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A Patient Experience Is Now Essential

According to the 2018 Gladly customer service expectation survey, 68% of customers are willing to pay more if a company offers them excellent service.

How well do you know your customers? What do they love? What gets them excited? What are the things that they most value? These small details account for an exceptional experience that when patients leave your practice, they can’t help but talk about you.

In this episode, I will talk about how you can up the ante in providing remarkable experiences for your patients and the importance of transitioning your team from a sales culture to a marketing culture. Lastly, I’ll share a Ritz Carlton ritual that you can immediately implement in your practice and within the culture. I hope this podcast will help you see that doubling down and creating a remarkable experience for your patients is mission-critical in 2022.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “In that high volume posture, the possibility is to start to escape the downward pressures on your fees and increase your profits by creating a marketing culture and remarkable patient experience.”
  • “The bottom line is that a large percentage of practice success stems from how a patient is made to feel, not just how happy they are with your clinical care or the dental outcomes.”
  • “In today’s experience economy, patients not only want value but expect exceptional service.”
  • “You need to know yourself as the owner, as a leader. You need to know the team. The team needs to know why they exist, where they’re headed and what they stand for.”
  • “If you were gonna play a sustainable game, you have to be a little bit selfish and say, this is the type of patient I like to serve. And this is the type of dentistry that I like to do.”
  • “Sometimes an experienced dental professional is more task-oriented than relationship-oriented.”

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The New Cornerstone of Leadership

What do you think is one of the essential ingredients in a healthy and high-performing team?

According to research, 90% of people are daydreaming and visioning about the future when forced to do nothing. And a separate study shows that there’s a key element that makes 14% of people more productive across different industries. Listen in to discover this critical productivity booster.

In this episode, I’ll talk about enhancing your culture. If you want to understand what will make you and your employees 14% more productive, if you want to provide the four things that every follower needs from their leader, if you want to utilize three levels of thinking to improve team engagement and unity, and if you want to find out this new cornerstone to effective leadership, then this podcast is for you.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “Attracting and retaining a high-performance team is getting harder and harder, but within every problem is a possibility.”
  • “By understanding and embracing the key ingredients of a happy workplace and a productive culture, your practice can become that talent magnet and beat the local competition.” 
  • “One thing I don’t like about S.M.A.R.T. goals is that they’re reasonable. If there’s not a little bit of intimidation, then the goals don’t wake up the genius on your team.”
  • “Followers need four things from their leaders. One is stability. Two is trust. Three is compassion, and four is hope.”
  • “We’re mentally agile. We’re emotionally agile. We’re organizationally agile to make sure that we’re always doing whatever it takes to make sure that the future of the organization, the future of the team, the future of the owner, the future of the patient experience is better than it is right now.” 

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The Origins of Your Excellence

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

It’s a brand new year, and we’re always in the habit of listing down things that we want to improve for the entire year, whether for ourselves or our practice. Before you sign off this year’s resolution, I’d like to ask you to park your pen for a while and ponder on this: Instead of focusing on what to improve, why not look into the things you need to remove? What hindered your growth in 2021 that you don’t want to carry over in 2022?

Let me share a mantra for you this year: “Weeds before Seeds.” Clear your space with weeds so you can grow more seeds.

In this first episode for the new year, I’ll discuss elevating your confidence and the origins of your excellence. So if you want to level up your dental practice this year, understand the meaning of arete, know why you need to focus on the weeds before the seeds so that you can stop being overreliant on that willpower of yours, then stay tuned.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “The problem is that dentists are overly reliant on willpower, and willpower is important. But the problem with willpower is that it’s finite.”
  • “Arete is an essence in everything you do and the striving toward your potential or purpose.” 
  • “Habits, or what we repeatedly do, is the engine of success or, if poorly executed, is the engine of failure and despair.”
  •  “If you want to go further, faster in 2022, you should start looking at your weeds.”
  • “Some of those habits are just your way of thinking, beliefs, stories that have been planted as seeds, but they’re really weeds.”
  • “You have to be able to control your mind because if you let your mind control you, usually good things don’t happen.”
  • “Make sure that you’re growing and evolving so that everything that you touch turns into gold.”

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The Most Important Survival Skill for 2022

It’s the last week of 2021, and boy, what a year it has been. Before I delve into our topic, I would like to thank you for being with me this year, and I hope you’ll keep me company in the years to come.

What’s 2022 look like to you? How will it significantly differ from your 2021 or even the previous years? Have you envisioned a radical transformation for your dental practice, or you’ll default to old habits, old belief systems, old strategies, and old routines? How about you as an individual? Have you started stacking up new skill sets to help you execute the visual you’ve set for yourself and your practice?

In this episode, I will talk about the most essential survival skill of 2022. I’ll also share the four fundamental shifts to help your transform and adapt to a fluid identity. Finally, I’ll reveal my favorite transformation story of all time. So please sit back, relax, and spend the turn of the year listening to my podcast. Take charge and lead the way to a courageous and transformative 2022.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • The problem, as I see it, is that many business owners and dentistry and healthcare, and other industries are experts in an earlier version of the world.
  • “A transformation isn’t a shift in what you do. It’s a shift in who you are, so you can extend who you are as a business owner and leader.”
  • “We’re designed to remain the same –homeostasis. We’re designed to stay the same. And when we change identity, part of us dies.”
  • “If we want a more radical shift, a transformation, you as a leader will have to change the way that you think about your business and leadership.”

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The 6 Greatest Power Sources In Your Practice

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten us.” — Marianne Williamson

Have you ever experienced something that you thought was bad but turned out to be for your own good? Or have you ever stepped in and made a bad situation better? Either way, you can feel that great power is at play in every situation.

You can be powerful and use that power as leverage to multiply your gains in your practice. As the famous line goes — “with great power comes great responsibility.” Just make sure that you use your power in influencing others to discover their potential.

In this episode, I will discuss how to enjoy more cash flow and the six greatest sources of power in your practice. So if you want to embrace the real leverage points in your business, acknowledge the untapped potential in your practice, and turn more of your ownership and obstacles into opportunities so that you can really take charge of that income, then stay tuned.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “When you’re constantly seeing power put in a negative context, it naturally becomes something that many of us disowned because we start to see it as power is bad.”
  • “Most of our educational pathways teach us to blend in — not to be creative, not to be powerful, not to color outside the lines.”
  • “Power is something that we need to embrace in practice because it’s just making sure that we’re more efficient and more effective in delivering the goods, the services, the experiences, that we want for our patients.”
  • “We’re in a high transaction environment, but if you’re willing to play the long game and intentionally build a reputation, this can be a huge source of power because few are willing to pour into this.”
  • “Clarity can bring certainty, and certainty will bring confidence for you and your team and your practice and your patients, and that all leads to cash flow.”
  • “A lot of times we’re adding, we’re buying things. When in reality, the next biggest leap in our practice is literally hidden in plain sight.”

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  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].
