Dr. David Maloley on “How to Make Your Own Economy”

Quotes and Notes: 

  • Once you create a mind-shift where you are no longer “the dentist”, but “the marketer” of dental services . . . then your life becomes tremendously easier.Dr. David Maloley on "How to Make Your Own Economy" - RD Podcasts

  • Define what you want your legacy to be and then make all your decisions looking through that lens.

  • The barrier to your epic life is typically the accountability piece that is missing.  Realizing that you have control and that you have to get past those excuses to make that happen.

  • You make things happen. You don’t let things happen to you.

  • (In marketing) if you play timid . . . that’s when the phone stops ringing.

  • The fact that we dream is not an accident. Most the barriers that you have in life are simply illusions.

  • Set the bar higher than you think is possible. Don’t settle.

  • You have to connect to mentors . . . & you have to be a master implementer.

  • There’s always a way if you’re committed.

  • What is your vision? If your vision is to just get over hump day and get to Thursday so you can go home . . . you are asking for trouble. It’s a long road to retirement if that’s the case.

  • The game of business is played between your ears.

  • When you act out of boldness, incredible things come to your aid.

  • You have be consistent. You have to track.

  • If you are going to enter a medium, you have to be ready to dominate it.

  • You can get an idea of what your baseline patient is going to expect . . . then exceed those expectations again, again, and again.

  • In the age of social media, the customer has won forever!

  • You just have to decide if you want to stay the same, wallow in your excuses and cling to the status quo. Or do you want to launch your practice and yourself into that epic life.

  • You have to surround yourself with people who are likable. There are some things that even the best leader can’t train, like work ethic and compassion.

  • When you get into a mastermind group of like-minded thinkers . . .everyone is your mentor and everyone is your protege.

Mentions:  7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Jim Rohn, & Dan Kennedy.

Connect with Dr. David Phelps at discoverfreedomhere.com

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Byron Davis on “How to Live Your Epic Life”

Quotes & Notes:

  • “Maximize your return on life.” Byron Davis on "How to Live Your Epic Life" - RD Podcasts
  • “We have a choice to live one of three lives, our average life…our defeated life…our epic life.”
  • “Living our legend in real time and ultimately leaving a legacy.”
  • “Being able to truly be at your best in every area of your life.”
  • “Go from time management to action management.”
  • “Anger and external motivation are great turbo chargers…but they are not designed to be sustainable.”
  • “I have to create a life from the inside out as opposed to trying to achieve a life from the outside in.”
  • “We all tend to suffer from the pluck and the plop syndrome…We want to be plucked out of our current situation that we don’t like and plopped into our ideal situation all the while negating or process…It’s only through the process that we are transformed.”
  • “I had to own how I showed up in the world.”
  • “I have bought into the idea that each of us are given the responsibility to fashion our dreams into reality.”
  • “I can repurpose my past and I can constantly own my present and then because of that, I can reinvent my future.”
  • “There are two energy sappers…worry about the future and regret from the past.”
  • “Our breakthroughs are all done by and come about because of unreasonable people.”
  • “Embracing three mindsets – Authenticity…Curiosity…Conviction.”
  • “Learning to live from our core.”
  • “Learning to be at peace with ambiguity.”
  • “Deciding to care about things more than normal and more than necessary.”
  • “I’ve always shied away from and feared success.”
  • “Why am I afraid of success? It’s because fear of success is fear of responsibility.”
  • “I do believe we have entered into an era where more and more people are becoming aware and embracing this road to authenticity and living from your core.”

Mentions:  Byron Davis on The Rich Roll Podcast

Follow Byron at Live Your Epic Life and on Twitter

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John Lee Dumas on “Fear, Failure and F.O.C.U.S”

Quotes & Notes: 

  • “I wanted to take us back in the journey of the entrepreneur.” 
  • John Lee Dumas on "Fear, Failure and F.O.C.U.S" - RD Podcasts“Life is ever-evolving, ever-changing.  If you’re not willing to embrace change and to embrace the fear of trying something new and learning different skills, then you will be left in the dust.”
  • “Acronym for the word Focus…follow one course until success.”
  • “If I just keep chasing things, I’ll never get anywhere.”
  • “If I find a passion…marry that passion with a viable business and then focus on it, laser focus on it, and follow that one course that I set for myself until it’s successful, that’s when it will happen.”
  • “We’re all looking for ways that we can exploit the knowledge that we have that other people aren’t utilizing.”
  • “Tim Ferriss, he didn’t break any rules, he just learned the rules better than anybody else and maximized that.”
  • “Stop being boxed into all that you know and all that you’re hearing…that’s all inside the box and that’s just going to get you where everybody else is.”
  • “If you, as dentists, can think outside of the box that is how you are going to learn systems that work.”

All-Star Mentions:  Tim Ferriss and M.J. Demarco

Connect with  John at EOFire.com and on Twitter.

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Tim Paige on “Getting Motivated When You’re Feeling Anything But!”

Quotes & Notes:

  • “No matter what you are doing, you are going to run into burnout.”  Tim Paige on "Getting Motivated When You’re Feeling Anything But!"
  • “When my motivation is sapped, if I just push through it, I’m going to end up finishing a product that I’m not happy about.”
  • “Taking a break really gives you a fresh perspective.”
  • “If you are working and heading in the wrong direction, does efficiency benefit you at all?”
  • “I find that a lot of times, no matter who I’m talking it out with … I solve my own issue.”
  • “It’s all mental. It’s all in your head. You’ve got all these things that you are trying to figure out. And then suddenly, when you put it into words for someone else to understand …you make it so clear for them, that you make it clear for yourself.”
  • “A mentor is going to be in a higher position. They have to be able to bring you up to where you want to be.”
  • “An accountability partner can listen from an outside point of view. They are going to hold your butt to the flame.”
  • “If your accountability partner really knows you and knows your goals, they aren’t going to let you make stupid decisions.”
  • “Seth Godin is a genius. He’s the only professional, high-level blogger than can have his blog on a Typepad blog. The guy is brilliant.”
  • “You need to prepare yourself for success. You also need to know when it’s time to quit.”
  • “This doesn’t mean quit doing dentistry . . .It means quit doing something that is obviously not generating results.”
  • “Quitters do win, when you quit at the right time. That’s the key to all of it.”
  • “You are going to get 20% of your clients causing you 80% of your headaches, chaos, and unhappiness. Why bother with those people? It’s not worth the extra income to be miserable with what you are doing.”
  • “You can’t serve the best when you are miserable, when you are hating what you are doing.”
  • “You (dentists) might forget that you guys are doing something awesome. People forget how difficult your job is.”
  • “Those things that push you and motivate you…remember those things when you are doing your work and your work becomes easy.”

Read Tim’s blog post on Entrepreneur on Fire.

Follow Tim at The Awesome Podcast and follow him on Twitter.

Other mentions:  Seth Godin’s Blog & Authority Engine.

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Bassam Tarazi on “How To Get Past Your Excuses”

Quotes & Notes:

  • “That seems to be one of the grand old hurdles we all have . . . how do we finish?”Bassam Tarazi on “How To Get Past Your Excuses” - RD Podcasts
  • “Our excuses keep the status quo the status quo.”
  • “If we demand change in our lives, then change is what needs to be had.”
  • “Control what you can control. The first thing that we can control is ourselves and our reactions to things.”
  • “We pit vulnerability vs. victimhood. That’s the most dangerous game to play.”
  • “Our excuses mask victimhood for vulnerability.”
  • “It’s our duty to go do the things we want to do.”
  • “The worst case scenario really isn’t that bad for us.”
  • “The number one thing we want in life is the respect of our peers.”
  • “You can’t be upset for not getting anything done if you didn’t plan on getting anything done in the first place.”
  • “Surround yourself with people who make you better.”
  • “Show me a man’s five friends and I’ll show you the man.”
  • “Most of the time, the only thing you can control is how you react to the things out of your control.”
  • “It’s my duty to live a life worthy of the gift.”
  • Live an interesting life. Nobody wants to talk to an old man with no stories to tell.”

Connect with Bassam on Facebook and Twitter.

Download Bassam’s Book for FREE:  The Accountability Effect: The Book Your Excuses Don’t Want You To Read

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