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“The day firing becomes easy is the day to fire yourself.” — Tom Peters

Kid you not — firing someone is never easy. It’s not only the investment in training, tools, and all things to help them grow, but more importantly, the emotional investment not just by you but by the whole team. And if letting go of your people becomes frequent, it makes you question your hiring process, the work culture, and even yourself. There’s nothing worse than having to fire someone. It’s agonizing but necessary, especially if it’s already ill-affecting the workplace. So the question is, what’s the nicest way to let go of an employee?

In this episode, I will share TIPS (not legal advice) on how to fire someone in the nicest way possible. Like I mentioned a few podcasts back, your goal is to provide your employees with all the training, tools, and support needed to prepare them for their future employment. You can’t keep them forever. The best compensation you can give your employees is to contribute to their employability.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.


Key Quotes:

  • If you get the culture right, it becomes an immune system.
  • Firing gets easier, but it’s never easy because we care about these people. Essentially, hiring them is betting on their success.
  • Sometimes people slip through the cracks. You hired right, you onboarded them right, you gave them all the tools and the training to succeed, and they’re just not a fit — either culture-wise, productivity-wise, or both.
  • There are some people in our organizations that aren’t going to be productive; they’re not going to be culture fits or a combination of them.
  • In today’s day and age, you need some litigation protection support, and it’s a good idea to consult an attorney before you fire somebody.
  • If you’re going to terminate somebody, it should not surprise them or the other team members.
  • Your number one job is to defend the mission and culture.
  • If anyone is underperforming for a lengthy amount of time, they are not comfortable at work; they are just there to get the money.
  • Even your best performer can go and turn on you.
  • If somebody is not contributing and is eroding the culture, then you must let the person go.

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