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What’s Behind Elite Dentist Performance?

Are you a dentist that’s feeling overwhelmed and overstressed? In this practice, we understand and regularly discuss the reasons why dentists experience high levels of stress. But what if there was a way to find a more productive and happier state? That’s where the concept of “flow states” comes into play. It’s a mysterious idea that is backed by science, rule books, and recipes to help you get in “the zone” more often. Let’s explore what’s behind elite dentist performance and how you can use it to increase your practice’s success.

In this episode, I discuss why dental practice owners should get in “the zone” more often.

  • So if you want to find more enjoyment and productivity in your workdays…
  • If you want to engineer your ideal challenge-to-skill ratio…
  • If you want to utilize an anti-aging and career-extending strategy so you can feel supremely confident at work, tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • My challenge to you would be how do you make sure that that patient in front of you, your next patient, feels like they’re the only patient on the schedule? And that will require some help from your team to build out that philosophy and culture.”
  • “A flow state is, is a very, very, very powerful phenomenon and enhances your productivity and overall well-being. And I think that dentists can benefit from this by finding more ways to spend more time in flow states.”
  • “Sometimes as dentists, because we work so hard, we do this game that I call “hardaholic” that I’ve mastered. We make things hard that don’t need to be hard, we increase the toil because we have the story in our head that if there’s no pain, there’s no gain and I want gain, therefore I must induce pain.”
  • “We want to take things from theory to practice to mastery. If you’re doing a very mundane thing like a crown prep that you’ve done hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times, my suggestion would be more meticulous or set an efficiency goal that encourages you to do that same quality high standard work in less time.”
  • “We want to as humans make sure that our best work and our best days are always in front of us.”

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7 Ways Dentists Can Give Themselves A Raise

As a practice owner, you should balance your professional life with your practice’s profitability. You must explore the importance of maintaining a clear vision to get the most out of your career. But in navigating the current confusing landscape, you need valuable insights on taking your practice to the next level.

Doc, are you looking for some mental models that enhance your practice profitability? I hope you know you deserve to take home money and enjoy more time outside the office.

In this episode, I discuss why you should ignore most of the advice from people who haven’t been in your shoes as a practice owner and challenge traditional thinking to get the most out of your career.

If you want to find professional activities that give you energy and compensate you well, tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • “The amount of energy that it takes to be a highly productive dentist aside from the business is immense.”
  • “We need systems that simplify our business and mental models that free up our minds to be creative and resourceful.”
  • “Many things traditionally would’ve been done inside of the practice that now can be done outside of the practice. And some things have always been done by people outside of the practice that maybe you need to get off your plate.”
  • “Never compromise on vision because if you do, you might get a short-term upgrade in pay and cash flow, but it won’t have the longevity because it’s not organic to you.”
  • “The more you become of value, the more money you take in in terms of cash flow.”
  • “The way that you can minimize your costs without focusing on every little fraction of a percent is to focus on optimizing investments.”
  • “What we want to create is a wise flow of dollars. Not stagnation, not accumulation.”
  • “Become a habit addict and take some of these menial tasks and make it like riding a bike. And then what’s the next tab and then what’s the next system? And then what’s the next protocol?”

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Don’t Be That Deniable Dentist

The misconception that influence is something you either possess or lack can lead to feelings of being overlooked and denied. However, influence is a skill that can be developed and used in combination with your clinical expertise to drive successful case acceptance and patient referrals.

Today, let’s talk about overcoming the challenges of failed case acceptance, lack of patient referrals, and negative reviews by embracing the power of influence.

Dentists: do you ever feel like your patients are ignoring you?

  • If you want to become the most referable dentist around…
  • If you want to start bigger cases…
  • If you want to know who your patients want to give their business to so that you can make it easy for them to say YES!

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • I feel like our industry needs a more robust discussion about people’s problems. That’s the heart of what’s going on now because people are getting more and more complex, and I think there needs to be a place for meaningful discussion to solve these.”
  • “Influence is really a skill. And if you can appreciate that, it’s a skill of being able to cause change, then you can develop it as a skill and use it synergistically with the clinical skills that you have developed and are continuing to develop.” 
  • “It’s a great dichotomy of leadership and influences that you increase your power by reducing it.”
  • “The better that we are at creating a great experience in delivering clinical excellence, the more we receive as a team.”

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How Management Confusion Is Hurting Your Dental Practice

Having a successful dental practice is more than just having a great team. It is also about having the appropriate leadership and management strategies in place. Unfortunately, many dental practices suffer from low morale, high turnover rates, and decreased profits because of ineffective management.

Leadership and management are two different things – and when dental practice owners rely too heavily on traditional management techniques, it leads to low morale, productivity, and loyalty. As a result, it can take away from the practice’s overall success and the dental practice owner’s paycheck.

In this episode, I discuss catastrophic management mistakes dentists make.

  • So if you want to prevent team turnover and poor morale…
  • If you want to find more fulfillment AND profits in your dental practice…
  • If you want to understand why the way we work isn’t working so you can surround yourself with the best team imaginable…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Check out our New Case Study, “Discover How To Recession-Proof Your Dental Practice In The Next 60 Days So That You Increase Profits & Avoid Losing Key Team Members” now at:

Key Quotes:

  • “Human beings are meant to strive. We’re not supposed to be in a tensionless state, and I hate that achievement-oriented people are considered radicals.”
  •  “I think there are certainly better ways to go about goal achievement than using resolutions. Nonetheless, I think every year should, you should have a determination that this year is going to be your best and you’ll learn skills and mindsets that allow next year to be your best.”
  • “Let’s appreciate that at the heart of this great resignation, we can blame it on a generation of people that don’t wanna work. I don’t think that’s true. I think it’s more about there being a lot of workplaces that suck.”
  • “Leaders create more leaders. Managers are about authority.”
  • “A leader allows the vision and the values to be the boss and to guide the behavioral standard. A manager will believe that if everyone colors inside their lines and follows the script, then we’ll be just fine.”
  • “In the real world, not everything goes as planned even when we are trained properly when prepared properly, and we have the best of intentions.”
  • “You as a leader still have to get what you need. We have to make sure that we are creating an environment that brings out the best in us, so we can’t just sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.”

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Why Dental Practices Need A Habit-Obsessed Leader

“We are what we repeatedly do… therefore excellence is not an act, but a habit.” — Will Durant

Habits are a powerful influence that affects our actions and outcomes. If you’re passionate about habits, you understand how important it is to form positive habits that lead to success. However, even if you are not habit-obsessed, developing a habit-based leadership philosophy can have a significant impact on you, your team, and patient care. Focusing on the habits that need to be stopped, sustained, and started can result in improved results in many aspects of life, like profitability, productivity, and patient care. Welcome to the world of habit-based leadership – let’s explore the potential it holds!

In this episode, I discuss the minuscule habits that lead to a massive impact.

  • So if you want to build the two critical habits that enhance your team’s morale and productivity…
  • If you want to capitalize on habits that create. an unfair advantage for your dental practice…
  • If you want to grow your leadership skills and confidence so you can make 2023 your most profitable, enjoyable year yet…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Check out our New Case Study, “Discover How To Recession-Proof Your Dental Practice In The Next 60 Days So That You Increase Profits & Avoid Losing Key Team Members” now at:

Key Quotes:

  • Working harder isn’t working.”
  • “There’s a time and a place to make sure that we’re working very smart as well.”
  • “Leadership and practice potential is a reflection of your habits.”
  • “The payoff of new habit installation is always delayed.”
  • “The thing that you are most committed to, the thing that I’m most committed to is our identity, and confidence elevates that identity.”
  • “Make sure that you’re working on productive habits and building your confidence simultaneously because they’ll start to synergize.”
  • “An innovation habit and a communication habit turn your team’s frustration into the raw material for growth and reduced stress.”
  • “Make sure that you’re upgrading your habits, and that makes you more clear, energetic, and courageous because that makes you a more influential role model. And then that allows you to wield the tools of influence to impact these people in a hugely positive way.” 

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