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Dentists vs. Team Toxicity: Cutting Through the Drama

Are you a dental practice owner struggling with hidden challenges within your team? Could the greatest threat to your practice’s success be internal, rooted in team dynamics?

In this podcast episode, we will focus on high performance for you, your team, and your business, guiding you to deliver exceptional patient care while enjoying the financial and time freedom of a high-profit practice. Dive into the enduring principles essential for building a practice and life you’re proud of.

Ready to uncover hidden threats that could shape the destiny of your dental practice?

Join Dr. Dave as he reveals The 6 Warning Signs of Team Toxicity… potential triggers for team turnover, disgruntled patients, revenue loss, and scathing one-star reviews.

  • The Subtle Threat: Explore the concealed signals of team toxicity that undermine your practice’s foundation.
  • Practice Vitality: Gain insights into how team toxicity can impact your financial success, morale, and patient relationships.
  • Solutions Await: Empower yourself with actionable strategies to confront team toxicity, fostering a culture of growth, collaboration, and unwavering professional excellence.

Don’t wait any longer; your practice’s future depends on it. Listen now and embark on the journey toward a healthier, more prosperous practice culture.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Take Dr. Dave’s Dentists Ascend Quiz to discover the hidden potential in your business.

Key Quotes:

  • “The greatest threat to your practice isn’t external, but lies within the dynamics of your dental team.”
  • “Confronting team toxicity head-on can not only transform your practice, but it also allows you to work less, worry less, gives you more time off, and allows you to achieve bigger profits.”
  • “A powerful mindset is crucial for evolution beyond your current state.”
  • “Ignoring the brain’s capacity for change can significantly limit a dentist’s ability to learn and grow, both personally and professionally.”
  • “Fear of pushing boundaries and taking action can significantly restrict a practice’s growth and innovation.”

Featured on the Show:

  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


The 5 Big Mindset Mistakes Dentists Make

Are you unintentionally holding back your dental practice with old beliefs?

This episode is a game-changer as we will tackle that big question. It’s not just about dental skills or business tricks. It’s about changing how you think to transform your work and life. We dive into how your mindset can shape everything from patient care to how you run your practice.

Prepare to challenge and change the way you think about your dental practice through:

  • Fixed Beliefs, Fixed Outcomes: Are unhelpful beliefs constricting your practice’s potential? Learn how embracing flexible thinking can open new doors.
  • The ‘Yet’ Factor: Discover the immense power of ‘yet’ in transforming perceived limitations into opportunities for growth and success.
  • Brain’s Untapped Potential: Explore how leveraging neuroplasticity can revolutionize your skills, adapt to new technologies, and evolve your practice.
  • Boundary Breaker or Safe Player? Examine if fear is stifling your growth. Learn why pushing past comfort zones is key to innovation and success.

Listen Now: Join Dr. Dave in this first episode of 2024 so that you can get out of your own way.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. Limited to five dedicated dentists, ready for growth in 2024.

Key Quotes:

  • “Altering our mindset can transform our practices, our relationships with our patients, and ultimately our entire lives.”
  • “Equating clinical excellence with overall success in the dental profession is a common yet critical mistake.”
  • “The mastery of dental procedures is just one facet of a successful practice.”
  • “Embracing a growth mindset, especially the power of the word “yet”, is vital.”
  • “True progress and transformative change in the dental industry occurs when you are brave enough to push the boundaries and venture into the unknown.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Carol Dweck, an American psychologist, is a leading researcher in motivation, exploring the reasons behind people’s success or failure and how to cultivate success.
  • People: Michael Gerber, is a renowned American author, recognized for his series of E-Myth books.
  • People: Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, is celebrated for his significant contributions to the science of evolutionary biology.
  • People: Mark Twain, whose birth name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was a renowned American author, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and public speaker.
  • Book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Why Avoiding ‘Day 2’ is Crucial for your Dental Practice

What if there’s a tried and tested philosophy that can be the key to unlocking extraordinary success in your dental practice for 2024?

Unlock growth and elevate patient care with a game-changing philosophy inspired by Amazon’s success. Embrace continuous innovation, customer focus, and agility to transform your dental practice. Gain actionable insights for dynamic, agile decision-making that exceeds patient expectations.

In this episode, Dr. Dave delves into the transformative ‘Day One Philosophy’ and its surprising impact on dental practices:

  • Innovate or Stagnate? Uncover how continuous innovation isn’t just a buzzword but a necessity for staying at the dental forefront.
  • Beyond Treatment Plans: Explore the customer-centric approach that redefines patient experiences and skyrockets satisfaction.
  • Agility: Your Secret Weapon? Find out how being agile in business can outpace competitors and secure your practice’s future.
  • The Long Game in Dentistry: Learn why strategic long-term planning is crucial for more than just financial health.
  • A Learning Culture: Luxurious or Essential? Discover the underestimated power of cultivating a learning environment in your team.

Tune in to unravel these compelling concepts and see how they can radically elevate your practice.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. Limited to five dedicated dentists, ready for growth in 2024.

Key Quotes:

  • ”Starting every day off with this day-one mentality has made a huge difference for me and my business and life over the last six months.”
  • “Innovation is not just limited to your equipment and techniques. It includes improvements in your patient interactions, your office management, and marketing.”
  • “Agility in business operations is essential for a dental practice… Being agile means embracing flexibility in your approach.”
  • “Long-term strategic planning in your dental practice… involves goal setting and developing strategies to achieve these objectives over the next five, over the next 10, 15 years.”
  • “Cultivating a learning culture within your dental practice… means encouraging continuous professional development for your team.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Jeff Bezos, is an American entrepreneur and pioneer in e-commerce, best known as the founder of, Inc.
  • People: Steve Jobs, was an American businessman, inventor, and investor, renowned for co-founding Apple Inc.
  • People: Peter Drucker, was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author.
  • People: Jim Collins, is an expert in business management, as well as company growth and sustainability.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Virtue & Veneers: Stoic Principles for Enhanced Patient Trust

Can timeless wisdom from ancient Stoicism transform your modern dental practice?

This podcast is more than just a history lesson; it’s a roadmap for integrating age-old wisdom into the heart of your dental practice, fostering a fulfilling and successful professional life.

In this episode, Dr. Dave explores the intersection of ancient philosophy and modern dentistry:

  • Timeless Insights for Modern Care: Learn how integrating age-old wisdom enhances patient satisfaction and boosts referrals.
  • Elevated Decision-Making: Gain insights into thoughtful treatment planning and improved patient outcomes.
  • Deepening Trust with Patients: Discover powerful communication techniques rooted in philosophy to strengthen relationships and increase referrals.

Tune in now to learn how these enduring principles can significantly enrich your dental practice.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. Limited to five dedicated dentists, ready for growth in 2024.

Key Quotes:

  • “From the streets of ancient Athens to the broader realms of the Roman Empire, great thinkers crafted principles that still resonate powerfully in our practices”
  • “We’re really only in control of four things: attention, our intention, our emotions, and our physiology.”
  • “By cultivating a calm and composed mindset, amidst various stressors that happen every day in a dental practice, you can provide reassurance and exceptional care.”
  • “Wisdom helps in understanding the comprehensive needs of our patients… Justice focuses on fairness and ethical practice.”
  • “Stoicism offers practical tools for thriving in today’s fast-paced world.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Brian Earl Johnson, is an associate professor of Philosophy at Fordham University.
  • People: Ryan Holiday, is one of the world’s bestselling living philosophers.
  • People: Marcus Aurelius, was a Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD and a Stoic philosopher.
  • People: Lucius Aeneas Seneca, was a Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome, a statesman, dramatist, and in one work, satirist, from the post-Augustan age of Latin literature.
  • People: Epictetus, was a Greek philosopher known for his work in Stoicism.
  • People: Gaius Musonius Rufus, was a Roman Stoic philosopher of the 1st century AD.
  • People: Marcus Porcius Cato, better known as Cato the Younger, was an influential conservative Roman senator during the late Republic.
  • Book: Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


Navigating 2024: The 4 Essential Questions Every Dentist Needs to Answer

In the ever-evolving and complex world of dental practice management, staying ahead can be challenging. With rising volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in the field, dentists often find themselves at a crossroads, seeking effective strategies to elevate their practice.

In this episode, Dr. Dave delves into the complexities dental practice owners will face in 2024. He focuses on how to create a self-managing team and build a high-profit practice amidst uncertainty:

  • Adapting to Change: Ready your practice for the unpredictable dynamics of the dental industry in 2024.
  • Crucial Questions: Explore key questions to drive effective decision-making and enhance practice management.
  • Success Strategies: Identify strategies for developing a self-managing team and optimizing practice profitability.
  • Building Resilience: Learn principles and tactics to establish a robust and profitable dental practice.

Tune in now to gain strategies for leading a successful and forward-thinking dental practice.

Take the next step towards transforming your dental practice. Complete the Dentists Ascend Quiz and book your exclusive Freedom Mapping Session with Dr. Dave. Limited to five dedicated dentists, ready for growth in 2024.

Key Quotes:

  • “Identifying when you’re in a flow state, where work feels engaging and almost effortless, will significantly enhance your productivity and reduce your stress.”
  • “Prioritizing tasks that bring a sense of engagement is a key strategy for maintaining enthusiasm and preventing burnout.”
  • “Encouraging self-management within your team will lead to improved job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and a higher quality of patient care.”
  • “By focusing on creating a referral-friendly environment, you’re going to increase your patient base and build a community of loyal supporters.”
  • “We’re playing an infinite game and it’s about finding harmony and continual growth.”

Featured on the Show:

  • People: Tony Robbins, an American author, coach, and motivational speaker, is renowned for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books, notably “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the Giant Within.”
  • People: Peter Drucker, an Austrian-American management consultant, educator, and author, played a pivotal role in developing the philosophical and practical underpinnings of contemporary management theory through his extensive writings.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].
