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Building Patient Loyalty in a Rapid, Short-Term World

In a world dominated by digital interactions, there’s a powerful reminder that the smallest gestures can create lasting impacts.

Imagine the surprise when a dental practice owner realizes that a simple birthday card had a profound impact on a patient. It’s a testament to the significance of small, meaningful moments. As a dental practice owner, you’ll discover how these moments can forge deep emotional connections, build patient loyalty, and elevate your practice to new heights.

While we excel at dental expertise, we also recognize the importance of weaving the philosophy of relationship-building into every aspect of your practice. We’ll delve into the financial perspective of distinguishing between expenses and investments that deepen patient loyalty. Learn how to listen actively, rethink touchpoints, and celebrate the small moments that strengthen the bond with your patients in this podcast designed exclusively for dental practice owners.

Dive into this episode and discover:

  • “Hot Fudge Sundae” Experiences: Master the art of creating standout moments that cement patient loyalty in an instant-gratification world.
  • Lifetime Value: Unearth the strategy behind enhancing this hidden gem for sustained practice success.
  • Handwritten Notes & Snail Mail: Reconnect with the age-old magic that deepens patient ties like no digital method can.
  • Trust Building: The underlying foundation that ensures everything else falls into place.

For dental practice owners aiming for not just growth but a legacy, this episode is gold. Tune in now!

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “In the era of instant gratification, dental practices cannot take patient loyalty for granted.”
  • “Focusing on patient loyalty and lifetime value in a dental practice is going to bring you some fantastic benefits.”
  • “Patient loyalty is not just about clinical excellence. It’s about building emotional connections.”
  • “Make memories for your patients. Make it remarkable, worth remarking about.”
  • “When a patient receives one of these thoughtful, kind notes, they’re more likely to reciprocate with loyalty, trust, positive word of mouth recommendations.”
  • “Patient loyalty is a bedrock upon which your thriving patient-centric dental practice can be built for endurance.”

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  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


6 Reasons Why Modern Dentists Need a Self-Managing Team Today

Is your team merely going through the motions or are they on a championship journey?

I’ve walked the path from the sports field to the dentist’s chair, experiencing the transformative essence of unwavering commitment and accountability. I had the opportunity to work with some of the best athletes in the world. But when I look back on those few years, the most impactful experience was being a part of a back-to-back national champion football team. Amidst the grueling drills and sweat-drenched jerseys, there was an unmistakable element on the field – no one dogged it, and no one made excuses. Why? Because they held each other accountable, pushing each teammate to their limit, play after play, rep after rep.

In this podcast, we’re here to distill the dos and don’ts of cultivating a self-managing dental team inspired by the elite leadership I witnessed in undergrad. We’ll steer clear of pitfalls such as micromanaging, favoritism, ambiguity, neglecting feedback, and complacency. Imagine your dental practice not just as a healthcare clinic, but as an elite sports team, where every procedure and every patient interaction is a chance to win. With the right strategies, your practice can achieve that elite performance you desire.

• Modern Dentistry Deep Dive: Understand how autonomy and self-management are redefining successful practices.

 Harness Technology: Learn how a self-managing team efficiently integrates cutting-edge tools and practices.

• Elevate Patient Experience: Discover the role of an empowered team in ensuring top-tier patient interactions.

• Resilient Practices: Unveil the blueprint for thriving in an ever-changing dental landscape.

• Empowerment = Growth: Grasp why giving your team autonomy is a game-changer for practice growth.

 Whether a seasoned pro or a fresh face in dentistry, this episode is crucial for future-proofing your practice. Tune in now!


P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “By embracing a system that empowers self-managing teams, you’re going to revitalize energy, your energy, their energy, the energy of the environment.”
  • “A self-managing team is well-versed in innovations, ensuring that the practice continually adopts and benefits from the latest advancements.”
  • “Operational efficiency. A modern dental practice isn’t getting more simple. It’s getting more complex.”
  • “A self-managing team can pivot strategies, develop new services, upgrade services, or refine marketing approaches autonomously.”
  • “You want a model that moves up and to the right, no matter what’s happening in the outside world.”

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  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Dentist Unanchored: The Power of Pursuing the Difficult

The journey to true confidence is akin to navigating stormy seas. It’s not about the accolades or the easy path; it’s about facing and conquering the challenges that lie ahead. 

Authentic confidence isn’t found in inspirational tales of valor; it’s crafted through your resilience and determination. It’s about defining your course with clear, meaningful goals and facing the storms that test your resolve head-on. 

In this episode, we explore the transformative power of embracing challenges, inspired by the quote, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

  • Mental Resilience: Discover why authentic mental toughness is crucial for modern dental practice owners.
  • Positive Impact: Learn about the ripple effect of consistently confronting and overcoming difficulties.
  • Courage & Confidence: Understand how these qualities can make you an exemplary role model for your dental team.
  • Avoiding Stagnation: Explore strategies to ward off complacency and ensure continuous growth and learning.
  • Prosperity & Fulfillment: Find out how pursuing the difficult can lead to a prosperous and fulfilling career and life.

Tune in now for insights and inspiration on navigating the uncharted waters of your carer and achieving success through the pursuit of the difficult!

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “In the entrepreneurial world, stagnation can be particularly glaring. As your colleagues innovate, as practices around you flourish, a lack of progress is gonna start feeling like inadequacy, self-doubt.”
  • “Resilience is forged in the of experience, not in pages of a book or episodes of a podcast.”
  • “Your dedication and resilience serve as a living lesson, teaching your family, your team, and your community, all about the virtues of hard work, perseverance, and ambition.”
  • “When people are closely associated with someone who embodies excellence, they often feel a subconscious push to elevate their standards.”
  • “What is one challenge you’ve been avoiding? And how can you take the first step towards facing it, knowing the profound impact it can have on both your personal and professional growth? Reflect on that, act on that, and let it be a catalyst for your next chapter of growth and excellence. Allow this to be a journey.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Helen Keller, was an American author, disability rights advocate, political activist, and lecturer.
  • People: Jocko Willink, a retired U.S. Navy SEAL officer, host of the top-rated Jocko Podcast, and co-founder of Echelon Front.
  • People: David Goggins, is an American retired United States Navy SEAL, ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, public speaker, and author of two memoirs, who was inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame for his achievements in sport.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Cash Flow Catalyst: How a Dentist’s Personal Brand Drives the Bottom Line

If you had to describe your personal brand in three words, what would they be?

 In today’s digital era, patients seek more than just dental expertise – they crave a genuine connection. As a dental practice owner, your personal brand is a driving force that sets you apart. It is the key to building trust, differentiation, and revenue growth in a crowded dental marketplace.

For dental practice owners navigating this volatile landscape, this episode is a treasure trove of insights:

  • Digitization of Reputation: Understand why your Brand You is a cornerstone of your practice in the digital age.
  • Authentic Branding: Discover the secrets to creating a personal brand that resonates with patients and directly influences your revenue.
  • Standing Out: In a competitive landscape, learn how to position yourself as a beacon that attracts patient trust and drives growth.
  • Coaching Insight: Stay tuned for a thought-provoking question designed to refine and elevate your branding strategy.

Tap “Play” now and harness the power of personal branding to boost your dental practice’s bottom line!

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “Lacking a personal brand is kind of like missing a handshake in a one-on-one meeting. It’s a missed opportunity.”
  • “Without a personal brand, you might just become another name on a Google search.”
  • “A dentist with a robust personal brand stands at the forefront of modern dentistry’s lucrative evolution.”
  • “67% of all Americans and 80% of older millennials are more inclined to spend on services from companies whose owners’ personal brands resonate with their values.”
  • “A dentist’s personal brand isn’t just a marketing tool; it’s a revenue magnet.”
  • “Stand for something and share your mission; it prompts deeper connections.”

Featured on the Show:


Trust Transforms: Building a High-Integrity Dental Brand

In today’s evolving healthcare landscape, trust is eroding, leaving patients skeptical and searching for more than mere transactions. Dental practice owners have a unique opportunity to rebuild trust by forging authentic partnerships with their patients. Transparency is the cornerstone of trust, with clear communication about procedures, costs, and potential risks forming the basis of these relationships.

Beyond transparency, it’s about viewing patients as long-term partners in their oral health journey. This means aligning with their goals, whether it’s achieving a brilliant smile or maintaining oral health as they age. The focus shifts from immediate treatment to personalized, long-term plans that reflect these aspirations.

In this episode, I unveil the secrets to transitioning from a transactional mindset to building enduring patient partnerships.

  • Dive into the 10 pillars that anchor a high-trust dental practice.
  • Grasp why today’s patients are more skeptical and how you can turn that skepticism into trust.
  • Embrace the concept of a patient’s lifetime value, ensuring not just their satisfaction, but also the sustainable growth of your practice.

Ready to elevate your dental practice?

Tune in now!

P.S. Reveal the hidden potential in your dental practice. Take the Dentists Ascend Quiz for your customized results.

Key Quotes:

  • “When we put profit second and patients first, what happens? We get more profits.”
  • “Your patient’s time is as valuable as yours. So prioritize punctuality and ensure smooth appointment flow and minimal wait times.”
  • “Stay on the cutting edge of your profession. Regularly update your skills and invest in the latest equipment.”
  • “Your practice isn’t just a business, it’s a part of the community. Engage in outreach. Offer educational seminars. Donate money to local nonprofits.”
  • “Ensure timely communication and maintain a seamless workflow in your office to enhance that patient experience.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].
