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Quotes & Notes:Ashley Latter: Doctor, It's time to achieve the income your hard work deserves!

  • I believe that some doctors seriously undercharge for what they do.  They make assumptions about what patients can or can not afford.
  • The real reason I wrote this book is because of the small mistakes that these dentists and doctors make are costing them thousands and thousands of dollars.
  • You learn all of the dentistry, but you don’t get taught communication skills at that university.
  • Price is always an issue, but it is rarely the issue.
  • Many decisions made around emotions, price is never an issue.

Report building is the single most important part of the ethical sales approach.

  • You ask questions to really figure out what your patient wants.
  • Prescription before diagnosis is malpractice.
  • Just a 10 percent discount can equal as much as a 28 percent loss of net profit.
  • If you are going to give a discount, at least tell them.  There is only one person who knows if they have a discount, and that is the doctor.
  • The biggest mistake you must not make is getting defensive.
  • Self-confidence, you have to work on it every single day.
  • Your patients don’t know how good your treatment is until they have experienced it two months after the fact.

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