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Quotes & Notes:Sandy Pardue: Increasing Your Case Acceptance (  Part 1) - RD Podcast

  • Well first off, it’s (case acceptance) is averaging about 35 percent and that’s really low. A lot of times what we see is that practices are not telling patients what they need, or they’re going to the opposite and going too far into what the ideal treatment plan is.
  • That’s one thing that we really stress to dentists, as well as team members, is you have to tell the patient what they need and what will happen if they don’t get it.

Get out there, utilize the tools like Facebook, you’ve got 1 billion people of Facebook, I mean what a great way to promote your practice and what you can do for your patients.

  • Your most skilled person should be the face of your practice to the person on the phone or the person walking in the door.
  • Back when I worked in a practice at the front desk I used to record all of my calls for that was the best practice.
  • You want to make sure your office is clean, and here is what I want you to do; go sit in your own reception room and look around… You want people to be comfortable.
  • I don’t think you should go so far into that new patient call that they get uncomfortable, but you need enough information.
  • You have to find out what is real for the patient, why do they come there? Maybe it is one little tooth that is bothering them. Listen to what motivated them to get there.
  • The top three patient objections are always going to be un-aware need. They don’t understand that their condition will get worse, it will cost more, and it will not go away. Another objection they will have is fear, and they will not tell you they are afraid. And then the other is a financial problem.
  • After you have presented this you want to ask them this one last question; “Have I answered all of your questions?

If you would like to learn more from Sandy Pardue then you can stay tuned for next week’s episode when we will get into the next five.

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