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Most dentists struggle to find and retain solid employees — someone hungry, humble, and smart. This often leads to the temptation to settle for underperformers and allow culture-cancers to impact the team negatively. But the possibility is that you can have a deliberate process that helps team members understand that part of their job is always getting better at their job, constantly growing, and continuously improving. 

This week’s theme is enhancing culture. In this episode, I discuss keeping underperforming employees from undermining your culture. So if you want to:

  • have a deliberate process that helps team members understand that part of their job is always to be getting better at their job;
  • know when to clarify, connect, coach, correct, and collide; and
  • understand what makes an employee a subtractor and what makes one a divider so that you can enhance your culture …

you need to tune in now!

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “Our job as owners is to make sure that everyone, a hundred percent of the team, is either onboard or we have to get them out of the way.”
  • “Let’s make sure that we’re moving further, faster in the direction that you really desire for your practice.”
  • “You as the owner really need to double down your focus and not only be a role model of that focus but also become great at refocusing the team.”
  • “Praise and constructive criticism only work well in the presence of clear expectations.”
  • “Don’t assume that there is clarity. Verify, verify, verify.”
  • “It’s important that everyone on the team check their ego at the door and understand that once they clock in, their job is to take care of one another and the patients.”
  • “In times of uncertainty, communication should be more abundant.”
  • “All of your team members should feel like you’re betting on their success all of the time that they’re working for you. And then make sure they believe that they can pull this off.”

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