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The human individual thus lives usually far within his limits; he possesses powers of various sorts which he habitually fails to use. — William James

Did you do your best? At a glance, it’s a simple question that seems answerable by a “yes” or a “no.” Yet, if you ponder deeply, and once the complexities come into play, it can either boost your confidence or highlight your insecurities resulting in purposeless action and inferior habits.

In this episode, I’ll talk about why you need to break the habit of inferiority and recognize and integrate your wins so that you can compound your successes to generate your best year yet In 2022. If you want to know the questions you should ask yourself every night, just stay tuned.

Tune in and find solutions to common practice issues at  Prescriptions for Your Practice.

Key Quotes:

  • “The problem is that many of us as practice owners want to have high achievement. Well, we haven’t effectively built a skill stack and a habit stack that drives that level of performance.”
  • “I believe at the core of everything we do and practice ownership, whether it be connecting to a highly anxious patient, leading team marketing, case acceptance, all of these elements, even your own belief systems and the upper limit problems you have, are all psychology based.”
  • “Think about moving away from the habit of inferiority and towards a habit of excellence.”
  • “Ambitious dental practice owners can set up habit-based systems that make their growth and success inevitable. So we don’t have to work so hard and be so gritty.”
  • “If we understand that our days are influenced by sleep, we can understand that a great day starts the night before.”
  • “We aren’t good about celebrating wins. We beat ourselves up when we don’t meet the standard. And it’s really important that we intentionally change that dialogue with ourselves.”

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