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Leadership Over Management with Chuck BlakemanThe single most important decision I made in my dental practice was the moment I stopped trying to create followers with this broken, top-down management style and started a leadership development program for everyone on my team. Today’s guest, Chuck Blakeman, is a world-renowned expert on this topic. He is a successful entrepreneur, best-selling business author, and TEDx speaker who has built 12 businesses around the world and now uses his experience to advise others.

Listen in as Chuck shares some incredible insights and paradigm shifts that will really get you thinking and moving in the right direction. We discuss the concepts of management and dehumanization, how those two relate, and how different it is from true leadership. If you are working on building your business, leveling up on your leadership skills, and creating an incredibly rewarding program for your team, this episode is for you.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Look up ‘rehumanize’ in the dictionary—it’s not a word! You can’t rehumanize—you’re not allowed to do that. You can only dehumanize. Isn’t that fascinating? Something is broken.”
  • “If you manage people, you dehumanize them. That’s very different than leading them, and we have to make that distinction because the leadership gurus and consulting network over the last years have conflated those two words to the point where we don’t know what the difference is.”
  • “Leadership is absolutely essential in every business, and management is the worst thing to happen in business. You have to eliminate people being managed.”
  • “People need to be led; stuff needs to be managed.”
  • “All of the data is on the side of getting rid of managers, having fewer leaders, and figuring out how to divest the decision-making. How do we distribute the decision-making to everybody?”
  • “You don’t even have to change the leader. You just have to change the leader’s mindset from ‘these people are stupid and lazy’ to ‘these people are smart and motivated.’”
  • “Managers tell; leaders ask.”
  • “There are three responsibilities of leadership: guard the values, champion the people, and pilot the results—not the process.”
  • “Leadership is any act that improves the life, situation, or performance of another person. If you’re helping someone cross the street, that’s leadership.”
  • “Good managers aren’t managing—they’re training and then getting the heck out of the way. They’re really leaders, and we should be celebrating that.”
  • “Leaders always train with the intent of not being necessary.”

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