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Educating Your Community Through Dental Marketing with Grace Rizza

Educating Your Community Through Dental Marketing with Grace RizzaIn 2009, in this dusty space in Avon, Colorado, I spent all my cash on learning for a six-month Ortho, Sedation, and Invisalign because I wanted to be this marketable person. One thing I could say, it is much harder than it looks — but not for Grace Rizza. She’s been growing businesses at the age of 22, and her approach to business is both commendable and inspiring. It’s no wonder she was a 2019 Honoree at the Daily Herald Business Ledger’s Influential Women in Business Awards.

Listen in as Grace Rizza shares the importance of branding and effective dental marketing. It can be considered “unethical” not to market because you have a community of people that don’t understand how you can help them. Make sure that people know who you are and what you do to help them.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Who’s going to teach your community if you don’t.”
  • “People need to stop trying to go viral and stop trying to be cool. They need to educate.”
  • “Just know what you’re trying to accomplish with your marketing before you just start trying to do everything everybody else is doing, come up with a concrete plan.”
  • “Don’t skip the branding process. Don’t skip the part where you ask yourself, or your advisor asks you, how do you want to be known in the community? What’s your intended reputation?”.
  • “The right advisor will allow you to dream, but we’ll also tell you when you’re being unrealistic.”
  • “Your time is a currency.”
  • “The most expensive information is mediocre information.”
  • “If marketing brings you joy, okay, put it on your plate. If it doesn’t, you need somebody to do it.”
  • “What is your marketing and your branding, that visual aspect, what is it saying about you behind your back? Is it creating the right first impression? And then when those things are in alignment, then you should start the advertising piece, SEO still gets the best return on investment.”
  • “If you’ve got great reviews and you’re ranking on top of Google, you will get new patients, and it will be consistent.”
  • “You should have professional video ads that create an emotion.”
  • “If you are comfortable on video and articulate, that’ll make your trust factor go up.”
  • “People want to see real people.”
  • “The most important thing that came from this today was treating marketing as an investment and not a cost.”

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Special Care Dentistry with Michael Thomas

Special Care Dentistry with Michael Thomas Michael Thomas joins the show today to talk about the Special Care Dentistry Association and share why special care dentistry is so close to his heart and such an important part of his dentistry career. He also offers insight into the unique mental, physical, and emotional needs that crop up in special care dentistry.

Listen in as we discuss the importance of understanding, connection, and trust when it comes to working with special needs patients, as well as how dentists can better equip themselves to provide care for patients with special needs. You’ll hear some great tips and techniques for communicating with and caring for patients who need special care in order to become acclimated to dental procedures.

Tune in to more Mind Shift Podcast

Key Quotes:

  • “The dentists who do have the most fulfilling careers—it’s the connection to the patient, not the connection to the procedure that really defines them.”
  • “She didn’t look at humanity the way any of us did. She looked at it without any hatred or prejudice or any kind of negativity. She saw people for who they are.”
  • “As the trust goes up, the need for drugs and sedation goes down.”
  • “What I’m seeing is that many dentists do not want to treat special needs individuals because they take too much time, many of them are Medicaid patients, and they don’t have the financial reimbursement that many other patients do.”
  • “They call it the practice of dentistry, and you are never officially done learning.”
  • “There are so many different facets on how you, yourself, can be more aware in delivering the best care possible to not only the patient with special needs, but their caregiver as well.”

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Harnessing the Science of Positive Persuasion with Jason Linett

Jason Linett is a hypnotic influence expert who works with entrepreneurs and business owners. As a certified professional hypnotist, he’s dedicated nearly two decades to helping clients harness the science of positive persuasion. In this episode, we’ll be talking about how this applies to you as a leader, your patients, and your team in a way that will help your business prosper.

Listen in to hear how to use hypnosis to be a better leader and more successful in the ways that you communicate. Jason explains the keys to harnessing your influence and the power of persuasion in an ethical and positive way, the importance of building rapport, and ways that you can improve your conversation and communication with your clients and your team.

Tune in to more Mind Shift Episode Podcast

Key Quotes:

  • “There’s a long history of doctors using hypnotic suggestion.”
  • “We’re only moving toward that common shared outcome.”
  • “Too many people are too timid in terms of making the ask or making the recommendation, and there are ways we can go about presenting this recommendation in such a way that the person is hearing the value of it.”
  • “We are a media or educational company first, before a company that provides a product or service.”
  • “We can model our language in such a way as a true statement, a true statement, a true statement, followed by then a suggestion. What that does is it creates a subconscious ‘uh-huh’ response in the brain.”
  • “Rather than sell somebody into a specific action, sell them into what they’ll be doing once they’re inside of that action.”

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Effective Delegation with Ashlee Hirschfeld

A lot of the burnout and frustration that dentists go through can be prevented by effective delegation. Ashlee Hirschfeld specializes in finding solutions to the challenges that hold business growth back, and in this episode, she will be sharing her insight and expertise in helping business owners get out of their own way and use delegation and other techniques to allow their businesses to thrive.

Listen in as we dive into the core problems in the industry and what we’ve seen dentists do poorly or well in this area. You will get some incredible insight into what good delegation looks like so that it doesn’t feel like you’re passing a baton that will eventually get dropped. Get out a pen and a journal because this episode has information that can have a massive impact on your dental practice.

Tune in to more Prescription for Your Practice Podcast

Key Quotes:

  • “Dentists can be a bottleneck for a lot of things. By delegating this stuff to a personal executive or virtual assistant, you’re taking a lot of that stress off so you don’t have to be the bottleneck as much for your team.”
  • “Delegation is a big key to growth, freedom of time, and freedom from stress.”
  • “If you’re delegating really well, it puts you in more control.”
  • “A lot of the time, people restrain from doing a good job because they’re afraid of doing it wrong or messing things up.”
  • “We need to make sure we’re delegating the objective and not as much the process.”
  • “If you haven’t done personality testing with your team, I highly recommend it. There are so many options out there.”

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Taking Action Now with Michael Arias

In these uncertain times, it’s important to know how to get back into the community and build trust after people have been living in fear for months now. Michael Arias, a.k.a. The Dental Marketer, joins me on the show today to break down how to get moving, market, and build trust in a fearful world.

Listen in as Michael shares how to use techniques like ground marketing to build relationships and take action in your community so you can grow your business in a sustainable way. He has a lot of insight on how to become a trusted advisor/business that people know they can come to in a tumultuous time like this, and his advice will give you the fuel to get started working on and tweaking your marketing right now.

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Key Quotes:

  • “That’s the secret: Don’t stop moving forward, no matter what hand you’re dealt.”
  • “Hope doesn’t really pay the bills. It’s more about actionable steps.”
  • “Showing you care is the number one way to market.”
  • “We went from a rocking bull market to maybe one of the toughest economies we will ever see in our lifetime, so part of this is being scrappy, being resourceful.”
  • “You don’t have to spend any money or overthink. You just gotta go in there and execute.”
  • “You’d be surprised how many people are looking for you just as much as you’re looking for them.”

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