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How We Communicate with Dr. Chris Bowman

We often complete trainings on and talk about things we only use and do on occasion, but we tend to put important things that we use all the time—like communication—on the back burner. In this episode, Dr. Chris Bowman joins me to break down the importance of communicating more effectively. We discuss the obligation we have to our patients and how communication will help us fulfill what is ethical and incredibly beneficial to them and our practices.

Listen in as Chris shares where most dentists miss out on having maximum satisfaction from their practice, as well as how to make better decisions and present options to patients in a consistent and practical manner. You’ll learn the issues with confidence that affect our ability to do these things, how we tend to make judgments that are off, and what makes patients more likely to follow our advice.

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Key Quotes:

  • “The biggest difference between the dentists who do well and the dentists who don’t is those who just get into it and do it.”
  • “Telling someone something they don’t want to hear takes courage.”
  • “There are certain skills that will get replaced by machines, but things like communication and connection—that human need will never be replaced.”
  • “We have an obligation to let patients know what we can do for them, as well as the things that are or are not moving in the direction they want it to go.”
  • “Patients are more likely to follow our advice when they know we ethically have their back.”
  • “Everyone wants the problems that they know they have to go away. So if we get really good at explaining the problems and conditions and how those things are not going the way that they want, then we can get really effective at gaining acceptance for our treatment recommendations.”
  • “It becomes more about presenting and selling a problem rather than presenting and selling a solution.”

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Impactful Practice Culture with Dr. Paul Etchison

When I talk to dentists, a lot of the conversation is about how to get everyone rowing in the same direction. In this episode, my good friend Dr. Paul Etchison joins me to share his insight and years of expertise on leadership and implementing systems that create a unified and purposeful practice.

Listen in as Dr. Etchison talks about why wanting to be the best is not enough and why it’s important to focus on a bigger, more meaningful picture. He shares how he maintains order and good communication as the business grows, what he does to attract the best team members, and how that, in turn, creates an office culture that allows the practice to succeed.

Tune in and find more Legendary Leaders

Key Quotes:

  • “We’ve grown a lot faster, and when we started taking it exponentially higher was when I dropped down to three days of clinical.”
  • “Over eight years—not a single person has left.”
  • “We want to win. Everyone is working together, and everyone just kind of has that mentality that ‘let’s get better at this.’ I think the results speak for themselves.”
  • “We’re not just being the best in town; we’re changing how the public thinks about dentistry so that we can help more people.”
  • “I’m leading by example by taking good care of patients.”
  • “We have to look at the macro implications of what we do all day. That’s what is inspirational to the team: knowing that even the little stuff makes a big difference. You have to communicate that as the leader.”
  • “We talk about what we need to improve so much that we forget about what we’re doing well.”
  • “Learn from people that are doing it well. Always be learning.”

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Do Well By Doing Good with Gina Dorfman

Today I am excited to have Dr. Gina Dorfman back on the show! A speaker, practice owner, and host of the Behind the Smiles podcast, Gina has some great insight on what it takes to lead and run a successful practice This episode is full of wisdom from a dentist and entrepreneur who has really taken the time to examine herself and her practice honestly and thoroughly.

Listen in as Gina and I talk about the importance of who you surround yourself with, as well as how we can be more in tune with what we want and what our patients want. You’ll learn how to break free from tunnel vision, the importance of focusing on doing what feels good, and how that actually ends up positively affecting everyone in the long run.

Key Quotes:

  • “A good influencer challenges you and makes you think differently.”
  • “Every decision I make is motivated by one thing: I want to feel good about myself.”
  • “We educate [patients] without asking their level of awareness and finding out what they want. Our exam is to make us feel good.”
  • “I like being surrounded by toxic people because if I get rid of all the toxic people, I will have to deal with all of the bad decisions I’ve made.”
  • “He didn’t just fix his life—he gave back to other people. That’s the person I want to be.”
  • “We need to stop lying to ourselves. We are so full of ourselves. We have this idea that we are the only ones who can do everything better than everyone else.”

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Engaging and Retaining Millennials with Gary Kadi

Engaging and Retaining Millennials with Gary Kadi - RD PodcastWhen new generations come to work, it can be hard to adjust the way things are done in order to retain them. Gary Kadi is on the show and has some great insight on how to work well with millennials and build a practice that is engaged and effective. He also discusses why he stands against corporate dentistry and how he communicates more effectively with patients.

Gary really has found an interesting system to work with millennials that could benefit all practices. From a regular feedback and reward system, he has figured out how to speak the language of millennials that retains them and keeps them motivated. He also touches on why it’s so important to focus on preventative care rather than just reactionary care in order to truly protect the oral health of your patients.

Another big mission for Gary is his fight against corporate dentistry. He explains why this business model can become harmful to the dentistry industry as well as to the patients. He discusses what he is doing to save private practices and encourage the type of care that is patient-centered rather than board member-centric.

Key Quotes:

  • “Millenials only want to work in a purpose-driven business, they don’t want to be working in a transactional business.”
  • “They have a purpose, they have a bonus structure, they have a dream program and those layers are game-changers.”
  • “People do business with people who have the same beliefs.”
  • “The way to make money in dentistry is S – Salary, P – profit and F is freakin’ equity.”
  • “Retaining the private practitioner retains the care, the quality care for patients.”
  • “Our job is not just, you know, putting crowns on, but we’re here to create longevity and saving peoples’ lives and making a difference on the overall health of the patient.”
  • “The minute you believe that you should find the chief complaint, the game is over from the start.”
  • “We have to serve the patient from a preventative position not a reactive position.”

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Ashley Latter: Doctor, It’s time to achieve the income your hard work deserves!

Quotes & Notes:Ashley Latter: Doctor, It's time to achieve the income your hard work deserves!

  • I believe that some doctors seriously undercharge for what they do.  They make assumptions about what patients can or can not afford.
  • The real reason I wrote this book is because of the small mistakes that these dentists and doctors make are costing them thousands and thousands of dollars.
  • You learn all of the dentistry, but you don’t get taught communication skills at that university.
  • Price is always an issue, but it is rarely the issue.
  • Many decisions made around emotions, price is never an issue.

Report building is the single most important part of the ethical sales approach.

  • You ask questions to really figure out what your patient wants.
  • Prescription before diagnosis is malpractice.
  • Just a 10 percent discount can equal as much as a 28 percent loss of net profit.
  • If you are going to give a discount, at least tell them.  There is only one person who knows if they have a discount, and that is the doctor.
  • The biggest mistake you must not make is getting defensive.
  • Self-confidence, you have to work on it every single day.
  • Your patients don’t know how good your treatment is until they have experienced it two months after the fact.

If you want to learn more about Ashley Latter or his book and DVD you can go to and sign up for the free weekly newsletter.


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