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Your 3-Year Vision: Practice Growth Through Turbulent Times

Most small business owners, particularly in dentistry, when they’re planning growth, either it’s the hope-and-pray method like I hope we grow or it’s forecasting growth, meaning most decisions are past-driven. The problem with forecasted growth is it allows the past to be an anchor.

In this episode, I tell you why future-casting beats forecasting.

  • So if you want to create your own economy,
  • prevent employee turnover,
  • enjoy more vacations,
  • and have a career that you’re truly proud of…tune in now!

I want you all to be great leaders. I want you all to have practice owner confidence in any economy. And it all starts with your 3-year vision.

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your dentist friends. Check my Instagram (@dr.maloley) and TikTok (@dr.maloley) for your daily dose of thought-provoking content so that you can be a better practice owner. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic episode updates for The Relentless Dentist! And, finally, please take a minute to leave us an honest review and rating on iTunes. They really help us out when it comes to the show’s ranking, and I make it a point to read every single one of the reviews we get.

Key Quotes:

  • “Having employed many different people over time, I can remember those who worked for me and grew up in entrepreneurial environments. They just stand out the things that are troubling for other people. They know how to surf those waves; those waves don’t crash down on their heads.” 
  • “I used to think of these things like vision, mission, and values as a would-be-nice-to-have. But now I consider them essential because there’s so much noise, so much distraction. So many things are trying to insult our small businesses that if we don’t have a well-designed future that looks better than this, it’s easy to get locked up in the noise. It’s easy to get distracted. It’s easy to get frustrated.”
  • “Hard doesn’t make it unnecessary. It doesn’t mean it’s something that you should avoid. It just means it’ll take a little bit more time and effort to build this out.” 
  • “Vision becomes really important. Yes, it is make-believe, but it helps you design a specific future.”
  • “Don’t worry about the ‘how.’ Just worry about the ‘what.'”
  • “Do not feel guilty for wanting what you want. Don’t buy into someone else’s vision and version of success. Don’t feel like you have to explain it to anyone else.”
  • “The ‘what’ and the ‘why’ have to come before the ‘how.'”

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The Missing Link in Case Acceptance

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say” — Bryant H. McGill

Doc, do you need to get better at Dentistry’s most profitable skill? If you want to…

  • earn patient trust and rapport,
  • know the key to effective interpersonal communication, and
  • understanding your patients so you can improve referral and case acceptance rates,

then tune in now!

We want your dental practice to be full of raving fans, full of people going out in the community and talking about how awesome you are and how great of an experience you create.

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your dentist friends. Check my Instagram (@dr.maloley) and TikTok (@dr.maloley) for your daily dose of thought-provoking content so that you can be a better practice owner. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic episode updates for The Relentless Dentist! And, finally, please take a minute to leave us an honest review and rating on iTunes. They really help us out when it comes to the show’s ranking, and I make it a point to read every single one of the reviews we get.

Key Quotes:

  • “Sales is getting more difficult. People are more skeptical. People are tired of being lied to by the media and just assume that no one is to be just trusted at this point in time.”
  • “If you are not seeking to understand, there’s a myriad of things that could be getting in the way.”
  • “We have to make sure that we don’t need to pitch the service. We have to make sure that we’re solving problems for the patient.”
  • “Most people don’t spend time to really understand what makes this individual and what makes them unique.”
  • “Active listening from a healthcare provider is rare.”
  • “Deep listening means not just listening to the words. It means listening to their emotion.”

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How to Create Time

Are you tired because you have been exhausted? Do you have a team waiting to support you, but they don’t have information? Are you living in a world of “mushroom communication”?

The issue with all entrepreneurs is there are not enough hours in the day. You only have so much workforce, and sometimes that gets in the way because we end up doing too much. We create this kind of codependent relationship with our employees because we’re doing what they should be doing on their own, but we have to take responsibility for that.

In this episode, I discuss how to avoid practice owner overwhelm. So if you want to focus ONLY on your clinical and CEO responsibilities, get good at delegation, and create a self-motivated team so you can enjoy your workdays, tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your dentist friends. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic episode updates for The Relentless Dentist! And, finally, please take a minute to leave us an honest review and rating on iTunes. They really help us out when it comes to the show’s ranking, and I make it a point to read every single one of the reviews we get.

Key Quotes:

  • “The possibility becomes that we can create mental freedom and a great team through delegation. Delegation is this result multiplier. It’s a force multiplier.”
  • “We’re looking for results. We’re looking to add more value to more patients each day. That’s how we get a business to grow.”
  • “We have to appreciate that delegation takes time. That’s why we don’t do it because it takes time.”
  • “It’s the autonomy that will really drive the results for the total business.”
  • “You can’t just start with delegation. You can’t just start with a self-managing team. There needs to be a process.” 
  • “CEO stuff is thinking, and you need time set aside for them, and you can’t do that if you don’t have it.”

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How to Start a Confidence Stampede

“The truth is, what you do matters. What you do today matters. What you do every day matters. Successful people just do the things that seem to make no difference in the act of doing them and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.” — Jeff Olson

What daily practices would increase your confidence and improve in time that would have that compound effect? What would be a routine or a habit where you can feel good about extending that to other people? What would make you 1% happier today?

If you want to:

  • stop playing small,
  • move past your urgency bias,
  • & have a much bigger impact on your team, patients, friends, and family …

so you can learn how to elevate your practice owner’s confidence, tune in now and harness Einstein’s 8th Wonder of the World.

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your dentist friends. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic episode updates for The Relentless Dentist! And, finally, please take a minute to leave us an honest review and rating on iTunes. They really help us out when it comes to the show’s ranking, and I make it a point to read every single one of the reviews we get.

Key Quotes:

  • “What is confidence? Confidence is trust in self.”
  • “Compounding and positive feedback loops are, I would say, underappreciated in life because they’re a force of nature.”
  • “The power of a goal, assuming that you have clarity, the clarity piece is really important.”
  • “When we stop thinking linearly and start thinking exponentially, we get that powerful growth curve.”
  • “We build confidence not in what we give; it’s, a lot of times, what we give.”
  • “The one thing that I don’t think dentists are very good at is that we have to almost treat our brain like a puppy, like a pet, and reward it.”
  • “Happiness doesn’t come from success. It’s really the ultimate precursor to more success.”

Featured on the Show:


Fool-Proof Methods For Thinking Like Elon Musk

“I don’t know what a business is. All a company is is a bunch of people together to create a product or service. There’s no such thing as a business, just pursuit of a goal — a group of people pursuing a goal.” — Elon Musk

How do you approach your business, and how do you solve your business problems? The problem with the dental practice today is that most dentists, hopefully not you, are running businesses via assumption and conventional thinking. The usual way we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy with an analogy. We are doing this because it’s like something else did or what other people are doing.

In this episode, I will discuss Profiting from First Principles like Elon Musk. So if you want to conduct a “Knowing What I Now Know Analysis” on your practice, build a career that you enjoy, and benefit from non-conventional, fundamental truth thinking to gain an unfair advantage, tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your dentist friends. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic episode updates for The Relentless Dentist! And, finally, please take a minute to leave us an honest review and rating on iTunes. They really help us out when it comes to the show’s ranking, and I make it a point to read every single one of the reviews we get.

Key Quotes:

  • “You’re smart enough to know, and as a D1 and D2, some of the things that you’re learning, you’re not going to do after you get your dental license.”
  • “The possibility is that when you use first principle thinking, you ensure that you’re building a practice that best fits you. And it brings unique value to your community.”
  • “Traditional thinking starts with limitations, and then you’re iterating and improving that existing path.”
  • “If you just ask a typical dentist, what’s the purpose of your practice? They might say to fix teeth, to give patients back their confidence, smile, to restore oral health, something like that, right? But if you don’t have a customer, a client, a patient, the chair call, whatever you want, you don’t really have a business.”
  • “All businesses are a reflection of their owner.”

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