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Dictators and Daily Disciplines

Dictators and Daily Disciplines - Relentless Dentist Podcast

In this episode Dr. Dave Maloley sits down with Dr. Mark Costes to share some valuable tips on practice leadership, life balance and maintaining motivation and focus on the daily disciplines. The two discuss how to harness your dark side, the impact of mortality motivation, what dictates the upper limit of your practice and much more.

Dr. Dave talks about some painful lessons he has learned along the way and how he stays centered. He shares some really valuable techniques to hold onto motivation, lessons learned and focus without letting it slip over time. Dr. Dave also talks about how to use passion as a rocket booster in your life and which areas you should make sure you’re ‘trending upward‘ in.

Key Quotes:

“It’s not whether or not you ever make a bad decision or misstep. It’s what happens in realizing you made a mistake and what you do with that information.” – Dr. Mark

“I think the practice needs to provide you with things other than, you know, a definite paycheck, consistency and ability to grow as a leader – and that’s to influence and impact others.” – Dr. Dave

“I think there’s a lot of guilt that goes into dentistry when you’re not completely engaged.” – Dr. Dave

“I’m grateful for the journey because it’s only made me stronger going through it.” – Dr. Dave

“Most of us are a blend of personalities but we have a dominant.” – Dr. Mark

“We need to serve our practice and our patience, no doubt, but we need to engineer it in a way that it’s serving us.” – Dr. Dave

“Realizing it could all end at any time is sometimes the ultimate motivation.” – Dr. Dave

“When you have an idea, it doesn’t have to stay an idea – It doesn’t have to stay an idea with enough action and vision.” – Dr. Dave

“At some point, no matter how much we’re rocked, we can get sucked back into that whirlwind and forget how important those lessons were.” – Dr. Mark

“Are we going to be victims of this or are we going to use this to strengthen our relationships, to increase the way we view the world, how we’re going to come at the world when we have future challenges. So did this happen to you or for you.” – Dr. Mark

“If you stick with the fundamentals and stick with the vision, anything is possible. It’s just a matter of time between point A and point B.” – Dr. Dave

“We’re swinging for home runs when the magic is really in daily disciplines and installing new habits.” – Dr. Dave

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Finding Perspective in Tough Situations – A Story of Resignation and the One Armed Cowboy

The last 48 hours have been quite a test for Dr. Dave so in this episode he will share what he learned about fixing the frame and keeping things in perspective. It’s so easy to let problems take over your mind and distract you from other important areas of your life so he shares how to not let tough situations get you bogged down and off track. You’ll learn more about frame control and how to make sure you stop things that cause you to leak energy.

Dr. Dave discusses the importance of simulating and looking for triggers that will pull you out of distracted or distressed states. He emphasizes how important it is to be able to keep moving and even double down in other areas of your life when one area seems to be going all wrong. He shares valuable tips on how to regain mental control, clarity, peace and perspective in situations that seem out of control.

Key Quotes:

  • “If you control the frame, you control the game and the frame is the context or belief through which a person, situation or conversation is perceived.”
  • “You can imagine how I’m triggered in this moment – I start arguing with this email.”
  • “Just like a cowboy, right. You just get back on the horse and ride.”
  •  “You have plenty to be grateful for but there’s also plenty going wrong at any given moment so what you focus on determines your physiology, your energy, a lot of these things we talk about in high performance coaching.”
  • “You can engineer triggers or look for triggers that put you in a more positive state so that you’re not leaking energy.”
  • “When things aren’t going well in one part of your life, it pays to double down in the other important pillars of your life.”
  • “Focusing on my business would not give me power so I focused on the things that WOULD give me power.”

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Using Meditation to Reach Your Peak Performance

Get your questions ready because Dr. Dave will be doing something a bit different – answering your questions on the show. Meditation is the topic of this episode’s question so he talks about his journey with meditation – from discovering it and finding a rhythm with it and then switching up his practice later on to serve him better. Dr. Dave has had a lot of success after adopting meditation as a regular practice into his life and some great insight from his own experience that might help you develop your own practice.

Although he still emphasizes exercise as the number one thing to keep you on your game and thriving, he says that meditation would come in as a close second. Dr. Dave addresses some common issues with meditation and explains how he ultimately made it his own and found a way to make it a regular, important part of his daily routine. The benefits of meditation range from mental clarity and stress reduction to even lessening the effects of aging. Dave attests to this and shares his best tips on how to meditate and take care of yourself so that you can, in turn, care for your practice, team, family and community the way you want to.

Key Quotes:

  • “As we talk about high performance, I think meditation is something we need to talk more and more about.”
  • “I’m going to be rolling out some unique ideas to serve you, the listener, better.”
  • “Making it a habit and a ritual so it’s easier to do than not to do is key.”
  • “Traditionally [Meditation] has been overcomplicated.”
  • “If you’re deprived of sleep, meditation can help you get caught up.”
  • “When you’re in the groove and developed the habit and you’re able to really go into that calm state for good bits of time without the mind fluctuating all over the place, you really start to feel like you have the world by the tail.”
  • “Look at it as a lifetime investment.”
  • “I get up as early as I need to, to get my exercise and meditation in.”

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Coty Shores on Courage and Continuous Improvement

Coty Shores on Courage and Continuous Improvement - RD Podcast

It’s easy to see the highlight reel of peoples’ careers and think that things should be easier. Coty Shores shares how important it is to embrace the “dark side” of your career and use it to motivate you and push you forward. He also gives us some great inspiration when it comes to learning from people you admire and endeavoring to constantly improve yourself and your skills.

Coty touches on the role of courage and how he beat the odds and proved people wrong to get where he is today. He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and how he has had massive success with blood spinning and its incredible, life changing procedures. Coty also shares some insight on successful team management, delivering value and finding the grit to get through what’s hard.

Key Quotes:

  • “I’ve always heard – “Oh it will cost you their year salary to train a staff member..” – Well, they cost you about three times that much by keeping that terrible staff member around.”
  • “They confuse courage with, like you said, having no fear.. and that’s a problem. You’re always going to be scared, you just gotta push through and have the grit to do it.”
  • “You can’t outrun your team.”
  • “That’s what you gotta do with life – you have to take the negative and learn from it.”
  • “Your failures are where you learn everything that’s gonna move you forward.”
  • “It’s really about being better for your patients.”
  • “Always remember that with all the success that you see, there was late nights and a lot of missed events and all kinds of stuff.”
  • “Once you get in the middle of it, don’t quit. Have that grit. Have that piss-off determination to get it done.”

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The Relentless Mind: Seven Steps to High Performance Despite Life’s Inevitable Challenges

On this episode you will get to sit in on Dr. Dave Maloley’s presentation from the recent Voices of Dentistry Conference. His powerful message is all about what it means to have a relentless mind that pushes past crippling challenges and allows you to live your best life. Dr. Dave shares some valuable insight on how to ask the right questions, how to set goals that mean something and how to take control of your life and your practice.

He shares his story and how his success, and more-so his huge failures, led him to where he is today. The idea that you can live your best year ever and continue to recreate that is a central theme to his encouraging and inspiring message. He emphasizes the importance of good leadership and relentlessness as you take specific actionable steps to make the necessary mind shifts and changes in your life.


Key Quotes:

  • It was at that moment that I realized that the epic life I’m always talking about on the podcast, I was living that epic life.
  • I sat down, I broke my life into 16 different categories and I wrote down exactly what I want.
  • I really believe that we can engineer, after I executed that, we can engineer our best year over and over and over again.
  • This is about accountability and accountability taken to the extreme is intensely powerful.
  • I thought about all the time I spent complaining about my team and it was always just a reflection on me.
  • My practice is not limited by its opportunity, my practice is limited by its leader.
  • If you talk to people at the end of their days, they’ll tell you that life is all about relationships.
  • It’s okay to be selfish so that you can give more.

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The Power of Integrity and Leadership with Dr. Paul Etchison

The Power of Integrity and Leadership with Dr. Paul Etchison

There are so many road blocks that get in the way of a strong performing team and effective practice but almost all of them can be overcome through strong leadership and integrity. Paul Etchison has some great insight into this and shares some valuable advice on how to become a great leader and use integrity to make your practice better and life easier. He emphasizes the fact that seemingly small details, such as touch-points, are more important and impactful than people think.

Paul discusses the importance of doing everything with integrity and how you can use humility and honesty to become a better leader and improve your practice. He also talks about the importance of intentionality through setting goals, refining systems and always improving your leadership skills. He also talks about the unexpected complications of going from 4-3 work days and how he has navigated that experience in a positive way.

Key Quotes:

  • “I think people aren’t setting goals. Once you get out and figure out what you want to do and be intentional about it, then you can reverse engineer all the steps that you need to get there. I think a lot of people never put that pen to paper.”
  • “He who walks with integrity, walks securely. And he who takes crooked paths will be found out.”  – Proverbs 10:8
  • “If you do everything for the right reasons and you do the right thing all the time, you have nothing to worry about.”
  • “Your word should be golden. Everybody should know that when you say something, you’re going to do it.”
  • “The leadership information is out there and I think people don’t really seek it out because it’s not sexy.”
  • “It all starts with leadership so that’s gotta be the foundation. That’s number one. If you can’t lead, nothings gonna happen – you’re not getting anything done.”

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