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Dr. Mark Costes’ Bold Biography

Quotes and Notes:

  • I am a personal development junkie and I have been since I was about 14 years old.Dr. Mark Costes' Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcasts
  • “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
  • “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” -Peter Drucker
  • I am a first-generation American!
  • My dad is my hero.  All he had was his hopes, dreams, and his degree . . . he is the epitome of the American success story!
  • I had experienced a very violent collision with a left-field fence . . . I basically was in and out of every dental specialty office that you can think of.
  • While I was waiting for my next round of dental applications, I was able to hone my business and entrepreneurial skills.
  • It took me 3 years and 21 attempts to get into dental school.
  • I tried to apply the lessons I learned in my food franchise to my dental practice.
  • I got great coaches and mentors . . . and I read every book you can read on entrepreneurship.
  • I was the bottleneck in the process [of running six dental practices].
  • My days and my life began to spin out of control very quickly.
  • The “million-dollar meltdown” story: [my tax return] said that I had netted a million dollars that year. That day was the day I realized that never been so unhappy in my life.
  • Strivers: You are violating the trust of your family by working too hard.
  • There was a time in my life when I didn’t like who I was very much. My family didn’t like me very much.
  • I scared of not living up to my full potential.
  • You should delegate any task that you could pay somebody less than $100 to do.
  • I tie all my marketing to the community somehow.

Important Links:

Books:  E-Myth, The 4-Hour Work Week, & Pillars of Dental Success

Register for the March 14-15th Dental Success Summit in San Diego


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Dr. Ginger Bratzel’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:

  • As dentists, we are from the heart.  That’s why we went into dentistry in the first place. So, growing your business should be authentic. Dr. Ginger Bratzel's Bold Biography - RD Podcasts
  • I use the term patient attraction.  This marketing isn’t about tricking someone.  It’s about doing something for someone who already needs it.
  • It should come across as who they are and attract the type of patient that they want.
  • I really want dentists to succeed.
  • If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.
  • I say it proudly. I had a redneck upbringing.
  • If you can solve a problem for people, you are their guru.
  • In dental school, we are like mushrooms. They keep us in the dark and pile poo on us all the time.
  • In dentistry, we don’t get support from those closest to us. It’s competitive and that’s not the way it should be.
  • I thought it was “marvelous me” that they needed.  That was a mistake. It wasn’t about me.  It was about the patients.
  • I love the dental community.  But we are always closed-minded and in the box
  • It’s not the tool that makes the difference. It’s the connection to the patient.
  • I want people that are smarter than me working with me doing what they are good at.
  • I’m afraid of not living up to my full potential.
  • Fail faster and get up faster.
  • Ginger recommends that you read Mastery: A Technology for Excellence and Personal Evolution

Dr. Bratzel’s has a Free CD that will help you Attract ALL the Quality Patients You Will Ever Need.  Get it HERE!


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Dr. Chris Griffin’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:

  • My office was struck by lightning and burned down in May of 2013. Dr. Chris Griffin's Bold Biography - Relentless Dentist Podcasts
  • I am getting the dental office I always wanted this time.
  • We are building a brand new state-of-the-art training facility
  •  “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Be moved from this place to that; and it will be moved; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Matthew 17:20
  • You have to work through the challenges and come up with your best possible solutions.
  • Don’t take no for an answer.
  • I’ve never really been around people who just had one job.  That’s probably an influence on me.
  • I’ve been blessed to have lots of good people out there to follow.
  • I’m stuck in Ripley (Mississippi) with no job and a pregnant wife. It’s not like you can just go work for somebody else.
  • I liked seeing those pretty veneers and big huge reconstruction cases . . . I said I want to do that.
  • I had to figure out what the blue-collar folks in my town needed…they needed fillings, extractions, and root canals.
  • The Capacity Academy is founded on tons of systems that we now teach other dentists.
  • I believe that there is no reason you can’t do A+ quality work . . .just do it bigger, faster, stronger.
  • Folks don’t like you talking bad about their insurance plan, even if it is terrible.
  • I am scared of failure.  Big time.
  • It’s all about strategy and overcoming obstacles.
  • I think everybody should read Think and Grow Rich.
  • You’ve got to get a vision for yourself that you feel good about.  Do not let external forces deter you from that.

Connect with Dr. Griffin at The Capacity Academy

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