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Living a Life of Purpose with Dr. Stephanie Zeller

Living a Life of Purpose with Dr. Stephanie Zeller - RD PodcastWith much of our industry currently shut down due to the pandemic, there’s no better time than now to reflect on what we really want in this life. Dr. Stephanie Zeller from the Dental Outliers Podcast joins me today to share her insights on how to live a truly fulfilled and thriving life, which is especially relevant now that the world has changed due to COVID-19.

As dentists, many of us are focused on achievements instead of what makes us feel fulfilled as humans. If this sounds like you, listen in to find out how to get rid of limiting beliefs that are holding you back, how to leverage your natural rhythms to open doors of opportunity, and some of the best things you can do for yourself now, as well as in the future. Dr. Zeller’s message is what we’ve always needed to hear, but especially now that we have a golden opportunity before us to discover who we are and what we really want.

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Key Quotes:

  • “To give and serve I think is the quickest antidote to a lot of the fear.”
  • “Selfish in the spirit of service always wins.”
  • “There’s all these hidden resistances that go on all day; they’re true viruses of the brain.”
  • “Your purpose is what you decide you want it to be.”
  • “The pillars are clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence.”
  • “The long-term play is figuring out your own psychology and limiting beliefs.”
  • “When I finally started just trusting my inner voice and my inner sense of authority, that was maybe one of the most liberating moments for me.”
  • “The bigger the leap, usually the bigger the payoff.”
  • “The most powerful person in the room is the person that has nothing to hide.”

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Money Chasing and People Pleasing

Money Chasing and People Pleasing - Relentless Dentist PodcastIf you’re at a point with your practice where you feel like you are bored, burnt out, and broken, it’s probably not your circumstances, community, or team. What it probably means is that you are lacking purpose, or you’ve lost your purpose somehow. In this episode, I’ll be talking about the importance of having and maintaining a strong sense of purpose and fighting to keep pursuing it.

Listen in as I present to you Dentistry’s Chasm of Meaning. This is an illustration that I’ll walk you through in order to understand why and where purpose gets lost in the process of working through our dentistry careers. I will discuss everything from avoiding the games that cannot be won to creating a prosperous practice where you can serve people at a higher level.

Be inspired, tune in to more Hints for Happiness Podcast Episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”
  • “I believe we are trying to find external solutions to internal problems, which never leads to a happy ending.”
  • “If we try to be everything to everyone, we are nothing to no one.”
  • “Our default is more is better and dentistry is success.”
  • “Burnout is giving more than you’ve got for too long.”

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Do Well By Doing Good with Gina Dorfman

Today I am excited to have Dr. Gina Dorfman back on the show! A speaker, practice owner, and host of the Behind the Smiles podcast, Gina has some great insight on what it takes to lead and run a successful practice This episode is full of wisdom from a dentist and entrepreneur who has really taken the time to examine herself and her practice honestly and thoroughly.

Listen in as Gina and I talk about the importance of who you surround yourself with, as well as how we can be more in tune with what we want and what our patients want. You’ll learn how to break free from tunnel vision, the importance of focusing on doing what feels good, and how that actually ends up positively affecting everyone in the long run.

Key Quotes:

  • “A good influencer challenges you and makes you think differently.”
  • “Every decision I make is motivated by one thing: I want to feel good about myself.”
  • “We educate [patients] without asking their level of awareness and finding out what they want. Our exam is to make us feel good.”
  • “I like being surrounded by toxic people because if I get rid of all the toxic people, I will have to deal with all of the bad decisions I’ve made.”
  • “He didn’t just fix his life—he gave back to other people. That’s the person I want to be.”
  • “We need to stop lying to ourselves. We are so full of ourselves. We have this idea that we are the only ones who can do everything better than everyone else.”

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Putting Knowledge To Use and Sharpening Your Focus with Dr. Justin Bhullar

Putting Knowledge To Use & Sharpening Your Focus with Dr. Justin Bhullar

As academics, it can be easy and even quite enjoyable to continually be feeding ourselves new knowledge but if we never put that knowledge into practice, it means nothing. Dr. Justin Bhullar joins us on the show to share his journey of pushing through some tough obstacles to arrive where he is today. His optimism and work ethic are inspiring and he has lots of great insight on learning, improving and leading that you can learn from and implement into your own practice.
Justin explains how he turned his pain points and weaknesses into strengths and motivators. He also emphasizes the importance of the people you work with and how to take your leadership to the next level. Justin leaves us with the powerful idea that we should plan to fail and explains how that mindset will lead to resilience and strongly affect our ability to learn and grow.

Key Quotes:

  • “The path to success, like we talked about, is not a straight line.”
  • “Knowledge is not power, knowledge is put to use as power.”
  • “Just knowing is not enough. You have to put it to use.”
  • “If you’re devoting all of your time to learning and none of it to implementation, you’re not really going anywhere.”
  • “People can see if you are genuinely interested in them.”
  • “Why you’re doing what you’re doing is so much more important than what it is you’re doing.”
  • “In order to embark on this journey, you must plan to fail.”
  • “Fail, learn, move on quick.”
  • “Have fun, get a mentor.”

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Engaging and Retaining Millennials with Gary Kadi

Engaging and Retaining Millennials with Gary Kadi - RD PodcastWhen new generations come to work, it can be hard to adjust the way things are done in order to retain them. Gary Kadi is on the show and has some great insight on how to work well with millennials and build a practice that is engaged and effective. He also discusses why he stands against corporate dentistry and how he communicates more effectively with patients.

Gary really has found an interesting system to work with millennials that could benefit all practices. From a regular feedback and reward system, he has figured out how to speak the language of millennials that retains them and keeps them motivated. He also touches on why it’s so important to focus on preventative care rather than just reactionary care in order to truly protect the oral health of your patients.

Another big mission for Gary is his fight against corporate dentistry. He explains why this business model can become harmful to the dentistry industry as well as to the patients. He discusses what he is doing to save private practices and encourage the type of care that is patient-centered rather than board member-centric.

Key Quotes:

  • “Millenials only want to work in a purpose-driven business, they don’t want to be working in a transactional business.”
  • “They have a purpose, they have a bonus structure, they have a dream program and those layers are game-changers.”
  • “People do business with people who have the same beliefs.”
  • “The way to make money in dentistry is S – Salary, P – profit and F is freakin’ equity.”
  • “Retaining the private practitioner retains the care, the quality care for patients.”
  • “Our job is not just, you know, putting crowns on, but we’re here to create longevity and saving peoples’ lives and making a difference on the overall health of the patient.”
  • “The minute you believe that you should find the chief complaint, the game is over from the start.”
  • “We have to serve the patient from a preventative position not a reactive position.”

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