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SEO Marketing Strategies for Dentists with Mike Pedersen

SEO Marketing Strategies for Dentists with Mike PedersenThis week on the Relentless Dentist Podcast, Mike Pedersen from will help you improve your SEO marketing strategies. He is on the forefront of digital marketing for the dental industry. If you are looking for ways to connect with your ideal client, SEO can help bring that target client to your front door.

He’s one of the most knowledgeable people I know regarding online marketing for dentists. You may have heard of the term SEO, but not know enough to be dangerous. Dentists may be gun shy about working with online marketing agencies because of lackluster results in the past. Mike can revitalize your website search traffic and improve your marketing efforts.

As dentists, we want to occupy the first page of a Google search for keyword phrases central to our practice, specialty, and location. Your appointments fill up when clients searching for the dental services you provide land on your website. Since every dentist has a website these days, SEO marketing techniques can help you stand out from the crowd. Mike will help you put on your geek hat for a few minutes a month and dig into just how important good SEO strategies are for your business.


Key Quotes:

  • SEO is being found when someone types in a specific search term for dentistry in Google.
  • Google is trying to consume more of their first page with ads.
  • The maps listing is only found for certain phrases.
  • Over 50% of people know that the Google ads are first and they skip them and they go right to that first organic result.
  • The searcher is using search engines more specifically. They’re getting smarter.
  • When somebody types in “cost of”, we called them a qualified searcher.
  • Long-tail is where you’re getting 5 – 7 keywords in a search phrase.
  • You should have individual content for each one of your service pages (interior pages).
  • It’s giving Google what they want so they reward us with the ranking.
  • Every dental website page should have a minimum of 2-3 calls to action on each page.
  • Voice search is becoming more and more popular.

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Establishing the Link Between Oral and Physical Health with Dr. Tom Larkin and Dr. Brad Bale

Establishing the Link Between Oral and Physical Health - RD PodcastThis week on the Relentless Dentist, I share a fascinating conversation with Dr. Tom Larkin and Dr. Brad Bale from the Voices of Dentistry 2017 conference. This dynamic duo is leading the effort to highlight the link between oral health and arterial disease – the root cause of many forms of physical illness in this country.

Tom and Brad are collaborating on an initiative to raise awareness about the link between periodontal disease and arterial wellness. The Bale-Doneen method is revolutionizing the treatment of ailments and putting an emphasis on oral wellness. We talk about the research underway which is helping to establish the relationship between heart failure and poor oral health.

On this episode, we also discuss the programs that Brad and Tom have created to train dentists and their staff to focus on a patient’s holistic oral well-being. They’re working to help open the minds of both dentists and patients to help everyone understand the link between oral diseases and a patient’s long-term, overall physical health.

Key Quotes:

  • Inflammation is what drives arterial disease.
  • You really need to maintain the health of your arteries to maintain an excellent quality of life.
  • Understand that our work maintaining a healthy mouth is actually saving lives, not just making people’s smiles look great.
  • The beauty of the Bale-Doneen method is that it’s an exact diagnostic protocol.
  • There are three areas of inflammation that the dentist can address.
  • Our method does actually halt and regress disease. That’s been shown.
  • Most dentists aren’t anchored in insurance.

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Dr. Scott Leune’s Bold Biography

Quotes & Notes:Dr. Scott Leune's Bold Biography - RD Podcast

We are just in the business of dentistry in a BIG way.

  • We’ve got a program called the affiliate program, where we basically spend five years with a dentist helping build their ideal practice, and helping them manage and grow it.
  • I don’t put up with BS. I don’t play political games.
  • Auditing creates lasting implementation and efficiencies.
  • I was born in Amsterdam. I moved to the United States in fifth grade.
  • I grew up in kind of the opposite of entrepreneurial thinking. But I did grow up with a lot of support.

I didn’t change my thinking until my senior year of dental school. I was going to be an endodontist, because I thought it would be secure income with little work . . . The dental school professor just handed me a book and said “Hey you should read this book.”  And that book was Rich Dad, Poor Dad.  And I read that book and thought, “Oh my god why haven’t I thought about the business before.”

  • Most of the people in my life are doing things today I don’t want to do. They are living a life I don’t want to live.  So in a way, I kind of broke away from everyone else.
  • Even today, I am not ready to make a decision I shouldn’t make, even if I am given the right information. I am not going to do the things I need to do until the time is right.
  • There comes a point when you start learning something different because you are at a new level, a new size.
  • At one point we may be lectured to fifty dentists a year, and now twelve hundred this year.
  • It just doesn’t have to be that complicated.
  • There were a lot of opportunities to build new practices, so I decided, “You know what? I can’t sit here and do nothing. I’m going to go build more practices.”
  • I’ve had several years, where I have lost over a million dollars in cash. I’ve had a ton of failures.
  • Not knowing what I don’t know. Being on a path and not knowing something vital [is what I am scared of].
  • Having to invent the wheel every time is a major barrier [to success].
  • It’s just as easy to think bigger as it is to think smaller.
  • Be very methodical and slow with implementation to be sure that it actually fits and it makes a long term difference.
  • I think there are three big keys to success, and overcoming those fears and excuses. The first one starts with getting the right information. Step two is then having the leadership qualities to actually do it. To actually pull the trigger and lead other people down that path. Step three is the one that a lot of people often miss, and that is having people force you to do the right thing, having advisors.
  • The book that Dr. Scott Leune suggests every dentist to read is The E-Myth, by Michael E. Gerber.

If you want to learn more from Dr. Scott Leune, you can email him at [email protected] or go to his website

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