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Imagine this: A thriving dental practice built on trust, care, and expertise. Now add a twist – the complexities of dental insurance. In a world where patient needs should steer the ship, financial interests often end up dictating treatment choices. If you’re a dental practice owner, you’ve likely felt the tug of this intricate web that sometimes compromises the very core of dentistry.

We’re here to unravel the truths about dental insurance – the good, the bad, and the frustratingly perplexing. From shaping treatment decisions to nudging profit margins, these insurance dynamics have significantly influenced the dental landscape.

In this episode, I discuss you deciding if being in network is benefiting your patients and moving you toward your vision.

  • So if you want to stop playing PPOs’ stupid games…
  • If you want to take more time off and enjoy more cash flow…
  • If you want to serve your patients in an elite way and unstress your team…

Tune in now!

Listen in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Attention single-location dental practice owners who want to build a high-performance team so that you can take more time off while enjoying elevating profits: Learn about Dental Practice 3.0 and the new Dentists Ascend Mastermind

Key Quotes:

  • “What started out as well-meaning and a noble endeavor… has evolved into complexity, frustration, and a fractured relationship between dentists, their dental patients, and these dental insurance companies.”
  • “Bullies pick on the weak… if I didn’t stand up to this audit, they’d keep playing these dumb games with me and with my practice and keep screwing with my livelihood.”
  • “Exclusion clauses dictate limitations of policy… it creates a complex landscape for us to maneuver and explain to patients and it influenced treatment plans and financial arrangements for those who are covered.”
  • “There’s a myriad of policies, all sorts of claims, all sorts of reimbursement procedures… it affects the quality of patient care because our attention is diverted from what our primary focus should be.”
  • “Dental insurance falls short… in catastrophic situations, unexpected situations, this is where dental insurance falls short.”

Featured on the Show:

  • Show: Untold: Johnny Football, a Netflix documentary that took a significant look into the career and life of former Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel.
  • Show: John Mulaney, Baby J, is a 2023 Netflix-released stand-up comedy film written by and starring John Mulaney.
  • I appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you learned and loved here: [email protected].


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