9 Compelling Questions Leading Dentists Should Be Asking Their Team

Are you tired of being the bottleneck in your dental practice decision-making process and struggling to get your team members engaged? As a dental practice owner, your team’s success is directly tied to your ability to lead effectively. 

Studies show that asking good questions leads to better decision-making, problem-solving, and overall team performance. By implementing these strategies, you can create an environment of continuous learning, greater productivity, and job satisfaction. Ultimately, this will lead to better patient care and help you elevate your dental practice to new heights.

In this episode, I discuss why telling is out and asking is in.

  • So if you want to enhance employee buy-in and productivity…
  • If you want to stop being the bottleneck to dental practice growth …
  • If you want your team to have an owner mentality because you recognize that collaborative and decisive teams win in the next decade…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Excessive telling leads to lack of ownership, so they’ll think more like a renter than an owner.”
  • “Ownership does not mean an equity position. It means a state of mind.”
  • “Your job as a CEO is to point them towards the mission, give them a set of values to operate by, and then give them the tools and training they need to succeed and be autonomous in their job.”
  • “By involving team members in this process, by involving them and improving the workflow, you’re gonna help them again create a sense of ownership. It’s gonna enhance their buy-in to whatever you’re doing.”
  • “Asking team members for their input, you show that you demonstrate genuine interests, that you’re willing to customize it, that you’re gonna understand their love language or the language of appreciation because each person is gonna be wired slightly different.”

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Leadership Over Management with Chuck Blakeman

Leadership Over Management with Chuck BlakemanThe single most important decision I made in my dental practice was the moment I stopped trying to create followers with this broken, top-down management style and started a leadership development program for everyone on my team. Today’s guest, Chuck Blakeman, is a world-renowned expert on this topic. He is a successful entrepreneur, best-selling business author, and TEDx speaker who has built 12 businesses around the world and now uses his experience to advise others.

Listen in as Chuck shares some incredible insights and paradigm shifts that will really get you thinking and moving in the right direction. We discuss the concepts of management and dehumanization, how those two relate, and how different it is from true leadership. If you are working on building your business, leveling up on your leadership skills, and creating an incredibly rewarding program for your team, this episode is for you.

Be inspired and meet more Legendary Leaders

Key Quotes:

  • “Look up ‘rehumanize’ in the dictionary—it’s not a word! You can’t rehumanize—you’re not allowed to do that. You can only dehumanize. Isn’t that fascinating? Something is broken.”
  • “If you manage people, you dehumanize them. That’s very different than leading them, and we have to make that distinction because the leadership gurus and consulting network over the last years have conflated those two words to the point where we don’t know what the difference is.”
  • “Leadership is absolutely essential in every business, and management is the worst thing to happen in business. You have to eliminate people being managed.”
  • “People need to be led; stuff needs to be managed.”
  • “All of the data is on the side of getting rid of managers, having fewer leaders, and figuring out how to divest the decision-making. How do we distribute the decision-making to everybody?”
  • “You don’t even have to change the leader. You just have to change the leader’s mindset from ‘these people are stupid and lazy’ to ‘these people are smart and motivated.’”
  • “Managers tell; leaders ask.”
  • “There are three responsibilities of leadership: guard the values, champion the people, and pilot the results—not the process.”
  • “Leadership is any act that improves the life, situation, or performance of another person. If you’re helping someone cross the street, that’s leadership.”
  • “Good managers aren’t managing—they’re training and then getting the heck out of the way. They’re really leaders, and we should be celebrating that.”
  • “Leaders always train with the intent of not being necessary.”

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Can You Be Your Own Hero?

Can You Be Your Own Hero? - Relentless Dentist PodcastToday, I want to share an episode I recorded with Dr. Paul Etchison a while back, which touches on some key things we need to figure out as dentists and practice owners. Paul is the author of Dental Practice Hero, the host of the Dental Practice Heroes podcast, and one of the titans featured in Titans of Dentistry, and he’s someone I really respect because he truly walks the talk. Given his successful career and leadership skills, he’s one of the best people I can think of to have a conversation with about high-performance coaching and being a high-performance individual.

In this episode, Paul and I dive into the subjects of happiness, fulfillment, and figuring out your purpose. Listen in to hear the major lessons we’ve both learned throughout our careers, what it takes to be a great leader, and why it’s so important for us as dentists to gain clarity on what we really want out of our practices—and out of our lives.

Be inspired! Watch more Hints for Happiness podcast episodes

Key Quotes:

  • “The marketplace doesn’t care what degree you have; it matters how much value you’re adding to the system.”
  • “We’re all drawn to certain things, and really defining who we are and what we want—getting that crystal clarity—I think is the first step on the escape plan if you feel like you’re on that hamster wheel.”
  • “Making sure that you’re progressively trending upward on some kind of key criteria in life is what drives a practice because if you just try and drive a practice with brute force, you’ll get growth, but sustainable growth is questionable because if you’re burnt out, your team isn’t going to show up.”
  • “Make sure that you not only know exactly what you want out of your practice and your life, but why you want it, and if you don’t have a compelling why, then it’s time to go back to the drawing board.”
  • “When the team shows up, batteries included, and you show up, batteries included, patients feel that goodwill goes up, case acceptance goes up, and it all trickles down to the bottom line.”
  • “You can be confident in leadership, but to think that you’ve learned it all and not be engaged in a lifelong journey I think is a dangerous place.”
  • “I hope dentists know that if they’re in a tough spot right now, or if they’ve been through a tough spot, or if one’s coming in the future, that’s just part of the game and to anticipate that. To try navigating around that is just wise business, but to think you’ll avoid it completely is a fallacy.”
  • “It all comes down to marketing, and once that mind shift happens, life gets a lot easier because you realize that your clinical skills are just one small part of the equation.”
  • “You’re your number one asset and your practice is a close second, and sometimes you have to put all the chips in to make sure that you get the results that you need.”
  • “If you’re thinking about investing in your team, if you’re thinking about investing in yourself, it’s not hard to get a $1000 idea if you implement it. It’s not hard to get an ROI. It’s making sure you have the intention to actually put your words into actions.”
  • “Be crystal clear on what you want, why you want it, and then pursue that dream without guilt or apologies.”

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Foo Fighters and Your Most Productive Appointments

Foo Fighters and Your Most Productive Appointments - RD Podcast

One of the biggest things to work on in life is making sure to not take your work issues home and not take your home issues to work. This week I’ll share about how I made a shift in my life and mindset where I don’t put work first and I’m not afraid to take days off. This doesn’t mean work isn’t important, it’s all about making sure to fit in the most important things and be intentional about your scheduling.

By fine-tuning your priorities and sticking to your non-negotiables, you will be able to fit in the most important things in your life and practice. I’ll share a list of the most important things to make sure you fit into your schedule and make a priority – everything else should come after these. From taking care of yourself and developing your skills to spending time with family and truly feeding into your team, it’s so crucial to make sure you are being intentional and scheduling in what matters the most so that the little things don’t steal your days.

Key Quotes:

  • “The practice shouldn’t run you. There are times it demands more of you but you should be able to harvest cash flow and time.”
  • “If you don’t rise as a leader, the practice will suffer. It’s all about how you show up. If you’re dragging your feet and having a case of the Mondays, you can guarantee your team will too.”
  • “There’s always some undone thing that I kinda want to work on but I need that time [lunch time] to make sure that my afternoon is productive.”
  • “To take days or half-days to really work on your business is something you really need to do on a continual basis.”
  • “Make sure you’re developing the legacy you want.”
  •  “It’s almost a badge of honor to talk about how busy you are but everyone has the same amount of time and it’s about priorities.”

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