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Quotes & Notes:A non-conformist's view on growing a dental practice with Jeff Gladnick

  • I do think it is a trend [of digital marketing] that will continue and I do think it is a national trend.
  •  If you really want to do it right, you really should track it.
  • It’s useful to have a website so your patients can download forms so that they can have a very easy way to contact you. People have an expectation you will have a website or some way to contact you.
  • Websites are kind of viewed as a piece of technology and a bar of professionalism. It’s like you hand print your business cards on your home printer. You could have a state of the art office, everything could be beautiful, but you cheap out on the business cards.

Take a smartphone, and bring up your office’s website. It should at least function. You should be able to navigate the site and click links. If you have flash you need to change that ASAP.

  • All the sites we make are responsive, which means they will adapt to a smaller screen. If you want to impress them or convert someone who is doing research, you want to update to something that is responsive.
  • Anything that you can promote that will positively impact the impression of the practice [should be put on social media].
  • There are two kinds of ways that your practice will appear on google search results and one of them is the local results. Part of the algorithm is the number of reviews and the quality of reviews that you have.
  • One thing we want them [clients] to do is have a video for every single service or procedure that they provide. And what we want them to tell patients is what is their unique training for this? What are the special materials they use?
  • The other two bits of content that we’ll twist our clients’ arms is a little bit are pictures and copywriting.

If you would like to learn more from Jeff Gladnick, you can go to, call his company with (415) 814-0078, or email him at [email protected]. You can also find him on Dental Town.

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