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Streamlining Referrals with Steve Gordon - Relentless DentistSo many of us spend a fortune on ads, both digital and otherwise, but ROI on ad spend is minimal. Referrals are clearly one of the best ways to gain loyal, returning patients, but asking for those referrals is often too uncomfortable. So in this episode, Steve Gordon joins us to share his expertise on how to ask for and receive referrals in a way that is less intrusive and easier for your customers.

Listen in as we discuss the discomfort around asking for referrals and how to get past that by finding ways to inject value that will trigger streams of regular referrals. You will learn how to start moving past your comfort zone and finding the right way to prompt referrals in a natural way. Steve also shares tips and systems that simplify the referral process, for both the business and the client, in order to keep referrals coming in endlessly.

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Key Quotes:

  • “Turn that into a situation where you’re actually injecting value into the relationship that actually triggers the referral.”
  • “83% of customers are willing to refer after a positive experience, yet only 29% actually do.”
  • “You take it from ‘hey can you bring someone in the door to be a patient?’ to ‘we’re on a mission to solve this particular problem for people, and I need your help on this mission.’ When you make it about enrolling them in the mission, all of a sudden you’re now aligned and they’re alongside you trying to help you.”
  • “When you take the work off of them, your results tend to increase.”
  • “You put yourself in the place of the patient and design a process that makes the whole experience easy for them.”
  • “Take a tool or a process and wrap some marketing around it, give it a name, and explain it. Not only do you end up with a more educated client or patient, but now when they’re out in public, they can talk about what you do.”

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