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The Time-Savvy Dentist: Strategies for Winning Over Patients and Growing Your Practice

As a dental practice owner, you’re no stranger to the complexities of managing appointments, patient satisfaction, and operational efficiency. In an industry where patient loyalty and referrals reign supreme, any misstep can tarnish your practice’s reputation and profitability. 

Imagine a future where your practice thrives with consistent revenue growth, increased profits, and a flood of patient referrals. This is the potential that prioritizing time holds. But the journey doesn’t stop there. It extends to optimizing practice operations, harnessing feedback for continuous improvement, and strategically embracing inefficiencies for personalized care.

In this episode, I discuss why Time Based Competition is an incredible business advantage for you.

  • So if you want to understand why Apple execs read “Competing Against Time”…
  • If you want to create value with Strategic Inefficiencies…
  • If you want to reduce wasted time and motion in your practice so you can generate more revenue and referrals …

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “Respecting time isn’t just merely a courtesy, it’s about creating patient experiences that transform them into the most passionate supporters.”
  • “Prioritize time to achieve consistent growth, revenue, and patient referrals, resulting in greater profits and bigger paychecks.”
  • “Efficiency and quality dedication transform your practice into a booming business and a hub of devoted advocates.”
  • “Dental practices can gain a competitive advantage by reducing time in innovation and quality care delivery.”
  • “Minimize patient wait times to show respect and build trust from the moment they step into the office.”
  • “Continuous feedback from patients and team insights drive refinement, while strategic inefficiencies like post-op calls and handwritten notes enhance patient relationships.”

Featured on the Show:


Dental Insurance Exposed: What They Don’t Want Us Talking About

Imagine this: A thriving dental practice built on trust, care, and expertise. Now add a twist – the complexities of dental insurance. In a world where patient needs should steer the ship, financial interests often end up dictating treatment choices. If you’re a dental practice owner, you’ve likely felt the tug of this intricate web that sometimes compromises the very core of dentistry.

We’re here to unravel the truths about dental insurance – the good, the bad, and the frustratingly perplexing. From shaping treatment decisions to nudging profit margins, these insurance dynamics have significantly influenced the dental landscape.

In this episode, I discuss you deciding if being in network is benefiting your patients and moving you toward your vision.

  • So if you want to stop playing PPOs’ stupid games…
  • If you want to take more time off and enjoy more cash flow…
  • If you want to serve your patients in an elite way and unstress your team…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “What started out as well-meaning and a noble endeavor… has evolved into complexity, frustration, and a fractured relationship between dentists, their dental patients, and these dental insurance companies.”
  • “Bullies pick on the weak… if I didn’t stand up to this audit, they’d keep playing these dumb games with me and with my practice and keep screwing with my livelihood.”
  • “Exclusion clauses dictate limitations of policy… it creates a complex landscape for us to maneuver and explain to patients and it influenced treatment plans and financial arrangements for those who are covered.”
  • “There’s a myriad of policies, all sorts of claims, all sorts of reimbursement procedures… it affects the quality of patient care because our attention is diverted from what our primary focus should be.”
  • “Dental insurance falls short… in catastrophic situations, unexpected situations, this is where dental insurance falls short.”

Featured on the Show:

  • Show: Untold: Johnny Football, a Netflix documentary that took a significant look into the career and life of former Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel.
  • Show: John Mulaney, Baby J, is a 2023 Netflix-released stand-up comedy film written by and starring John Mulaney.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


From Gen Z to the Silent Gen: Why Your Dental Practice Needs This Multigenerational Advantage

In today’s dynamic landscape, effective leadership isn’t just about running a practice; it’s about fostering a harmonious multigeneration workforce that propels your practice toward exceptional growth and prosperity.

Dentistry is no longer confined to clinical expertise alone; it’s a synergy of wisdom, innovation, and collaboration among individuals from Baby Boomers to Generation Z.

Let’s deep into the heart of this transformative shift, providing you with a comprehensive roadmap to harness the power of a multigeneration team.

Navigating generational nuances might seem like a challenge, but it’s an opportunity waiting to be harnessed.

In this episode, I discuss the big challenges of managing a workforce made up of five generations.

  • So if you want to play to the strengths of each generation so you can have an unbeatable dental team…
  • If you want to minimize conflict and maximize collaboration…
  • If you want to win with the evolving workforce so you can enjoy having the best reputation in town…

Tune in now!

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “Diversity in age presents challenges, but they can be opportunities if handled correctly. Communication styles, technological proficiency, and work ethic differences can create tensions but can also foster innovation and collaboration among multigenerational teams.”
  • “Ignoring generational differences, resisting change and innovation, and failing to foster inclusivity and appreciation are common mistakes. Each team member must be seen as a valuable human with unique strengths.”
  • “Understanding different generations is key. Gen Z values authenticity, millennials seek purpose, Gen X values flexibility, baby boomers prioritize stability, and the silent generation values loyalty.”
  • “Conflict resolution is critical. Address conflicts impartially, encourage open dialogue, and guide problem-solving exercises. Empathy, active listening, and focusing on interests are essential.”
  • “Managing a multigenerational workforce is an art. Blend experience, vision, and creativity to create collaboration. Leverage the unique strengths of each generation to enrich your dental practice.”
  • “In the symphony of a successful dental practice, every generation plays a vital role. Embrace generational differences to create a harmonious orchestra that delivers exceptional patient care.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Winning in Dentistry: High Agency Tools for Crafting Your Destiny

Ask yourself: How can I infuse high-agency thinking into my daily interactions with my team and patients? The answer lies in your hands.

Embracing a high-agency mindset not only benefits you as a dental practice owner but also positively impacts your team and patients. As you lead with confidence and encourage ownership among your team members, you’ll witness enhanced team morale and performance, fostering a proactive and solution-oriented practice. By adopting this proactive approach, you can lead your practice with adaptability, innovation, and resilience, even in changing times.

In this episode, I discuss why you must avoid the blame culture in our industry.

  • So if you want to enjoy Have-it-All Prosperity…
  • If you are ready to abandon any reliance on external validation…
  • If you want to utilize the 12 tools of a High Agency Dental Practice Owner so you can have your best year every year…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “High agency is the belief that dental practice owners have the power to act and affect change in their circumstances, irrespective of external conditions. It’s a proactive mindset revolving around resilience and personal responsibility.”
  • “Lack of agency can lead to stagnation in personal growth, external blame culture, and over-reliance on external validation. These hinder practice owner confidence and growth potential.”
  • “High agency dentists display an internal locus of control, seeing themselves as active shapers of their destiny, not passive recipients of fate. They exhibit visionary thinking, perseverance, empathy, and leadership.”
  • “Dentists can cultivate high agency by enhancing self-awareness, setting clear goals, fostering a growth mindset, taking responsibility for actions, being proactive, and learning from failures.”
  • “As high agency leads to more opportunities, it becomes essential to set boundaries and prioritize commitments aligned with one’s goals. Saying no to distractions is crucial for continued growth.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Howard D. Schultz, is an American businessman and author who served as the chairman and chief executive officer of Starbucks.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


The Illusion of Tomorrow

We often find ourselves facing a common challenge – the Illusion of Tomorrow. We tell ourselves that tomorrow will be the perfect day to tackle important tasks, implement changes, and embrace new opportunities. But why do we keep clinging to tomorrow?

Let’s delve deep into the psychology behind our actions and discover how to break free from this illusion. We’ll explore the factors that hold us back, from optimism bias to the avoidance of discomfort, and how they impact our decisions as dental practice owners.

In this episode, I discuss why you won’t have more time, discipline, and willpower tomorrow.

  • So if you want to know what to do when your dental career path stops making sense…
  • If you want to hear Steve Jobs’ best career advice, and…
  • If you want to be more purposeful so you can make dentistry more prosperous and fulfilling…

Tune in now! Not tomorrow.

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do… I started to use that quote as my guidance system. Wherever I was feeling significant fear, significant resistance, I would try and put it to the top of my priority list and just step into that fear.”
  • “The reality is that you’re not gonna suddenly have more time, discipline, or willpower. So it’s best to stop living in the illusion of tomorrow.”
  • “I think back and if I wouldn’t have had that one moment of strength… I really don’t know where I’d be right now. It’d be a different world.”
  • “You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them by looking backward… You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”
  • “There have been many times on this journey where it made absolutely no sense to me… but when I look in the rearview mirror, it’s amazing how the dots connect and have led to an absolutely incredible life.”

Featured on the Show:
