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“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” — Epictetus

As the CEO of your dental practice, do you also set the emotional tone for the entire practice? Do you give yourself, and your team, permission to be happier?

Doc, now is the time to prioritize your happiness. In this episode, I’ll reveal

  • Why you must want to learn the 11 ways to be happier,
  • Why your happiness should NOT be tied to achievement, and
  • What C.E.O. really stands for so you can avoid a common regret of the dying.

Tune in now and discover the importance of happiness in your practice.

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your dentist friends. Check my Instagram (@dr.maloley) and TikTok (@dr.maloley) for your daily dose of thought-provoking content so that you can be a better practice owner. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic episode updates for The Relentless Dentist! And, finally, please take a minute to leave us an honest review and rating on iTunes. They really help us out when it comes to the show’s ranking, and I make it a point to read every single one of the reviews we get.

Key Quotes:

  • “Many did not realize until the end that happiness was a choice.”
  • “If we’re going to get happy, we have to have new patterns of thinking and focusing tools that get us there.”
  • “If we can get the future and the past in alignment that allows the present moment to serve us.”
  • “Happiness is more of an internal game and achievement is more of an external game.”
  • “The harsh reality is that happiness will lead to more achievement but rarely does more achievement lead to happiness.”
  • “The happiest among us have learned to stop worrying about the things that we can’t control.”
  • “We might as well not argue with reality and know that transformational leadership where people feel empowered and their work has meaning is the only winnable game currently.”

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