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Dictators and Daily Disciplines - Relentless Dentist Podcast

In this episode Dr. Dave Maloley sits down with Dr. Mark Costes to share some valuable tips on practice leadership, life balance and maintaining motivation and focus on the daily disciplines. The two discuss how to harness your dark side, the impact of mortality motivation, what dictates the upper limit of your practice and much more.

Dr. Dave talks about some painful lessons he has learned along the way and how he stays centered. He shares some really valuable techniques to hold onto motivation, lessons learned and focus without letting it slip over time. Dr. Dave also talks about how to use passion as a rocket booster in your life and which areas you should make sure you’re ‘trending upward‘ in.

Key Quotes:

“It’s not whether or not you ever make a bad decision or misstep. It’s what happens in realizing you made a mistake and what you do with that information.” – Dr. Mark

“I think the practice needs to provide you with things other than, you know, a definite paycheck, consistency and ability to grow as a leader – and that’s to influence and impact others.” – Dr. Dave

“I think there’s a lot of guilt that goes into dentistry when you’re not completely engaged.” – Dr. Dave

“I’m grateful for the journey because it’s only made me stronger going through it.” – Dr. Dave

“Most of us are a blend of personalities but we have a dominant.” – Dr. Mark

“We need to serve our practice and our patience, no doubt, but we need to engineer it in a way that it’s serving us.” – Dr. Dave

“Realizing it could all end at any time is sometimes the ultimate motivation.” – Dr. Dave

“When you have an idea, it doesn’t have to stay an idea – It doesn’t have to stay an idea with enough action and vision.” – Dr. Dave

“At some point, no matter how much we’re rocked, we can get sucked back into that whirlwind and forget how important those lessons were.” – Dr. Mark

“Are we going to be victims of this or are we going to use this to strengthen our relationships, to increase the way we view the world, how we’re going to come at the world when we have future challenges. So did this happen to you or for you.” – Dr. Mark

“If you stick with the fundamentals and stick with the vision, anything is possible. It’s just a matter of time between point A and point B.” – Dr. Dave

“We’re swinging for home runs when the magic is really in daily disciplines and installing new habits.” – Dr. Dave

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