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Life and Dentistry: The Power of Community and Connection

Life and Dentistry: The Power of Community and Connection - RD PodcastToday I’ve got four friends on the line to talk about life, dentistry and the Life and Dentistry Conference coming up on March 23rd. Lewis, Scotty, Cole and John are all part of the Life and Dentistry team, and they’re here to share their vision and passion for bringing great dental minds together in a fun and inspiring way.

In this episode, you’ll get a taste of what to expect from the Life and Dentistry Conference, as well as our thoughts on how the last few years have made an impact and helped us grow. It’s important to nurture yourself and keep growing on a personal level as you grow your dental practice, and that’s what this conference is all about. You’ll get inspiration from real people who have gone through real struggles and gain insight to help you in your life and career.

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Key Quotes:

  • “We just want to add value to others. We just want other people to grow in a lot of aspects of life. That’s why we call ourselves Life and Dentistry.”
  • “It’s the lack of connection that kept me under for so long.”
  • “Every person’s path should be unique, but you can borrow ideas, steal clues, get leveled up by tapping the minds of people who’ve been through it.”
  • “It’s important to show some drive and stick to it.”
  • “The one danger zone I see dentists fall in is comfort.”
  • “They have the capability, but they don’t have the courage, and so that can be a really strong boundary that keeps people stuck for decades.”
  • “The most successful people in dentistry and life fail a lot.”
  • “If you don’t have something to work towards, if you’re not striving to get bigger and better, you’re getting worse.”
  • “Success definitely leaves clues, but true success is a byproduct of alignment.”
  • “You gotta step out of your comfort zone and you gotta know where you want to be, even if it means sacrificing being comfortable right now.”

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Foo Fighters and Your Most Productive Appointments

Foo Fighters and Your Most Productive Appointments - RD Podcast

One of the biggest things to work on in life is making sure to not take your work issues home and not take your home issues to work. This week I’ll share about how I made a shift in my life and mindset where I don’t put work first and I’m not afraid to take days off. This doesn’t mean work isn’t important, it’s all about making sure to fit in the most important things and be intentional about your scheduling.

By fine-tuning your priorities and sticking to your non-negotiables, you will be able to fit in the most important things in your life and practice. I’ll share a list of the most important things to make sure you fit into your schedule and make a priority – everything else should come after these. From taking care of yourself and developing your skills to spending time with family and truly feeding into your team, it’s so crucial to make sure you are being intentional and scheduling in what matters the most so that the little things don’t steal your days.

Key Quotes:

  • “The practice shouldn’t run you. There are times it demands more of you but you should be able to harvest cash flow and time.”
  • “If you don’t rise as a leader, the practice will suffer. It’s all about how you show up. If you’re dragging your feet and having a case of the Mondays, you can guarantee your team will too.”
  • “There’s always some undone thing that I kinda want to work on but I need that time [lunch time] to make sure that my afternoon is productive.”
  • “To take days or half-days to really work on your business is something you really need to do on a continual basis.”
  • “Make sure you’re developing the legacy you want.”
  •  “It’s almost a badge of honor to talk about how busy you are but everyone has the same amount of time and it’s about priorities.”

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Naren Arulrajah on Leaving Behind Me, Me, Me Marketing and Connecting on a Personal Level

Naren Arulrajah on Leaving Behind Me, Me, Me Marketing - RD Podcast

When it comes to marketing, many practices and businesses tend to focus on the wrong things. Naren Arulrajah explains what is going wrong and how to truly focus on the customer, relate to them in a real way and leverage social proof. His advice on handling failure, being an effective leader and gaining the trust of your customers is extremely real and valuable.

Naren discusses how he originally failed his way to success and how his rough start ended up pointing him in the right direction because he was willing to learn from it and make necessary changes. He also shares some great advice on how to establish authority and create real relatable messages that clients connect with. Naren provides many tools to strengthen your impact and lead people in a way that brings out their strengths.

Key Quotes:

  • “Every good thing that happened to me came out of failures or came out of dead ends.”
  • “I don’t believe in managers, I believe in coaches.”
  • “I don’t believe in this idea of, “Let’s work on your weaknesses” because if I work on your weaknesses, you’ll have strong weaknesses. So I believe in this idea of how to bring out the best in you – your strengths.”
  • “The more it was about me, me, me – the less I got what I wanted.”
  • “Marketing – the way you get people to know you and then choose you.”
  • “We are social animals – We do what others do. So when someone else buys a product and writes a review, now we trust that.”
  • “When somebody is being grateful and at that moment you ask them for a favor, they will say yes.”
  • “We don’t trust people who say they are perfect.”

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Dr. Jesse Green on Setting Clear Values and Leading with Contagious Vision

Dr. Jesse Green on Setting Clear Values & Leading with Contagious Vision

It’s one thing to have a vision for your business and it’s a whole different thing to be able to cast that vision in a way that it is taken on and carried out by your team. Dr. Jesse Green drops by the show today to share his journey through practice ownership and how it has evolved into a passion for the dental entrepreneurial community. He gives us some great actionable advice on how to improve your leadership and entrepreneurial skills in a way that will take your practice to the next level.

Jesse really emphasizes the importance and value of not just having a vision but making sure you are communicating it effectively. He also discusses hiring and how there should be systems in place that make things easier for day to day tasks but don’t take away from the personality and flexibility of the business. Jesse also gives us great tips regarding leadership, financial intelligence, case presentation and marketing techniques.

Key Quotes:

  • “I really applaud the people who get out there and give it a red hot go because running a business is not for the faint-hearted.”
  • “Being a great dentist is, I think, an important part of being a good business owner but it doesn’t guarantee success.”
  • “I found myself running a digital marketing agency for dentists which was fantastic. I learned so much about true business that I never learned through traditional practice management programs.”
  • “Some of the best lessons I’ve ever learned have been outside of dentistry.”
  • “We sometimes think the dentist industry is somehow different or special to other businesses but the same principles apply.”
  • “People say you hire for attitude and you train them on the job but if that’s true, you need to have some dedicated training processes in there as well.”
  • “The really important thing when it comes to leadership is: Creating a clear vision, enrolling people in that vision, holding the standard, and living the standard.”
  • “The growth of the business will never outstrip the growth of the leader.”

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Finding Success Through Relationship Building and Tracking the Right Data with Addison Killeen

Finding Success Through Relationship Building with Addison Killeen

Addison Killeen has built a network of thriving dental practices in a location that is known to be saturated with practices. Tune into this episode to get in on the wisdom and strategy that he used to successfully nurture practices and teams. Addison gives us some perspective when it comes to the importance of building relationships in the dental community and focusing on areas that are your expertise.

He discusses providing procedures that people truly want and staying away from the salesy side of dentistry. Addison also shares how his practice dropped the no-show/ cancellation rate by 2% with one simple and time effective solution. He introduces and discusses his new book and the importance of focusing on the right data to transform your practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “It was really a cool experience to be able to walk into a practice where nothing else changes, not a whole lot of pressure on me other than – just don’t crash the boat.”
  • “The key to our growth is through relationships. We’re just available when a selling doctor kinda gets ready to exit.”
  • “All of the coolest things I’ve learned in the past couple years have all come from dentists and the associates that I hire.”
  • “Dentistry was – you still get to be a surgeon and an artist but yet you can have the life 100%”
  • “At first, the idea of multiple practice ownership wasn’t something that I totally thought was a great idea or main goal but just through doing things it’s kinda happened.”
  • “People don’t like to feel like they’re getting sold stuff.”

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