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Building Patient Loyalty in a Rapid, Short-Term World

In a world dominated by digital interactions, there’s a powerful reminder that the smallest gestures can create lasting impacts.

Imagine the surprise when a dental practice owner realizes that a simple birthday card had a profound impact on a patient. It’s a testament to the significance of small, meaningful moments. As a dental practice owner, you’ll discover how these moments can forge deep emotional connections, build patient loyalty, and elevate your practice to new heights.

While we excel at dental expertise, we also recognize the importance of weaving the philosophy of relationship-building into every aspect of your practice. We’ll delve into the financial perspective of distinguishing between expenses and investments that deepen patient loyalty. Learn how to listen actively, rethink touchpoints, and celebrate the small moments that strengthen the bond with your patients in this podcast designed exclusively for dental practice owners.

Dive into this episode and discover:

  • “Hot Fudge Sundae” Experiences: Master the art of creating standout moments that cement patient loyalty in an instant-gratification world.
  • Lifetime Value: Unearth the strategy behind enhancing this hidden gem for sustained practice success.
  • Handwritten Notes & Snail Mail: Reconnect with the age-old magic that deepens patient ties like no digital method can.
  • Trust Building: The underlying foundation that ensures everything else falls into place.

For dental practice owners aiming for not just growth but a legacy, this episode is gold. Tune in now!

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “In the era of instant gratification, dental practices cannot take patient loyalty for granted.”
  • “Focusing on patient loyalty and lifetime value in a dental practice is going to bring you some fantastic benefits.”
  • “Patient loyalty is not just about clinical excellence. It’s about building emotional connections.”
  • “Make memories for your patients. Make it remarkable, worth remarking about.”
  • “When a patient receives one of these thoughtful, kind notes, they’re more likely to reciprocate with loyalty, trust, positive word of mouth recommendations.”
  • “Patient loyalty is a bedrock upon which your thriving patient-centric dental practice can be built for endurance.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Trust Transforms: Building a High-Integrity Dental Brand

In today’s evolving healthcare landscape, trust is eroding, leaving patients skeptical and searching for more than mere transactions. Dental practice owners have a unique opportunity to rebuild trust by forging authentic partnerships with their patients. Transparency is the cornerstone of trust, with clear communication about procedures, costs, and potential risks forming the basis of these relationships.

Beyond transparency, it’s about viewing patients as long-term partners in their oral health journey. This means aligning with their goals, whether it’s achieving a brilliant smile or maintaining oral health as they age. The focus shifts from immediate treatment to personalized, long-term plans that reflect these aspirations.

In this episode, I unveil the secrets to transitioning from a transactional mindset to building enduring patient partnerships.

  • Dive into the 10 pillars that anchor a high-trust dental practice.
  • Grasp why today’s patients are more skeptical and how you can turn that skepticism into trust.
  • Embrace the concept of a patient’s lifetime value, ensuring not just their satisfaction, but also the sustainable growth of your practice.

Ready to elevate your dental practice?

Tune in now!

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “When we put profit second and patients first, what happens? We get more profits.”
  • “Your patient’s time is as valuable as yours. So prioritize punctuality and ensure smooth appointment flow and minimal wait times.”
  • “Stay on the cutting edge of your profession. Regularly update your skills and invest in the latest equipment.”
  • “Your practice isn’t just a business, it’s a part of the community. Engage in outreach. Offer educational seminars. Donate money to local nonprofits.”
  • “Ensure timely communication and maintain a seamless workflow in your office to enhance that patient experience.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Dental Insurance Exposed: What They Don’t Want Us Talking About

Imagine this: A thriving dental practice built on trust, care, and expertise. Now add a twist – the complexities of dental insurance. In a world where patient needs should steer the ship, financial interests often end up dictating treatment choices. If you’re a dental practice owner, you’ve likely felt the tug of this intricate web that sometimes compromises the very core of dentistry.

We’re here to unravel the truths about dental insurance – the good, the bad, and the frustratingly perplexing. From shaping treatment decisions to nudging profit margins, these insurance dynamics have significantly influenced the dental landscape.

In this episode, I discuss you deciding if being in network is benefiting your patients and moving you toward your vision.

  • So if you want to stop playing PPOs’ stupid games…
  • If you want to take more time off and enjoy more cash flow…
  • If you want to serve your patients in an elite way and unstress your team…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “What started out as well-meaning and a noble endeavor… has evolved into complexity, frustration, and a fractured relationship between dentists, their dental patients, and these dental insurance companies.”
  • “Bullies pick on the weak… if I didn’t stand up to this audit, they’d keep playing these dumb games with me and with my practice and keep screwing with my livelihood.”
  • “Exclusion clauses dictate limitations of policy… it creates a complex landscape for us to maneuver and explain to patients and it influenced treatment plans and financial arrangements for those who are covered.”
  • “There’s a myriad of policies, all sorts of claims, all sorts of reimbursement procedures… it affects the quality of patient care because our attention is diverted from what our primary focus should be.”
  • “Dental insurance falls short… in catastrophic situations, unexpected situations, this is where dental insurance falls short.”

Featured on the Show:

  • Show: Untold: Johnny Football, a Netflix documentary that took a significant look into the career and life of former Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel.
  • Show: John Mulaney, Baby J, is a 2023 Netflix-released stand-up comedy film written by and starring John Mulaney.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Overcoming Patient Objections Without Being Pushy

Does your dental team consider creating case acceptance as their professional obligation?

It costs patients more time, money, and discomfort to delay treatment. However, some patients may not immediately perceive the urgency or importance of addressing dental issues. Your team must understand the beliefs and barriers that prevent patients from saying “yes” to treatment recommendations.

Let’s delve into the topic of case acceptance barriers and provide strategies for overcoming them. By understanding and effectively addressing these barriers, your practice can enhance case acceptance rates and foster stronger patient relationships.

In this episode, I discuss the top 10 reasons dental patients don’t move forward with your treatment recommendations.

  • So if you want to create an elegant case acceptance pathway…
  • If you want to avoid generating animosity and buyer’s remorse in your dental patients…
  • If you want to know why it’s better to anticipate and avoid objections than address them so you can create a slam dunk case acceptance machine…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • “If dentists and their teams don’t understand why patients object to a proposed treatment, it can lead to a variety of problems.”
  • “When patients feel that their concerns and objections are not being heard or understood or anticipated, it’s going to lead to dissatisfaction with the dental experience.”
  • “When patients feel heard, when they feel understood, when you get them and their objections are properly addressed, it leads to higher levels of patient satisfaction.”
  • “Addressing patient objections demonstrates a commitment to patient-centered care and fosters trust between the dentists and their patients.”
  • “Most objections are gonna show up as a question, but you have to recognize that there’s a belief behind that objection.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


From Goethe to Gemütlichkeit: German Cultural Insights for Outstanding Dental Customer Service

As I arrived in Germany, leaving behind my familiar Nebraska roots, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. But it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the country and its culture. The German emphasis on cleanliness, efficiency, and quality left a lasting impression on me. And now, I want to share how you, as dental practice owners, can incorporate these principles into your daily operations to create a more personalized and patient-centered environment.

Join me on this week’s podcast as I share my journey of transformation and delve into the powerful lessons I learned from the German culture. From professionalism and efficiency to attention to detail and respect for rules, these principles hold the key to creating a patient-centered environment that exceeds expectations. 

In this episode, I discuss 7 principles dental practices should steal from Deutschland.

  • So if you want to give your patients the gift of direct and clear communication…
  • If you want to teach your team the power of next-level professionalism…
  • If you want to balance your high clinical standards with a fun workplace so that your patients can’t wait to refer their friends and family members…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Join The Leading Dentist Collective – the free collaborative community for single-location dental practice owners who want to unleash their people, profits, and purpose.

Key Quotes:

  • “Embracing German cultural principles in a dental practice enhances patient satisfaction, increases loyalty and referrals, strengthens practice reputation, and improves staff morale and retention.”
  • “Upholding professionalism in a dental practice builds trust, instills confidence, and meets patients’ expectations for knowledgeable and attentive care.”
  • “Punctuality is a key aspect of German culture that high-value patients appreciate, as it demonstrates respect for their time and fosters loyalty.”
  • “Attention to detail in patient care sets dental practices apart, creating personalized experiences and reflecting the precision and quality of dentistry provided.”
  • “By respecting rules and processes, dental practices can create consistent yet humanized patient experiences, promoting efficiency and autonomy within the team.”

Featured on the Show:
