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What do you think is one of the essential ingredients in a healthy and high-performing team?

According to research, 90% of people are daydreaming and visioning about the future when forced to do nothing. And a separate study shows that there’s a key element that makes 14% of people more productive across different industries. Listen in to discover this critical productivity booster.

In this episode, I’ll talk about enhancing your culture. If you want to understand what will make you and your employees 14% more productive, if you want to provide the four things that every follower needs from their leader, if you want to utilize three levels of thinking to improve team engagement and unity, and if you want to find out this new cornerstone to effective leadership, then this podcast is for you.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “Attracting and retaining a high-performance team is getting harder and harder, but within every problem is a possibility.”
  • “By understanding and embracing the key ingredients of a happy workplace and a productive culture, your practice can become that talent magnet and beat the local competition.” 
  • “One thing I don’t like about S.M.A.R.T. goals is that they’re reasonable. If there’s not a little bit of intimidation, then the goals don’t wake up the genius on your team.”
  • “Followers need four things from their leaders. One is stability. Two is trust. Three is compassion, and four is hope.”
  • “We’re mentally agile. We’re emotionally agile. We’re organizationally agile to make sure that we’re always doing whatever it takes to make sure that the future of the organization, the future of the team, the future of the owner, the future of the patient experience is better than it is right now.” 

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