.”
  • “The growth of the business will never outstrip the growth of the leader.”

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