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Leveraging the Power of Trust by Stuart Faught

Leveraging the Power of Trust by Stuart Faught

This week’s guest, Stuart Faught of Praze, is a well-known figure in the dental sphere as his expertise in reputation management has assisted thousands of dental practices to grow exponentially by helping them develop and enhance long-term trust. 

Listen in as Stuart offers some tips on leveraging excellent patient treatment and excellent patient experience into quantifiable online reviews to establish yourself as the most trusted dentist in your community. We also talked about how you can lower your marketing costs by building your practice while boosting your reputation.

Tune in and learn more about Magnificent Marketing

Key Quotes:

  • “Leveraging these different platforms to establish yourself as the most trusted dentist in your community is key now more than ever.”
  • “I think dentists really need to understand that they have an amazing opportunity to literally be perceived and literally be the most trusted dentists in their town.”
  • “Know where you’re at and then focus where it matters.”
  • “It’s interesting to know that the most profitable practices, they all had one thing in common according to our studies. What is that one thing? They all had 300 or more testimonials.”
  • “It’s always been my goal and mission to every practice we work with to help them become the most trusted dentist in their town. And we feel like the realistic path to achieving that is that one simple thing, let us help you get 300 positive reviews on Google.”
  • “I quickly learned that really what was getting the patient from an internet search into the actual chair was those doctors who had the most and best reviews.”
  • “There’s still a lot of the doctors who don’t realize that as a rule of thumb, the more positive reviews you have on Google, the more likely you are to be rewarded by Google and popping up in a search.”
  • “I know that practices really value growing by word of mouth and it’s something that any business owner can take pride in. But I think that a lot of dentists still don’t realize that online reviews are modern-day word of mouth, right? And they’re these digital testimonials that live forever.”
  • “They call that review marketing and it’s basically taking your positive reviews and marketing them over and over and over again. So the best way to do it is to leverage them on your website.”
  • “I think that definitely, everyone should be on the same page as far as the doctor’s vision for the practice.”
  • “If and when you get that negative review, it’s almost a great thing. As long as you’ve got a system in place, that’s gathering a bunch of positive reviews because you know, it makes those positive reviews look even more authentic.”

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Powerful Lessons Learned from the Dying with Dr. Thomas Grass

I am re-releasing one of the more popular and the No. 1 most downloaded episode of all my podcasts. It features the incredibly insightful Dr. Thomas Grass as he recounts the story of how he found dentistry and the path that led him to this career. This is one of the most powerful conversations I have ever had on the show, as Tom delves deep into the importance of being present and how to avoid always looking to the future or your next achievement.

We discuss what Tom calls the UFO method and how to use this when approaching unpleasant discussions or delivering difficult news. You’ll learn how to create satisfaction out of inherently unsatisfying experiences. Listen in as we share personal stories about making connections with the people in our lives and touch on the responsibility you have to yourself to do the same.

Tune in and meet more Legendary Leaders

Key Quotes:

  • “The minute you turn your patients into problems, tasks, or room numbers, you’ve failed.”
  • “Dentistry checks all my boxes; you get to take care of people for a long time, you get to know people, and you get to be hands-on.”
  • “Hospice is really good at showing you all the pieces and parts that surround someone’s life.”
  • “You don’t know what people are living with, what people regret.”
  • “Tell people what you need from them and give people what they want from you.”
  • “When you are caring for people, you are giving away your emotional energy to them.”

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Educating Your Community Through Dental Marketing with Grace Rizza

Educating Your Community Through Dental Marketing with Grace RizzaIn 2009, in this dusty space in Avon, Colorado, I spent all my cash on learning for a six-month Ortho, Sedation, and Invisalign because I wanted to be this marketable person. One thing I could say, it is much harder than it looks — but not for Grace Rizza. She’s been growing businesses at the age of 22, and her approach to business is both commendable and inspiring. It’s no wonder she was a 2019 Honoree at the Daily Herald Business Ledger’s Influential Women in Business Awards.

Listen in as Grace Rizza shares the importance of branding and effective dental marketing. It can be considered “unethical” not to market because you have a community of people that don’t understand how you can help them. Make sure that people know who you are and what you do to help them.

Tune in and get more insights on Magnificent Marketing

Key Quotes:

  • “Who’s going to teach your community if you don’t.”
  • “People need to stop trying to go viral and stop trying to be cool. They need to educate.”
  • “Just know what you’re trying to accomplish with your marketing before you just start trying to do everything everybody else is doing, come up with a concrete plan.”
  • “Don’t skip the branding process. Don’t skip the part where you ask yourself, or your advisor asks you, how do you want to be known in the community? What’s your intended reputation?”.
  • “The right advisor will allow you to dream, but we’ll also tell you when you’re being unrealistic.”
  • “Your time is a currency.”
  • “The most expensive information is mediocre information.”
  • “If marketing brings you joy, okay, put it on your plate. If it doesn’t, you need somebody to do it.”
  • “What is your marketing and your branding, that visual aspect, what is it saying about you behind your back? Is it creating the right first impression? And then when those things are in alignment, then you should start the advertising piece, SEO still gets the best return on investment.”
  • “If you’ve got great reviews and you’re ranking on top of Google, you will get new patients, and it will be consistent.”
  • “You should have professional video ads that create an emotion.”
  • “If you are comfortable on video and articulate, that’ll make your trust factor go up.”
  • “People want to see real people.”
  • “The most important thing that came from this today was treating marketing as an investment and not a cost.”

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Approaching Life with a Leadership Mindset with Dr. Taher Dhoon and Dr. Chris Green

Approaching Life with a Leadership Mindset with Dr. Taher Dhoon and Dr. Chris Green Today’s guests are willing to do what other people are not. They figure out ways to engineer over the leadership challenges, the team turmoil, and the patient unrest. In this episode, Dr. Taher Dhoon and Dr. Chris Green join the show to share insights from their book, The Practice Launchpad, and explain the impact the current pandemic has had on their business.

Listen in as they explain how they have harvested what everyone is looking for in dentistry: more revenue, more profit, more time, and more meaning. You will learn the benefit of approaching life with a leadership mindset, whether anyone can own practice and more.

Tune in for more Prescriptions for Your Practice

Key Quotes:

  • ”You have to have a framework to go off of and then pick and choose what fits the practice you’re building.”
  • “We’re just legitimately out there to help people.”
  • “Being a husband and a father are far more important than the business aspect of things.”
  • “Anyone can own a practice surrounding themselves with the right people.”
  • “If you want to make it somewhere, research is critical!”
  • “You don’t have to pay money to get good knowledge these days.”

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Money Mindset with Rob Gill

Money Mindset with Rob Gill - Relentless Dentist Podcast How does our psychology impact our ability to be proactive and be smart business owners? In this episode, Rob Gill, Founder of EPIC Financial Strategies, shares his thoughts on “money mindsets” and how to avoid staying in a fear posture, squirreling away cash, and not making the necessary investments needed in our businesses.

Listen in as Rob explains the importance of planning properly for the unexpected so that you are in a position to prosper. You will learn Rob’s thoughts on insurance and what the right kind of insurance can complement within your wealth management. This is not an episode to be missed, as Rob shares his advice for anyone looking for a no-nonsense tactical strategy for their money management.

Listen in and find more Wealth Wisdom

Key Quotes:

  • “Money is a mindset, and I believe that people typically look at money from two points of view: one is scarcity, and one is abundance.”
  • “How do we ask ourselves the questions that lead us to abundance?”
  • “It’s not about resources as much as it is about being resourceful.”
  • “If we can plan properly for the unexpected while taking advantage of the normal ebbs and flows, then we will put you in a position to prosper.”
  • “It’s not the splash—it’s the ripple from the splash.”
  • “By using the right kind of insurance, it will complement your wealth management side.”

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