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Today I’m kicking off a new 3-part series called “The Three Dysfunctions of a Dental Practice.” These dysfunctions are alive and well in most dental practices, and they’re usually hidden in plain sight. So in this first episode of the series, I’ll be discussing how dentists are constantly looking for external solutions to their internal problems—and what to do about it.

This section is specific to identity, so I’ll explain how the organization takes on the personality of its leader, as well as how we need to be working on our own personal mastery in order to level up our practices. If you struggle with delegation or feel like your team is too busy to take on more, you need to hear this because it is essential not only for your ability to grow but also for your practice’s ability to grow.

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Tune in and get more insights on Prescriptions for Your Practice Episode Podcast

Key Quotes:

  • “If we embrace these internal problems, the possibility is that we acknowledge that we are the bottleneck of the practice, and we can find ways to unlock its true potential and establish a more confident identity.”
  • “If we don’t expand the capabilities and the identity of the leader, we work really hard for limited gain.”
  • “Our energy is a role model for the whole team. We can’t expect our team members to be more passionate about the practice than we are.”
  • “If it brings you energy, you need to double down on it.”
  • “We have a leadership vacuum in our world, and what needs to fill this vacuum is high-integrity, courageous leaders.”
  • “Full expression seems like an act of selfishness, but ultimately, it becomes an act of selflessness.”
  • “We have this inner voice as dentists that says, ‘If it’s going to be done right, it’s gotta be done by us.’ But there’s an art to delegation.”
  • “A barrier to delegation is feeling like the team already has too much work and you don’t want to put more on their plate. That’s a bit of a farce.”

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