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The Blame Fix: How To Turn Finger-Pointing into Problem-Solving in Your Dental Practice

Promotional podcast graphic featuring Dr. Dave Maloley, host of the "Relentless Dentist" podcast, smiling in professional attire. The overlay text reads "The Blame Fix: How to Turn Finger-Pointing into Problem-Solving in Your Dental Practice." The background includes a microphone and a subtle texture, emphasizing the podcast theme.Is your dental team tangled in the typical blame and gossip?

Join us as we unravel the mystery behind why so many dental practices find themselves ensnared below the line and explore the transformative power of ascending to an Above-the-Line Culture.

In this episode, you’ll:

  • Uncover Below the Line Dynamics: Explore the reasons behind the prevalence of below-the-line cultures in dental practices and their detrimental impact on practice efficiency.
  • Chart Your Path to Above the Line: Follow Dr. Dave as he shares practical steps for cultivating an above-the-line culture, including team training and fostering open discussions.
  • Harvest the Benefits: Learn about the tangible benefits of embracing an Above-the-Line Culture, from enhancing patient care to boosting overall job satisfaction among team members.

Don’t miss this enlightening episode filled with strategies to enhance your dental practice dynamics.

Ready to revolutionize your team’s approach and elevate patient experiences? Hit play now!

Are you ready to upgrade your practice? Need help implementing the Dentists Ascend Method? Don’t miss Dr. Dave’s presentation: ‘How to Build a Referral-Centric, High-Profit Dental Practice Without the Team Drama — Even if You’re Currently Overwhelmed.‘ This resource is tailored to help you enhance your operations, boost patient referrals, and increase profits while creating a self-managing team. Perfect for any dental practice owner looking to win in today’s challenging environment. Check it out now!

Key Quotes:

  • “It’s imperative that we’re cognizant of where we stand in any moment of time, above the line or below the line, because our position is going to set the tone for the entire team.”
  • “Rather than external factors beyond your reach, focus on those [things you can control]. This approach isn’t just about avoiding negative behaviors. It’s about actively cultivating a culture where every team member feels secure, valued, and understood.”
  • “Blame is a natural and normal reaction because it comes from our instinctual defense mechanisms…But while blame might offer temporary relief from those uncomfortable feelings, it’s inherently toxic…it creates an environment where fear, defensiveness, and lack of accountability will thrive.”
  • “Positive reinforcement will encourage the team to continue engaging in these powerful behaviors.”
  • “Gossip…severely undermines trust and disrupts team cohesion…By enforcing a policy where negative topics must only be discussed with those who can contribute to a solution, you encourage direct, candid communication…creating a more positive and productive work environment.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Jim Dethmer, is a celebrated coach, speaker, and co-founder of The Conscious Leadership Group, known for his work with CEOs and their teams. He leads forums and coach training in major cities and co-authored the bestseller “The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership,” focusing on enhancing organizational cultures through conscious leadership principles.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Winning in Dentistry: High Agency Tools for Crafting Your Destiny

Ask yourself: How can I infuse high-agency thinking into my daily interactions with my team and patients? The answer lies in your hands.

Embracing a high-agency mindset not only benefits you as a dental practice owner but also positively impacts your team and patients. As you lead with confidence and encourage ownership among your team members, you’ll witness enhanced team morale and performance, fostering a proactive and solution-oriented practice. By adopting this proactive approach, you can lead your practice with adaptability, innovation, and resilience, even in changing times.

In this episode, I discuss why you must avoid the blame culture in our industry.

  • So if you want to enjoy Have-it-All Prosperity…
  • If you are ready to abandon any reliance on external validation…
  • If you want to utilize the 12 tools of a High Agency Dental Practice Owner so you can have your best year every year…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “High agency is the belief that dental practice owners have the power to act and affect change in their circumstances, irrespective of external conditions. It’s a proactive mindset revolving around resilience and personal responsibility.”
  • “Lack of agency can lead to stagnation in personal growth, external blame culture, and over-reliance on external validation. These hinder practice owner confidence and growth potential.”
  • “High agency dentists display an internal locus of control, seeing themselves as active shapers of their destiny, not passive recipients of fate. They exhibit visionary thinking, perseverance, empathy, and leadership.”
  • “Dentists can cultivate high agency by enhancing self-awareness, setting clear goals, fostering a growth mindset, taking responsibility for actions, being proactive, and learning from failures.”
  • “As high agency leads to more opportunities, it becomes essential to set boundaries and prioritize commitments aligned with one’s goals. Saying no to distractions is crucial for continued growth.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Howard D. Schultz, is an American businessman and author who served as the chairman and chief executive officer of Starbucks.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Having the Courage To Be Who You Want To Be with Ben Hardy, PhD

Having the Courage To Be Who You Want To Be with Ben Hardy, PhD As we slowly make our way through to a post-COVID economy, the timing could not be better to be thinking about reinventing ourselves as leaders and reinventing our practices. We often feel as though we are a byproduct of our training, not realizing that we have the capability to continuously shift ourselves. That’s why I’ve got Ben Hardy, PhD, author of Personality Isn’t Permanent, with me today to discuss the concept of reinvention and how we can become who we genuinely want to be.

Listen in as Ben explains the importance of being mindful so you can become adaptive, as well as what selective attention is and how it is relevant to you. You’ll learn the importance of journaling and setting goals as a way to move toward your future self. If you are ready to break free from your own self-limiting thoughts, this is the episode for you.

Key Quotes:

  • “In dentistry, what makes us excellent clinicians is exactly what holds us back as entrepreneurs.”
  • “The timing couldn’t be better as we think about reinventing ourselves as leaders and reinventing our practice.”
  • “If you are wanting to become something new and actually become a future version of yourself and get better, you’ve got to own that your current self isn’t the full thing, and you have to own being wrong along the way.”
  • “If your tool doesn’t work consistently, then it’s not a good tool.”
  • “Your future self is not the same person you are today.”
  • “We’re a byproduct of our training and don’t often realize that we can continue to reinvent and shift ourselves.”
  • “The number one regret that people have on their deathbed is that they didn’t have the courage to be who they wanted to be.”

Featured on the Show:


Embracing the Process with Joe Blaylock

Embracing the Process with Joe Blaylock - Relentless Dentist PodcastToday Dr. Joe Blaylock joins me to share his transformation from losing his sense of purpose to dialing in and locking into a successful and impactful future. It’s easy to feel lost and frustrated coming out of dental school, and Joe opens up about how he was able to leverage coaching, mindset work, vision, and purpose to get him to where he is now.

Listen in as we discuss how he initially had a fear of having a startup, as well as what helped him overcome that fear. You’ll hear about some of the biggest challenges he has faced along his journey, what helped push him through, and how to see the big picture and understand the process that leads to success.

Be inspired, tune in, and find more Bold Biographies Podcast Episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “In dental school, I always had the vision of having a startup, but I was too afraid to do it.”
  • “I fear it, but I need to do it.”
  • “It’s a personal development program with a compensation program attached to it.”
  • “The business will expose yourself to yourself, right? It’s a self-awareness program.”
  • “You put in above average effort, you will get above average results.”
  • “What I’ve learned is good and sustainable is a process.”
  • “You have to have the right people and you have to give them the roadmap.”

Featured on the Show:


Do Well By Doing Good with Gina Dorfman

Today I am excited to have Dr. Gina Dorfman back on the show! A speaker, practice owner, and host of the Behind the Smiles podcast, Gina has some great insight on what it takes to lead and run a successful practice This episode is full of wisdom from a dentist and entrepreneur who has really taken the time to examine herself and her practice honestly and thoroughly.

Listen in as Gina and I talk about the importance of who you surround yourself with, as well as how we can be more in tune with what we want and what our patients want. You’ll learn how to break free from tunnel vision, the importance of focusing on doing what feels good, and how that actually ends up positively affecting everyone in the long run.

Key Quotes:

  • “A good influencer challenges you and makes you think differently.”
  • “Every decision I make is motivated by one thing: I want to feel good about myself.”
  • “We educate [patients] without asking their level of awareness and finding out what they want. Our exam is to make us feel good.”
  • “I like being surrounded by toxic people because if I get rid of all the toxic people, I will have to deal with all of the bad decisions I’ve made.”
  • “He didn’t just fix his life—he gave back to other people. That’s the person I want to be.”
  • “We need to stop lying to ourselves. We are so full of ourselves. We have this idea that we are the only ones who can do everything better than everyone else.”

Featured on the Show:
