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Finding Opportunities in a New Economy with Tim Rauch

Finding Opportunities in a New Economy with Tim Rauch - RD PodcastsDentists have fought for autonomy and independence for so long, and due to the current pandemic, we are now seeing the upper limits of that fight. With most practices shut down completely except for emergencies, many dentists are seeing death to their identity as a result, but we have a great opportunity right now to hit the reset button. Today’s guest is going to take us through exactly what our world could look like once the shutdown is over, as well as the opportunities before us as we head into a new economy in our industry.

Tim Rauch has been on the show before, and he joins me again today to share great insight into how to leverage the opportunities of this unique situation, how to own the space in our practice and our community, and why the “less hours = less income” mindset is a fallacy. His advice will no doubt flip the script on chasing money at the expense of preserving memories and enjoying life, so you don’t want to miss it!

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Key Quotes:

  • “The opportunities are going to be for dentists who are good at connecting with other dentists.”
  • “The people who have a unique set of clinical skills will always be safer than the generalist.”
  • “There is a brighter future in giving people what they want and what they’re willing to pay for out of pocket.”
  • “A lot of dentists are seeing almost a death of their own identity at this point in time.”
  • “This is a reset opportunity to really acknowledge that some of the things that we do, like trading five days for two days of the weekend, may be a dumb pursuit.”
  • “You don’t want to completely trade today for a better tomorrow.”

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Leading Through A Crisis with Dr. David Phelps

Early on in the COVID crisis, I jumped on a call with Dr. David Phelps of the Dentist Freedom Blueprint Podcast and we discussed the challenges and opportunities we are seeing during this time. If you haven’t gotten the chance to hear this discussion over on his podcast, be sure to listen in. We will be sharing some paths and solutions that could help us overcome the challenges we’ll be dealing with for quite some time.

Listen in to hear great ideas on what you can do now in order to mentally, spiritually, and physically be ready for whatever comes your way. Working on your mind, body, and spirit are key to getting through difficult times, so I will share my double-down strategy that helps me refill myself and achieve higher performance. We also discuss prioritizing the most important things to work on during this crisis and how to make sure we’re ready and prepared to dive back into work when the time comes.

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Key Quotes:

  • “The better option is to look at our lives in different realms or spheres.”
  • “We fall into this fight, flight, or freeze mode. That’s normal, but if you could connect with someone who has emotional distance on the matter, then they can help you a lot.”
  • “From the outside looking in, it looks like really poor judgment in some cases but once you unpack the rationale, it makes so much sense. It’s just that they’re so bogged down, in the weeds and getting pushback from this person and that person.”
  • “It’s important to stay on path, not just go into the fetal position and say, “wake me up when it’s over.” Accept that this is a new reality and it may forever change the way we do business.”
  • “How can we be more so that we can serve at higher levels?”
  • “That scrappiness and rolling up your sleeves saying, “I’m going to make things happen and I’m going to come out of this better,” is the mindset I think a lot of dentists need to reframe with in order to make sure there’s true progress here.”
  • “Journal all the things that bring you power and bring you certainty and really fill you up.”
  • “We have this space, this time, and it’s an opportunity for clarity.”

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Do Well By Doing Good with Gina Dorfman

Today I am excited to have Dr. Gina Dorfman back on the show! A speaker, practice owner, and host of the Behind the Smiles podcast, Gina has some great insight on what it takes to lead and run a successful practice This episode is full of wisdom from a dentist and entrepreneur who has really taken the time to examine herself and her practice honestly and thoroughly.

Listen in as Gina and I talk about the importance of who you surround yourself with, as well as how we can be more in tune with what we want and what our patients want. You’ll learn how to break free from tunnel vision, the importance of focusing on doing what feels good, and how that actually ends up positively affecting everyone in the long run.

Key Quotes:

  • “A good influencer challenges you and makes you think differently.”
  • “Every decision I make is motivated by one thing: I want to feel good about myself.”
  • “We educate [patients] without asking their level of awareness and finding out what they want. Our exam is to make us feel good.”
  • “I like being surrounded by toxic people because if I get rid of all the toxic people, I will have to deal with all of the bad decisions I’ve made.”
  • “He didn’t just fix his life—he gave back to other people. That’s the person I want to be.”
  • “We need to stop lying to ourselves. We are so full of ourselves. We have this idea that we are the only ones who can do everything better than everyone else.”

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Is Relentless Dentist an Oxymoron?

Is Relentless Dentist an Oxymoron? - RD PodcastsBeing on the road a lot, I get the chance to hear a lot of stories and gain a ton of great insight from fellow dentists and practice owners. Today, I’ll be catching up the last few months and sharing what I’ve learned and some important conversations I’ve been having.

Listen in to hear how the title of the podcast is an intentional oxymoron as I reflect on why that name was chosen and how it still rings true. I will also discuss the importance of sharing our challenges in order to help ourselves and others, as well as my own struggles I’ve faced. You’ll get the full story of where I broke, the challenges I dealt with as it all became too much, and how I pulled through in the end.

Tune in to more Maverick Mind Shifts Podcast Episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “It all got to the point where I could barely get out of bed in the morning – this is when you really need to connect to a why.”
  • “I thought dentists lacked courage, they lacked tenacity and grit. And I knew if we could just establish more commitment, more clarity, more courage, dentists could start connecting their head to their heart again.”
  • “I didn’t label myself the relentless dentist. It was the name of my podcast because I wanted to instill more courage.”
  • “I would make promises to Bennet that I didn’t know how I would get through this, but I would find a way.”
  • “The recipe between who you are now and who you want to be is always courage.”
  • “If you’re not exhibiting courage, you’ll start to become a slave to your practice.”

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Getting Clear and Doing the Things You Fear with Dr. Gina Dorfman (Pt. 2)

Getting Clear and Doing the Things You Fear with Dr. Gina Dorfman (Pt. 2)This episode is the second of a two-part series featuring my friend Dr. Gina Dorfman, host of the Behind the Smiles podcast and someone who helps people learn to lead and run their practices successfully. In this episode, we continue our conversation with some valuable tips on being an incredible leader and bringing growth and fulfillment to your practice and your team.

We discuss the power of strong leadership and how taking extreme responsibility is actually freeing. You will get a glimpse of how important it is to focus not on external motivations like money, but rather on fulfillment and what makes you excited to come to work. Listen in to learn how assigning more responsibility to your staff and finding people around you with a similar mission will help you create a powerful practice and epic life.

Key Quotes:

  • “The fact that you’ve been able to envision this best life ever and then reverse engineer and build it is really incredible.”
  • “As much as I tell them what they need, I tell them what they don’t need.”
  • “There’s a critical mass that gets hit, and then reputation in a small town takes hold.”
  • “To create a sustainable product of my practice, I had to understand the culture at almost a perfected level because I knew a paycheck wasn’t going to be enough to stay competitive in the market.”
  • “Stop thinking that leadership is compliance-based; stop thinking that leadership is this hierarchy.”
  • “I’m going to stop creating followers. I’m creating that everyone has to be a leader and owner in something.”
  • “It’s very love based—they have my back and I have their back.”
  • “Every time I’ve cut down days, harvested days out of our practice, production doesn’t go down—it goes up. And so, you can do that when people are performing.”
  • “Within our environment, we are in charge. It’s not painful, it’s freedom! Realizing that you’re responsible for everything is truly freedom.”
  • “My practice is not limited by its opportunity. It’s limited by its leadership.”
  • “The collections and the production seem to just happen as a byproduct of trust and this culture that we built.”
  • “In a give-give society there’s no upper limit, but in a give-take society you … reach the bottom really quick.”

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Getting Clear and Doing the Things You Fear with Dr. Gina Dorfman (Pt. 1)

Getting Clear and Doing the Things You Fear with Dr. Gina Dorfman (Pt. 1)This will be the first of a two-part series featuring my friend, Dr. Gina Dorfman, who has just started her own podcast called Behind The Smiles. As someone who helps people learn to lead and run successful practices, Gina has been an incredible part of the dentistry field. In this episode, we discuss common issues dentists face with over-planning and finding their place.

Dentists tend to get stuck in the how, so Gina and I discuss why it’s important to face fear and take risks in order to get clarity on your next step. We also talk about why courage is so important, what it means to play the long game, and the steps you need to take in order to find fulfillment and success. You can control the legacy and the impact you have by what you’re currently doing, so listen in to get advice on how to make things happen now.

Be inspired! Tune in to more Maverick Mind Shifts Epsodes

Key Quotes:

  • “The thing you fear is probably the thing you should be doing.”
  • “Play the long game. If you’re a young dentist, you have time on your side.”
  • “Sometimes to see the 7th step, you have to be in the 6th step.”
  • “My biggest error in my career is that I tried to have more by doing more.”
  • “In 2019, safe is pretty risky.”
  • “Clarity, whether it’s in leadership or a practice or leading your own life, is a must.”
  • “What makes you a really good clinical dentist may make you a terrible business person.”
  • “You have to step outside your comfort zone by default to grow.”
  • “I was driven by vision, and that’s the thing I got right.”

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